Rectal prolapse, another colopexy?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 30, 2022
I hope mods dont blend this post with older ones.(please)

Im extremely afraid and been dealing with this long enough.
My cat had a rectal prolapse in September, had a purse stitch that wasn't done properly then we switched vet, she was hospitalized for 4 days and got a colopexy done.

(January) She had diarrhea we solved switching to hypoallergenic diet ( had to run tests and switch vet do we found out it was allergy/intolerance)

She was so long with diarrhea the prolapse came back
Conservative treatment worked first, we did ultrasound to check the surgery stitches and it was all okay.

(Last week) Second time i saw her strain too much and it definitely prolapsed but as the second time it went back inmediately after pooping.
We been 1 week on corticoids, last 2 days were amazing since i didn't see her scooting or the tissue prolapsed.
We had a checkup today and it went well, no fever etc. Vet told me if she was going strong next week she was going to be discharged.
When we were coming back home ( i don't own a car so i use public transportation) she was meowing too much for her usual since shes used to her carrier by now.
She ended up pooping inside the carrier, i saw the tissue prolapse once again. I dont know if it was because i was extremely scared at the moment ( 20 minutes ago) but i saw it prolapse a lot more? Yet again it went inside on its own in seconds, i gotta mention its not a little this time it was a good finger protruding.
She even puked inside of her carrier and i honestly was about to poop myself too, it was extremely scary.

Shes sunbathing rn, i wipped her down cleaned the mess and her bottom looks okay.

Which leads me to the question , if she had a colopexy already, will she need another one to fix this current one?. My vet keeps saying the stitches still doing its job, and that the fact that it goes back inside in matter of a minute/ seconds its good.
But i keep feeling like we go further 2 steps and 3 steps back.

As i said im extremely scared, will this prolapse happen bc she wasn't able to squat in the carrier? I was so happy i didn't see it prolapse the past 2 days and now this


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I know that if a colopexy is considered to have been unsuccessful they can be redone. However, in the case of your cat, I think that only your vet can discuss that with you. The prolapsed material does go back inside; you vet is probably trying to avoid another surgery for your cat if possible, which is good in the long run. The procedure was done six months ago? She has basically been okay except for a couple of incidents since then? Can you call the vet and have a talk? It seems as if you have questions which might be manageable over the phone at first. You have already paid for a lot of care for your cat and it stresses her out to go in, so ask for a phone consultation, even if you pay a fee for it.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 30, 2022
I know that if a colopexy is considered to have been unsuccessful they can be redone. However, in the case of your cat, I think that only your vet can discuss that with you. The prolapsed material does go back inside; you vet is probably trying to avoid another surgery for your cat if possible, which is good in the long run. The procedure was done six months ago? She has basically been okay except for a couple of incidents since then? Can you call the vet and have a talk? It seems as if you have questions which might be manageable over the phone at first. You have already paid for a lot of care for your cat and it stresses her out to go in, so ask for a phone consultation, even if you pay a fee for it.
Im certain they do trying to avoid surgery, but today i was so scared and on the verge of a panic attack on the bus back home.

The surgery was done in September so yes
Last week monday - friday it prolapsed when she pooped. It didnt on Saturday and Sunday.

So in a sense it was successful but for a couple of months. It isn't like the first time where the tissue was out for hours before it going back in, but it still stresses me out seeing her with discomfort.
Calling the vet and trying to get indications over the phone hasn't been successful in past times. I will have to go over this week and talk to him Monday again
Unfortunately yes ive paid 2 minimum wages on that clinic treating her and it still a problem. I really have no words to express how miserable im feeling rn


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
When you talk to the vet, be very clear about what concerns you. Even state what you wrote here so that he is absolutely sure that you are not comfortable with this. Make him take some time with you and explain how a prolapse that returns in place, as you have seen, is something that can occur. Ask him if this could be leading up to another serious event. Ask the part about the carrier...she could not squat and you wondered if this had to do with it. I am sure that this is very upsetting to see.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 30, 2022
When you talk to the vet, be very clear about what concerns you. Even state what you wrote here so that he is absolutely sure that you are not comfortable with this. Make him take some time with you and explain how a prolapse that returns in place, as you have seen, is something that can occur. Ask him if this could be leading up to another serious event. Ask the part about the carrier...she could not squat and you wondered if this had to do with it. I am sure that this is very upsetting to see.
Im definitely writing down all my concerns to ask my vet monday, he's honestly not a bad vet but ive been so over the place and hopeful she was getting better the episode on the cab totally unsettled me.

She been okay these past days nothing alarming, i actually haven't seen it prolapse yesterday after she pooped and i was happy abt it. She kinda takes a bit too long to poop but i doubt is constipation since her stools are very normal now, id assume its due to the fact that her colon doesn't have the same mobility it once had bc a portion of it its fixated. Ill ask the vet about that too.
I really hope this relapse heals soon and well but for as long semester doesn't start ill be helicoptering her 24/7 😿


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Let us know what the vet says. And remember that all your concerns and questions are valid, you are paying for the appointment, so get all the information you need.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 30, 2022
so during the 2nd week with corticoids (2 weeks were prescribed) we were having normal stools and no prolapse! this was around march 5
im very very very happy about this, my vet explained the episode at the cab was most likely due to stress since she also puked and foamed from mouth.
Im still concerned on what would happen when the corticoids effects wear out, since it was most likely a food allergy she been on hypoallergenic food, but i know theres other complicated issues that can lead to the inflamation not only allergy.

no idea how long it will take for the effects to wear off and if it will trigger another situation, i was given an order to do another ultrasound during this week but im still hesitant to do it cause i started the semester and im from 8-6pm busy at school (med school i have 3 weeks subjects i need to pass or fail in that frame)
so idk, vet told me to do the ultrasound to check the colopexy indemny again but im still ?? about it causse we did one already, not only im busy but also $$ matters not good since i need to get to school everyday now on top of getting the special food. on top od that im still very anxious about vet trips with her and risking her having another poopin in carrier and big prolapse situation again.

As if its not obvious already im incredibly anxious in matters that has to do with the girls health, specialy yuuki since its the older one and the mother of the other 2, im still debating whether or not spare her from another vet trip + uncomfy position to get an ultrasound since she been pooping no trouble, no scooting, no prolapse and she seems healthy, happy and to be a senior she been extremely playfull which i love.
dk what to do about it really, ik i will be anxious for a while if i dont do it but also i have no time and money is tight, still looking for a job too.

but again the worse part is over, i was hesitant to update this post cause i was thinking like " what if im all excited about her being good now and she relapses again?" but i wanna be positive the issue wont happen again


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
It is certainly good news that things are correcting themselves and your vet is probably right that the episode in the cab was from the stress of the situation. As for the new US, why does the vet want to do it? Routine follow up? Is it more important than just routine? I would ask the vet up front about any dangers from not doing it and tell him how busy you are and that money is tight right now so that if this could be postponed he will be honest with you.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 30, 2022
It is certainly good news that things are correcting themselves and your vet is probably right that the episode in the cab was from the stress of the situation. As for the new US, why does the vet want to do it? Routine follow up? Is it more important than just routine? I would ask the vet up front about any dangers from not doing it and tell him how busy you are and that money is tight right now so that if this could be postponed he will be honest with you.

its me again, its been good 2 months i think ? no prolapse, normal stools at this point i feel like the scooting became an habit of hers cause she does it still, my vet when i mentioned it didnt really paid too much attention to it so ig its not a worry.
been thinking she might be asthmatic but honestly she been amazing and i am glad she been good.
never did the extra ultrasound and tbh im still tight on money, but still able to afford the hypoallergenic food that is making wonders for yuuki and her daughters.
i was very reluctant to make this post cause i was thinking like " what i am celebrating and it happens again anyways?" but i feel like i should celebrate the accomplishment in this case, no digestive issues, happy bum and playful grandma.
If someone has a cat with a rectal prolapse i hope they find this thread cause mostly i found online to find comfort at the time was bad stories or mostly non updated
(Image: yuuki in the middle daughters on the sides)
WhatsApp Image 2022-06-13 at 10.12.33 PM.jpeg

end of update i think! i am glad this forum exist cause it helped me a lot tho i hope i dont have to make a new post anytime sooner^^


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Thank you for updating! It is hugely helpful to other members who may come across a thread at another time and wonder how things turned out. You have made progress and that is definitely reason to celebrate!