Riddle just won't quit!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 1, 2014
Hello, I'm new to this site but I wanted some feedback. I have a two year old male kitty named Riddle who keeps jumping on/tearing my roommate's lizard cage. She has an iguana and he lives in this wooden cage maybe four feet tall. It only has one plastic side and the rest is chicken wire I believe. Riddle is constantly scratching at it and jumping onto the top. The problem is, he's ripped a big hole into the wire as well as ripped the wire on the top of the cage. I suggested my roommate maybe moving her lizard from the living room into her bedroom where he's not allowed but she refuses. I've tried to spray him with water, make loud noises at him, everything. He knows he's not supposed to be up there, or anywhere near the cage and will run away whenever someone sees him and comes toward him. I've never had a problem like this in the year and half I've owned him. Is it because he used to be an outside cat and now has to be confined to our apartment? Or maybe he's bored/lonely considering up until I moved here he always had another cat around him? Any help is really appreciated, I know my roommate is getting really fed up and I would never give him away. I'm at wits end!


TCS Member
Mar 14, 2014
I had this same problem with my cat getting on the counter. He would run like hell when I walked in the kitchen, knowing he was breaking the rules.
It's possible your cat wants the iguana, as they have a natural killer instinct.
Sadly, I really don't think there's much you can do. You could try a pheromone collar, but I really don't think it will improve this problem. You're roommate can't get fed up if she refuses to help the problem. Obviously the cage needs to be in her room. Otherwise, there is little to nothin that can be done. I bet it's a big tease to your cat.
Having to smell and watch natural prey in his home. When my cats do something they aren't suppose to & I catch them in the process, they go into a kennel for about 20 minutes. Shockingly, I've had good luck with this.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 19, 2014
Orange County, NY
He probably just can't resist trying to get at the lizard. We had this problem with fish and parakeets and hamsters, and we ended up having to put the fishbowls or cages in a room the cats weren't allowed in when we weren't there to watch. In the case of the hamsters, we got a better cage that the cats couldn't tear apart or open. Good luck!!


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
How long have you and Riddle lived with the room mate and iguana?  Who was there first; iguana or cat?  

It sounds to me like this is an area where compromise will be needed.  I do think a sturdier cage is a good idea.  If he is following a prey instinct; or just a curiosity one, he will keep trying.  That's hard to break.  I do think the lizard being in it's own room is the best option; but a sturdier cage is a good second.  Keep working with him to establish that as a no-no area (I'm not really sure what things you could use to deter him that won't bother the lizard) but hopefully you can help your room mate see that this is not ALL on you to solve.  
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 1, 2014
Well, we all moved in together the same day!

I will try suggesting we upgrade his cage and see what she says, but I know she won't want to put a whole bunch of money into the process. The thing is, we've had the iguana out, in front of his face, and he did absolutely nothing. The only thing about Sinbad that really caught his attention was his long tail. But as soon as he's back in his cage, Riddle can't seem to leave him alone and is constantly scratching at it. And she'll constantly text me and be like, "Your cat is pissing me off," or "He's being an asshole." 

But whenever I tried to suggest a solution she shot me down. She has PLENTY of room in her room to put him, she just doesn't want to because of reasons I don't know. And ahh, I am just upset she's always mad about it and I can't do anything unless she compromises as well >.< I keep him in my room the majority of the time.


TCS Veteran
Aug 13, 2013
Southeastern USA
I could be wrong; but, it almost sounds like Riddle wants the lizard out of the cage to play with (as a playmate not as prey) especially since he's fairly non-reactive when the lizard is out.

If Riddle is use to being outside and having other playmates, it's quite possible he IS bored. What types of toys does he have? Does he have a tall cat tree to climb? Do you have play sessions with him daily?