Red dots on cats lip?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 5, 2022
I was petting my cat and noticed that she had these little dots on their lip. They’re not bumpy and when I touched them she didn’t mind so they most likely don’t hurt, but does any one have any idea why they might be there?
here is a picture, ( it’s on the bottom lip, there’s about 4 small dots in a line,,)

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Looks to me that they line up with the places where her lower lip touches her teeth.

Probably normal or mostly normal. If they don't bleed or ooze and they don't hurt, leave them alone.

Call your vet if there are changes. You might even be able to e-mail that picture to your vet for a look-see.
Many vets will do this. Especially, now, because of COVID.

I do see a little bit of feline acne, there. It is fairly common. Leave it alone unless it gets infected. Call the vet if there are questions or problems. If you keep your cat's water and food bowls scrupulously clean and wash them with soap and hot water every day, the acne should go away by itself. If you switch to metal or ceramic food bowls, more's the better.

The only thing I see that's a teensy bit concerning is the teeth. See the pinkish borders around the roots of the teeth? That's probably a touch of inflammation from dental plaque building up. Those spots, on her lip, that you mention might have something to do with her dental plaque because of her teeth contacting the lip and spreading bacteria.

Can you start brushing her teeth? Will she let you? It would be good if you can.

The next time you see the vet, ask them to look at her teeth so you can decide if she could use a dental cleaning.

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
I agree with Caspers Human Caspers Human , those little dots on her lips are quite common but just keep an eye on them. You can help clear the acne by gently wiping the area with a clean damp cloth dipped in warm water but dont rub and dont attempt to remove the black spots, let it happen naturally. The red on her gum line looks like gingivitis that can be helped by cleaning her teeth as said in the above post. If she wont let you, start by putting some toothpaste suitable for cats such as CET, never use human toothpaste, onto a Q Tip and gently rub it along the gum line, even contact with her guns will help.