Returning To Work/timid Cat


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 15, 2015
I will be returning to full time work next week (after not working for six years) and am worried about my cat. She's about 7 years old and was a stray here before I got her to come in. BW and I have been the only two in this house for those 6 years. She is very attached (as am I ) and I am worried about suddenly leaving her alone for so long. She is extremely timid and shy and runs under the couch at the first sound of any noise she doesn't know or if a person comes to the door. If I leave for a couple of hours I come back to find her hiding under the couch and the signs are that she hasn't left her spot. I leave her plenty of toys - which she doesn't play with, food, etc. None of which are touched. She doesn't even use the litter box. I've tried to have several people cat sit but she runs out the door at the first chance and won't come back in until I get home. The last time it took me two hours to get her back in the house. I've read through other posts and it says that their cats sleep most of the day but mine doesn't. She is awake up until about 1:00 pm and then she sleeps until dinner time around 5:30 or so. I've got her accustomed to sleeping at night with me. Is it ok for her to hide under the couch for 9 hours until I get home? I tried to bring in another cat and she wasn't having any of that. She let me know she wasn't happy about the situation. Sorry this is so long but I want to do what I can before I go to work. I know some of this is just wait and see but she's so anxious sometimes I don't want to contribute additional stress!


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hello C clw01 , when you are out, the cat will be resting and sleeping most of the time. It's perfectly normal. As an adult cat, she dosen't use the litter box very often and as long as you find around 3 clumps a day will be fine.

It's ok for her to hide as she is still in her own familiar place. As long as she dosen't escape and run out of the house like the other time.

Does she has a window to look out? That'll occupy her for awhile but she'll be sleeping most of the time. What you can do for now till you start work is to get out of the house and stay out longer than usual and let her get use to your absence. So by then, though a little short, she could have gotten the idea that you'll be gone longer but will still come home. Once home, give her lots of hugs and kisses.

So, don't worry too much and have peace in your heart and mind, otherwise it'll affect your work :wink:


TCS Member
Jun 16, 2017
Northern Michagan
If you can, try going away every day somewhere, even if it is just in a different room than her. Hopefully she will adapt and be cool with you going to work. Give her some extra attention when you get home so she knows you aren't permanently gone.

Also! Keep giving her the opportunity to play with the toys, use the litter box*, and eat*!
*Although that is sort of given I thought I might suggest it. I mean, why not?

Good luck!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 15, 2015
Thanks for the replies! I'll start leaving her more to get her acclimated. I want to buy her a tree for the living room but just can't afford it right now. I created one out of boxes but she didn't get into it - what cat doesn't like boxes! :) I do have a good set up in the bedroom where she stays. I've thought about getting a camera to see where she goes and if my thoughts are really what is happening. She may be out doing things and think she isn't. I think there might be a touch of separation anxiety on my part. It will work out in the end. Just need to adjust. :)