Recovering kitten lost her jump!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 7, 2013
My 11month old kitten Sally has been battling an inner ear infection for the past month. She is finally on her last round of meds, and is mostly back to normal. She has a slight head tilt that may just be permanent damage, but overall doing MUCH better. 

I have to feed my cats on top of the washer. It's the only place the dogs don't get into it. It's right by a toilet, so my athlete cat jumps from the floor to the washer but Sally (kind of a chunker) has always jumped from floor to toilet to washer. When she was sick she was unsteady and at a falling risk so she had to be fed on the floor for several weeks.

Now she won't jump on the washer. At All. She will jump from floor to chair to table no problem but I can't feed from the table- my roommate thinks it's gross (fair enough) and worse the dogs consistently get into it when I'm gone whenever its up there which means I'm going through wayyy more cat food than I should be. 

I put the food up there, I see her get on the toilet and stare at the food and she just won't jump. I was picking her up and putting her on it. Then I thought hunger/tough love might drive her up there on her own, but it hasn't so far. Idk what to do. Has anyone else been here? How to resolve this?

They must be fed up high enough where two nosy beagles can't get into it haha 