Rocky likes to hump my bathrobe


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 22, 2015
California Bay Area

Rocky is about 18 months old. He was neutered when he was about 5 or 6 months old. He'd just discovered that he was a boy. Every once in a blue moon he'll try to hump Oops (who basically just ignores him until he goes away) but he loves  my bathrobe.

Hard to blame him. I love it too. It's very soft, sort of a silky plush. He'll sidle up to me while I'm sitting on the sofa and start kneading the trailing edge of it with a dreamy expression on his face. Eyes half closed, blissfully glazed over. You can practically hear the Barry White start playing. 

Eventually, he gets so involved that his hind feet start kneading and then he *ahem* has his way with the thing and goes off to take a nap. He doesn't spray or anything, and I can't bring myself to scold him or send him packing when he's so deleriously happy. But it's rather weird.

Anyone have a neutered male that does this? Should I discourage him? And do they grow out of it? Rocky is my first. 

Obligatory pic because he's so cute.

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 8, 2015
HAHAHA, Mr. Squiggles does the same thing. The vet said that some cats are just really excited by certain textures. I started moving Squee off of my lap when he'd do it, and eventually he mostly got over it. Mostly. 


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Artie started humping a fleece throw when it was on my lap...

I did not know what to do..

My regular Vet said to let him be...(yes he was neutered as a kitten)

When we started seeing the Internist, I asked her. She told me to definitely stop him from doing it.

So I decided to try stopping him. 

When Artie started with his deliberate kneading,

I started telling him:, "NO Willie!" 

Surprisingly, he knew exactly what I was saying....

He was not happy at all; but he knew what I was referring to. When I said, "No Willie", he got mad and jumped down and walked away. 

After several months of doing this, He has been trained. 

Artie is allowed to knead while on my lap, but when his back leg start moving, I tell him, "No" and he stops....does not jump off now.