Rudy Meows Constantly To Lay On Balcony


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 7, 2017
Rudy is our only child that we love very very much! I believe I spoiled him into being a brat who knows mom will give in if he "cries". With that said, spring and summer is the worst around here because Rudy will meow to go out on his harness or lay on the balcony that I screened in for him. The problem is, is that we cannot relax at home with out his constant meowing, and every move we make, he thinks we're going to let him out. I come home everyday from work and I let him have 30 minutes with me on the balcony as I won't leave him out alone. He bites me when I try to bring him in. And after 10 minutes after being inside, he will meow constantly again, even into the night, and starts at 5am(I love sleeping with him but I've had to lock him out of the bedroom lately) I want him to enjoy himself,and wish cats understood how to be reasonable. We have to lock ourselves in another room to get away from him sometimes. When he's on his rant, he isn't interested in playing or catnip. Hes neutered and just paces and meows the longest loud meows. :( he also hates other cats, so getting him a friend would result in him stalking and attacking them. Thank you for your help. I hope you don't think I'm a bad momma cat.


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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
Poor little guy!
Look at that squirrel out there!!

One thing I recommend is to structure the timing of when you let him go out there, and stick to that schedule. However, it sounds like you are already doing that (doing so when you come home from work each day), so I am not sure what to add. Maybe other TCS members have a lot more input for you!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
What about getting a large metal dog kennel for him to place on the balcony? That would allow him to be out longer but be safe without you there.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 28, 2015
that is persistent! You have either got to make that balcony safe or break the whining. But to break the meowing, you might have to take away the balcony time for a while.

Cats don't continue what doesn't work. If he is meowing for that long he believes THAT is what gets him out, not the schedule.

When I took Sam in, after a few weeks he began to bite me for food. I broke that by not only firmly rebuking him, but by refusing to feed him for one hour until the last time he tried that. One time he bit my leg while I had the food in my hand. I picked him up, got him eye level with me with a firm "No!" and continued to hold him while I made him watch me out the food back in the bag and back in the pantry, placed him by his still empty food bowl, left the room and closed the door. I let him out after ten mins, but I still waited the full hour to feed him. After two weeks, he got the idea and hasn't tried THAT particular method of demanding since. He might meow, he might constantly get in my way, but he learned biting got the exact opposite of what he wanted, so he stopped.