Rescued Feral Kitten On Friday


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 13, 2013
I rescued a feral kitten on Friday. Her mom and sibling had been living under the cars in the parking lot, and the kittens getting up into the panel under the car's floor board and into the engine compartment. I know of at least 2x the kittens went on a road trip, as a little over 2 weeks ago I found one of them in the parking lot right under where the car I was riding in parked to let me out. That one I got vet checked and sent to it's forever home, she looked to be 6 to 8 weeks old. A couple days after finding that one was when the mama cat and 2 kittens were first spotted, the shelter was called and last Wed came out and trapped mama cat and one of the babies. They were picked up Thurs morning, but never came back with another trap for the remaining baby. Friday they were called back up and claimed that they would not be back out till Sunday to try and catch the remaining kitten. I spotted her in the bushes and managed to keep her calm, then grabbed her. She's been living in my bathroom since.

She looks to be around 8 weeks old, maybe a week or two older. She was a bit dirty from living in the cars and being on her own, but her eyes and nose are clear with no discharge. After spending the most time I've ever spent sitting or laying on my bathroom floor she's warmed up to me and now views me as her jungle gym. and when tired will lay on me to nap.

I do have questions on how to proceed from here. I cannot keep her, I simply do not have the money to take her to the vet should she need emergency vet care, as it is I can't take her to the vet for another 2 weeks unless it's an emergency as I've used up any extra money I had on the other kitten and my dog's yearly vet check. I'm a bit worried about how much she's peeing. Between 12 AM last night and 10 AM this morning she peed 4 times, is that normal? I only feed her canned Friskies, Pate' food, and I do add a teaspoon of water to one of the feedings to make sure she stays hydrated since she's not drinking water. What's the best way to start introducing her to new people? Her sister was tamer and I just took her with me when I went out and would let people look at her and pet her, she was fine with it. This little girl hisses and shy's away from me if she doesn't recognize me, I know she'd be worse with a new person.

Thanks to all who can help! Here's some pictures of her, first one is from Friday, and the last is from last night



Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
With that young of a feral, I’d just ignore the hissing and take her with me if that is an option. As someone once told me, kisses for hisses with kittens. It’s when they get a little older that they need a gentle approach. But that she’s adapted so quickly to you makes me think she will adapt well to other people once she realizes that nothing happens when she hisses.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 13, 2013
I ended up calling my vet about how much she's peeing, he says it may be behavioral or it may be the beginning of a UTI. He said to give it a few days and see if it clears up if not I can drop her off there and he'll check her out.

I put up the baby gate across the bathroom door so that she could see out for a little while and so that my dog and her could be introduced. She was fine until my brat of a dog decided she got too close and growled and jumped towards the gate. Looks like I need lots more high value treats, and a lot more time She'd likely come around before my dog. Still need to find a home for her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Is the shelter working to socialize the other kittens? Could they take this one too?

If they have a foster system, that might be best.

Thank you so much for helping!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Perhaps the shelter would spay her and give her the necessary vaccines if you adopt her. It’s worth asking. Thanks for taking her in!

Go slow with introductions between your dog and the kitten!
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 13, 2013
I don't know if the shelter works on socialization or not, but I doubt it. Last I heard they had adopted the kitten out, and if that's true then they simply put him in a cage and let him go. Hopefully he was like the one I got and not too bad to tame.

I have 2 places that I can take her to to get her spayed, wormed, and her rabies shot. Unfortunately that does not take care of long term vet care, or emergency vet care. I'm most concerned about emergency vet care. I'm on disability and already have a dog that cost a lot due to needing prescription allergy medicine, anti anxiety medicine, and in the past he's messed up his back, he's a walking vet bill. While I'd love to keep Dora, I just don't know how I'd afford it.

On a happier note, little Dora is doing very well. She's a happy little girl who is a furry playing machine. She loves to run, jump, climb, chew wires, pounce, stalk, throw litter everywhere, and snuggle. I rotate areas of the house between her and Zody the dog, and rotate spending time with each of them. I've got a high sided, xxl litter box coming tomorrow to help contain the litter so that will take care of that problem, and I also have wire covers coming to prevent her from chewing the wires. I'm spending a fortune on a kitten I do not want to keep LOL, but she's worth it.

Today I let her and Zody be in the same room, Zody with his harness and leash in case he decided to charge. They did well so I sat on the couch beside Dora who hissed a bit but settled down, and fed treats to Zody who was on the other side of me. They both decided to sleep until Zody went into the doggy protection program under the couch I"m guessing he heard thunder in the distance. So far so good! I'd not trust them alone together though and will continue to keep them separate when I"m not there to be right in between them with two eyes on them.

Here's some pictures of Dora from last night so y'all can see how sweet she is.



Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
If she’s healthy, she should not need vet care beyond her shots and spaying.

When do you plan to get her spayed?
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 13, 2013
I didn't purposely set out to get a kitten. I didn't want a kitten. I cannot afford 2 pets. I knew that my dog would not like a kitten. Yet here I am with a kitten. She and her family had been living under cars, with the kittens getting up into the undercarriage and engine compartment of them, I know of at least 2 car rides that she went on. The shelter came and trapped mom and her sibling but failed to get her, then we were informed that they would not be out till Monday despite having picked them up on Thursday. What could I do when I heard her meowing in the bushes Friday, leave her there? I managed to catch her, and that was 9 days ago.

She's doing well, she's tamed down wonderfully. She's a happy, healthy, kitten who just wants to play and be loved, yet I look at her and alternate between thinking your adorable, I love you, and wanting her out of my apartment as I worry about my stressed out dog, how in the heck can I afford vet care on 2 pets, what am I going to do if my dog never warms up to her and I cannot find her a forever home. She's turned my life upside down then stirred it, and I never wanted a kitten in the first place. Don't misunderstand, I LOVE cats, they are such amazing creatures, but I know when I cannot afford 2 pets and should not have 2. I feel like I'm in way over my head and am exhausted.

You know what's really sad? Dora, the kitten is really such an amazing little one, and I know it. If I didn't have my dog, or my dog got along with her it'd be great, but as it is I feel I'm short changing them both, and am killing myself in the process.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Where are you located - city and state?

I can help you find a no-kill rescue or shelter that will take her in and find a proper home for her.

There is no reason you should feel so badly if you cannot afford to keep the kitten permanently, but you did the right thing to rescue her!

rainbo rainbo
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 13, 2013
I'm located in E. Texas, I contacted the local rescue group in my town just asking for a courtesy listing for her but the lady who runs the rescue couldn't do it. She did put Dora on her FB wall but no luck there. I've also been in touch with a couple other groups in outlying towns, explaining that I can't keep her and need help. They can help with spaying, worming, and rabies, but can't take her in.

Today has gone a bit better then yesterday between Dora and Zody my dog, but Zody is hiding and I'm not sure if it's the weather (he's storm phobic and it's overcast) or he's extremely stressed about Dora. Dora is napping beside me, uh maybe I should say recharging.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 13, 2013
I'm in Nacogdoches, closest city to me that is fairly large is Tyler and it's nearly 2 hours away. Problem is I don't drive.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 13, 2013
O'Malley Alley Cats no longer rescues, they only do TNR now. Wendy's Misfits is willing to help with spaying and worming but cannot take her. Nac Foster Rescue is the one I asked to do a courtesy listing and they couldn't do that, the head of it did post her on her personal wall though. I've not yet contacted Diboll Alley Cats, but the head of the FB Lost and Found Pets From Lufkin & Nacogdoches say they should be able to help with a bit of vet care if nothing else. I've posted her on the Lost and Found page saying that she needed a home but no one offered to take her.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Thank you! I will begin looking for you. Do you plan to take anyone up on their offers for spay and worming and possible vaccines in the meantime?

I think you should. Getting that much done will help to re-home her! :)
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 13, 2013
Thanks so much for helping!

Unless I know the person well, and know how they take care of their pets, such as getting them spayed or neutered. I'll be getting her spayed before handing her over to anyone. The very last thing I need is someone getting her and allowing her to have kittens, some fool doing that to her mom is why I'm in this mess to begin with. Bad enough to abandon a cat, 100x worse to abandon an un spayed or neutered one. I'll also be getting her started on vet care, I'm just not sure if I'm going to do that at my vet or take up an offer of an organization to do it. It depends on if I can afford to do so. If I can swing it I'd rather not waste a rescues limited resources.