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TCS Member
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May 15, 2020
Hi everyone, I’m new here but I really need some help. I rescued my Leo 3.5 years ago as a kitten. I immediately bonded with him, he has moved with me to college as my emotional support animal and I truly believe there is no other cat like him. He is my best friend. About a year ago I started toying with the idea of adding another cat to the family and after doing some research I decided I would narrow my search to a younger female cat with low-medium energy.
Last week, I found Rory on petfinder located at a shelter not far away. I messaged the shelter and asked if she was available still. The next day I called to set up an appointment to meet her (with the quarantine the shelter is closed to the public) and I was told all appointments must be adoption appointments. It was empty the shelter week and I was scared to miss out on an opportunity so I agreed to pick her up 5 days later. When I showed up that day, they brought her out and she was extremely shy and timid. I was told she came to the shelter with another male cat to act as her protector and in my head that was perfect because shed have an older brother at home. They asked if I’d like to adopt her and I was caught off guard, I had been thinking that’s what this was the whole time so I said yes.
I brought her home and put her in her safe room, I’ve followed all the steps and they seem to be doing okay as they have not fought. However, Leo has been hiding more than normal and runs away now when I try and get him, and Rory hardly lets me touch her without being extremely shy. Long story short, I feel I may have rushed into this adoption and should have waited until I could meet and socialize with more cats to make decision. I’m having a lot of anxiety that this may not be the best fit for me or Leo, there’s a pit in the bottom of my stomach every time I look at Rory as I have no bond with her at this time. Any pointers or experiences would be helpful, I am very uneasy about the situation and I miss my Leo’s personality.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
It’s only been a week and that is a short time in a cats world to adjust to a newcomer in the family. It is pretty normal for Leo to sulk, be angry with you and generally be out of sorts. But this passes fairly quickly. You just need to be patient with both cats. And it is also normal not to feel a bond with a new cat. You don’t know her and she doesn’t know you. It’s usually at least a few weeks before you start to see their full personality emerge and with some cats even longer than that.

I would start out with Rory just sitting on the floor in the same room with her and talking to her. No touching, no reaching for her until she makes the first move to seek you out. You can set down a treat for her or see if she will engage in some play. If she doesn’t that is okay. She will in her own time. How old is she?


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I cannot agree with susanm9006 susanm9006 more! A week in NOTHING in the world of cat introductions. Take that advice to heart. With time, I'm betting that all will be well.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 15, 2020
It’s only been a week and that is a short time in a cats world to adjust to a newcomer in the family. It is pretty normal for Leo to sulk, be angry with you and generally be out of sorts. But this passes fairly quickly. You just need to be patient with both cats. And it is also normal not to feel a bond with a new cat. You don’t know her and she doesn’t know you. It’s usually at least a few weeks before you start to see their full personality emerge and with some cats even longer than that.

I would start out with Rory just sitting on the floor in the same room with her and talking to her. No touching, no reaching for her until she makes the first move to seek you out. You can set down a treat for her or see if she will engage in some play. If she doesn’t that is okay. She will in her own time. How old is she?
She is approximately 2.5 and was surrendered to the shelter a year ago. Leo has been very weary and tiptoeing around her so I’m just keeping an eye on it right now.