Resident Cats, Foster Cats And New Kitten Not Getting Along.


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 26, 2017
Things are going well! Have 4 kitties. 2 fosters, 1 of which was already adopted but not picked up yet.

I had to take tuxie to his first vet appointment today. Trying to get him in the carrier was horrible. He kept getting away so i had to manhandle him to get him inside. And the look he was giving me was horrible. A mix of betrayal, hurt, fear, and heartbreak. He did give me a slow blink so I’m hoping he’ll be quick to forgive me. I still feel awful and conflicted because taking him to the vet for a checkup is to help him but he HATES it clearly.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Things are going well! Have 4 kitties. 2 fosters, 1 of which was already adopted but not picked up yet.

I had to take tuxie to his first vet appointment today. Trying to get him in the carrier was horrible. He kept getting away so i had to manhandle him to get him inside. And the look he was giving me was horrible. A mix of betrayal, hurt, fear, and heartbreak. He did give me a slow blink so I’m hoping he’ll be quick to forgive me. I still feel awful and conflicted because taking him to the vet for a checkup is to help him but he HATES it clearly.

You said it! No one likes going to the doctor -- for good reason! But he's giving you the slow blink, which is his way of conveying that he loves you, too! He may be disappointed, but he doesn't blame you.
Glad to hear from you and that's great that you're fostering, too! Keep us informed, won't you? :yess:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Hi. Thanks for the update. Which cat got adopted, Mandy or Bruce? Aww, Tuxie does look mad. He's not even doing his cute meow purr. I'm sure he'll forgive you though.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 16, 2017
I had to take tuxie to his first vet appointment today. Trying to get him in the carrier was horrible. He kept getting away so i had to manhandle him to get him inside. And the look he was giving me was horrible. A mix of betrayal, hurt, fear, and heartbreak. He did give me a slow blink so I’m hoping he’ll be quick to forgive me. I still feel awful and conflicted because taking him to the vet for a checkup is to help him but he HATES it clearly.
To get over carrier apprehension, this is what worked for my boys: I used to leave their carriers out all the time, with the doors open. At first, when they went near it, they would get a treat. When they were comfortable near it, I would toss treats inside. As they turned around to come out I would toss another treat in. When they were good with that I would toss a treat in and then close the door behind them and feed them a treat through the door. Now we're at the point that if I set the carriers on the floor, both boys run into them and then look up at me for treats. :D

I'm sorry it was such a difficult experience for Tuxie, but I'm sure you're already forgiven. He doesn't seem like a cat that holds too much of a grudge! Hope the vet appointment went well.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 26, 2017
So i respected his space yesterday. Even fed him inside his hidey hole. Last night at 11PM he came into my room meowing loudly which was his way of saying “we’re good. Also now it’s playtime.” So i played with them for 15 minutes before going back to bed.

They’re now napping with me and are at the foot of my bed.

I’ll try those carrier tips for next time.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I guess Mandy was the one that got adopted right? Because that looks like Bruce in the photo. I think.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
So i respected his space yesterday. Even fed him inside his hidey hole. Last night at 11PM he came into my room meowing loudly which was his way of saying “we’re good. Also now it’s playtime.” So i played with them for 15 minutes before going back to bed.

They’re now napping with me and are at the foot of my bed.

I’ll try those carrier tips for next time.
So it's all good, right? :yess:
Love that catpile pic! :cloud9:
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 26, 2017
So I'm really at a loss with Mandy and Bruce (my two fosters) whether they're playing or Mandy is getting attacked. The thing is, it's loud but she keeps coming back for more and instigating. What do you all think?

In chronological order for the past hour:

Bruce wants to play. Mandy screams

A few minutes later

Then a few minutes ago, Mandy flirtatiously says "let's play!"



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
So I'm really at a loss with Mandy and Bruce (my two fosters) whether they're playing or Mandy is getting attacked. The thing is, it's loud but she keeps coming back for more and instigating. What do you all think?

In chronological order for the past hour:

Bruce wants to play. Mandy screams

A few minutes later

Then a few minutes ago, Mandy flirtatiously says "let's play!"

Well, she's noisy all right, but it looks so far, from your videos, like they're more playful than not. :yess::clapcat:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 2, 2016
I I_Wuv_Kitties , so good to hear things are going well! Keep us apprised of your progress, or not, we're here to help!

And, so wonderful to hear you're fostering! Independence (with cats) is the best medicine, I have found, over 40 years of trying to maintain it. Here and there, I've held cats in my "cathouse" for people down on their luck so they can get a new place that will accept them, then given them back. The love in everyone's eyes makes it well worth it. Cat food and litter are cheap, but love is priceless. (All I ask is they someday do the same for someone else, if they can.)

Maybe start a thread in the behavior section about your fosters' behaviors? For what it's worth, I concur with those who say they're more playful than malevolent. Cats always fuss among themselves. When it's war, you'll know it. The sustained screams, etc. Even then, cats don't usually make war like, say, pit bull dogs sometimes do.

Only once did I have a cat who turned out to be a "Warrior Princess" who made life miserable for some of my other cats. (I re-homed her to a lady with some dogs, and they get on well.)
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1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Just checking in to say hi and I've been thinking about you all. Hope all is well with you and your beloved cats!
I read this thread a few weeks ago on a snow day and clicked "watch thread", and it's the only time I've done so on TCS because I feel this is a very good journalistic-type post on the part of the original poster. And I *do* mean that sincerely.
I was pretty amazed at the progress made by the poster in question over the course of the thread. And I was equally amazed at their courage at moving out on their own, their courage in fostering and caring for those that are otherwise "unwanted" and their ability to take heart in all this.
Hopefully things are going well for the original poster and I do admire them for what they've overcome and the life they've made for themselves.
If set backs have happened, that's life and that's why sometimes adult-ing sucks. Been there =(
I can't say anything bad about the posters parents, as I know parents aren't always perfect despite our (the adult children's) views and wishes that they were. I'm hopeful that the person who started this thread was able to grow into the responsible adult they portrayed themselves as while maintaining a good relationship with their parents and maybe--hopefully!--they understand their "kid" is now an adult and is doing the world some good.
A most sincere Cheers and well wishes to the OP. Check in when you can. :hellosmiley:
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 26, 2017
Howdy guys! Things are going well.

My landlord is awesome. He "gets it." Because the reason why he moved out was to get a dog.

I have 6 cameras installed. 5 indoors specifically to capture cute moments with my kitties and 1 outdoors to watch the outdoor kitties I am trying to trap (no luck so far).

I am so unbelievably happy when I am home with my cats. But that can be a detriment. I've gotten in hot water at work (government software developer) because I keep using leave to come home early to see my kitties. I've been really unhappy at work but luckily that is changing soon, I'm starting a new position soon where I am really wanted. The manager reached out to me based on a knowledgebase article I wrote about mobile networks and said "you seem really knowledgeable about this topic. We work with this technology. You should apply for our vacancy." My current manager inherited me and only reached out to meet me after 2 months of hearing bad things about me from my team lead. In her defense she has an impossible situation with 140 people to manage but still I have not been able to undo that bad first impression.

My 4 kitties are Tuxie, Oscar, Mandy, and Bruce. Mandy and Bruce are my fosters. Bruce is going home next week. He's a big bossy kitty and fits his namesake well. He gets along well with Tuxie and Oscar but he and Mandy fight because Bruce is very dominant and Mandy is very independent. In his defense, she DOES instigate sometimes.

Today I am picking up my 3rd kitty, a purebred Savannah F5. I have been conflicted about this. On one end, I think there are too many unspayed and unneutered kitties. But on another end, You generally know what you are getting with a purebred if you have their pedigree. I have 2 FIV cats and already it's become a bit financially painful. I had to take Oscar to the emergency vet for a severe URI and that was not cheap. I want a third kitty but I also want a healthy third kitty. Because the more I spend on care, the longer it will take me to complete my life goal of retiring and opening an animal sanctuary. Based on the shelter work I do and the 2 kitties I've rescued already, along with my 2 fosters, I feel like it's morally okay for me to get 1 purebred.

His name is Red and he's 11 weeks old. The deciding factor for me is how playful he is and how energetic he is. Tuxie LOVES to play too, but he will still be wanting to play when Bruce or Oscar collapse from exhaustion. Then he paces back and forth and mopes :( So I want to get someone Tuxie can play with until he's worn out

Tuxie is still my heart and soul. He can be skittish sometimes but I've started putting this solution in his water. Dr King's anxiety or something? it's $15 on amazon and works wonders for his anxiety. He really is like a cat version of me. I have anxiety too and take something for it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Howdy guys! Things are going well.

My landlord is awesome. He "gets it." Because the reason why he moved out was to get a dog.

I have 6 cameras installed. 5 indoors specifically to capture cute moments with my kitties and 1 outdoors to watch the outdoor kitties I am trying to trap (no luck so far).

I am so unbelievably happy when I am home with my cats. But that can be a detriment. I've gotten in hot water at work (government software developer) because I keep using leave to come home early to see my kitties. I've been really unhappy at work but luckily that is changing soon, I'm starting a new position soon where I am really wanted. The manager reached out to me based on a knowledgebase article I wrote about mobile networks and said "you seem really knowledgeable about this topic. We work with this technology. You should apply for our vacancy." My current manager inherited me and only reached out to meet me after 2 months of hearing bad things about me from my team lead. In her defense she has an impossible situation with 140 people to manage but still I have not been able to undo that bad first impression.

My 4 kitties are Tuxie, Oscar, Mandy, and Bruce. Mandy and Bruce are my fosters. Bruce is going home next week. He's a big bossy kitty and fits his namesake well. He gets along well with Tuxie and Oscar but he and Mandy fight because Bruce is very dominant and Mandy is very independent. In his defense, she DOES instigate sometimes.

Today I am picking up my 3rd kitty, a purebred Savannah F5. I have been conflicted about this. On one end, I think there are too many unspayed and unneutered kitties. But on another end, You generally know what you are getting with a purebred if you have their pedigree. I have 2 FIV cats and already it's become a bit financially painful. I had to take Oscar to the emergency vet for a severe URI and that was not cheap. I want a third kitty but I also want a healthy third kitty. Because the more I spend on care, the longer it will take me to complete my life goal of retiring and opening an animal sanctuary. Based on the shelter work I do and the 2 kitties I've rescued already, along with my 2 fosters, I feel like it's morally okay for me to get 1 purebred.

His name is Red and he's 11 weeks old. The deciding factor for me is how playful he is and how energetic he is. Tuxie LOVES to play too, but he will still be wanting to play when Bruce or Oscar collapse from exhaustion. Then he paces back and forth and mopes :( So I want to get someone Tuxie can play with until he's worn out

Tuxie is still my heart and soul. He can be skittish sometimes but I've started putting this solution in his water. Dr King's anxiety or something? it's $15 on amazon and works wonders for his anxiety. He really is like a cat version of me. I have anxiety too and take something for it.
Thanks for checking in with an update. So you're a pretty brilliant guy in addition to being a really caring guy. :petcat:Hope you get the new job soon and that it's a great fit for you. Sounds like you're not appreciated enough in your present position.
Poor Oscar! Hope he is feeling much better now.
You undoubtedly know that Savannahs are uber-high energy cats?! and a KITTEN?!! Wow. I just hope that works out okay with the rest of your feline fams. Yeah, he won't disappoint when it comes to energy.
That's great that you found a good natural aid for Tuxie's anxiety! I have that, too and I've just dealt with it naturally for awhile -- I was on meds but not now and not again. It's like spending life in a drugged haze and I'd rather just deal with the anxiety than that. Cats help a LOT, IMHO!
HAGW and TYSM for the report!:clapcat:

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Thank you so much for the update!!!! Keep 'em coming!

You'll probably have a great deal of fun with the Savannah. My experience with Savannah's are limited, but they're busy, busy, SMART, active, fun, oh and they're busy, too =) They're kind of like a Bengal on crack, or (for dog people) owning an elderly, overweight 3 legged Basset Hound and then deciding you really want a working bred Border Collie or Belgian Malinois. It can be a shock to the system depending on the individual but I think you'll do really, really well, and it sounds like an ideal playmate for Tuxie when the others are done and he still wants to romp.
I think it's really cool how much you take their emotions and feelings into consideration whenever you bring in a new kid.
I understand your hesitation at leaving your kitties alone all day. Do you know of a cat loving friend nearby that would be willing to check in on them during your work day, and shoot you a quick text or picture? Sometimes this can ease our concerns.
My own anxiety will get me occasionally and it's not so much worry as it is feeling guilty that they are left home alone. Having someone willing to pop in on them and give them all a treat or make sure everyone is acting OK helps me a LOT if I'm away from the house for awhile.
Bruce DOES sound like he lives up to his name. Bruce's are usually a very "in your face", bossy type! ;)

On the play situation, one of our girls yells and makes indignant "MEEEEEEHP!" noises when she's playing, and it can be concerning, but it's all mouth and her play style. The fact that Mandy keeps coming back shows (IMO) that she's at least interested and is finding this fun, but sometimes they like to pretend they're not having fun because their reputation might be messed up :lol:

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Also I'll add...
I think it was Margret who said once that we worry when we're away, but we forget our cats best hobbies are sleeping!!!
When it comes to tech stuff, I suck and am still kind of wow'ed by stuff like the Etch-E-Sketch and the NES Gameboy but if you have cameras installed can you somehow link those to your phone or a personal (only known to you) website, so you can check on your cats at work via the "webcam" set up? You might be surprised at how much they're just sleeping or chilling, so you can check in during the day without leaving work due to worries.
(Again I have no idea if this is even a possibility or a "thing" but you seem techno-advanced enough to find out of this is do-able and to make it happen if it is.)'ve come a long, long way as far as independence and self reliance and emotional stability/maturity since your very first post on this thread. If you were my kid, I would be proud and totally stoked at the person you are/have become.:rock:
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  • #20


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Apr 26, 2017
Also I'll add...
I think it was Margret who said once that we worry when we're away, but we forget our cats best hobbies are sleeping!!!
When it comes to tech stuff, I suck and am still kind of wow'ed by stuff like the Etch-E-Sketch and the NES Gameboy but if you have cameras installed can you somehow link those to your phone or a personal (only known to you) website, so you can check on your cats at work via the "webcam" set up? You might be surprised at how much they're just sleeping or chilling, so you can check in during the day without leaving work due to worries.
(Again I have no idea if this is even a possibility or a "thing" but you seem techno-advanced enough to find out of this is do-able and to make it happen if it is.)'ve come a long, long way as far as independence and self reliance and emotional stability/maturity since your very first post on this thread. If you were my kid, I would be proud and totally stoked at the person you are/have become.:rock:
Yeah I thought I mentioned this but I have 6 Nest cameras. 1 that is outdoors but 5 that are setup around my condo specifically for watching my cats. Each has a 5 day history so I can go back. They literally just sleep all day.

Some of the videos I posted were from the camera.