Raped kitty??


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
So plz gime a break and instead of attacking me give me help and advise. This is what this site is for. Stick to that or just dont reply.
People here have done nothing but give you help and advice. :dk: You just don't like the advice you have been given. :dk: This site is a pro spay and neuter site. It is clearly stated in the forum rules, which you had to agree to when signing up. No one on here is going to tell you that it is OK for you not to get her spayed and to allow her to have kittens. There are so many reasons why this is one of the rules. Not spaying your cat opens her up to so many health issues as does pregnancy, not to mention bringing more kittens into an already enormous population of stray cats. Please, please seriously consider spaying your cat, for her sake.


TCS Member
Dec 24, 2012
San Diego
There is an off chance that she may not be pregnant. Cats can control when they actually drop the egg, controlled ovulation. Many times they do not get pregnant the first time in the cycle they have sex but when they have it the 2nd or 3rd time. The act of having sex generally will cause the egg to be released.  

With that said. I would recommend taking her down to the vets office to have her checked out. She is plenty old enough to have her spayed. I generally will spay or neuter anything that leaves my place at 16 weeks of age ( the boys at 12 weeks ).  They are generally happier as adults and more affectionate towards their humans. Many breeds have problems with the male and females spraying when not fixed and normally spay/neuter will stop them from having desires to spray and go outside hunting for a mate. 

Leonard D

Spotted Love Savannahs

youtube channel: lifeatthesharpend


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Ok I dunno y it seems like some of u r attacking me when the FIRST thing i did was rush to the vet and check on her...
No, we're not attacking you. We're trying to help you understand why it's important not to let her have kittens... ever. I think it's wonderful that you rescued her, and that you love her so much!

But this is a site dedicated to cat welfare and education. We hope to help people move beyond their own feelings and desires to see the needs of the cats, to understand what's best for the kitties - not follow our desires, but help the cats.

I live in EGYPT and animal care is not that developed. If i want to adopt a kitten i have to pay loads of money plus i have to pay more money for vaccination, food, shampoo, vet visits and so on..
PLUS u ppl cant b asking me to go around the streets picking up stray cats R U KDDING ME?? Stray cats carry a lot of diseases and worms and could bring so much health issues to us since they cant be tamed like or handled like the cats u raise at home. They will simply scratch u and u will carry their disease. However, i do i see stray cats in my garden and i put food for them near the fence so they eat so at least im feeding them.
Actually, it is people like you, people that care about and love cats, that can work to change this. There are organizations working to that end in Egypt.

Here's one: http://esmaegypt.org/blog/about-us/about-esma/ The Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals

From their website:

About ESMA

What is The Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals?

The Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals (ESMA) is a registered Egyptian NGO (No. 3059/2007) formed in late 2007. ESMA actively works to improve animal welfare in Egypt for all animals, including street dogs and cats, working animals such as donkeys, horses and camels, wildlife, animals in the Cairo zoo, those sold in pet shops and live animal markets, and all animals slaughtered for food. ESMA operates two no-kill shelters and adoption centers in Egypt, and is also involved whenever possible in ongoing campaigns, initiatives, and advocacy activities to promote animal welfare issues in Egypt.

What does The Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals do?

Here are some of the ways we work to improve the conditions for Egypt’s animals:

Animal shelter for cats and dogs: ESMA currently runs two facilities, a dog shelter in Sakkara, Giza and a cat shelter in Shabramont, Giza that together house over 700 rescued cats and dogs. We admit animals who are in need of assistance due to severe injury, abuse, and neglect, and we provide them with food, shelter and basic medical care as we prepare them for adoption.

Support for the working animals of Giza: Since the Egyptian revolution began in February 2011, ESMA has been feeding and treating the starving and sick horses in Nezlet Al-Samman, near the Giza pyramids, whose owners have been devastated by the drop in tourism. Between 300-500 horses receive enough food for a week to ten days at each feeding.

Adoption campaigns: ESMA actively works to find adoptive homes for our animals both locally and internationally. The ESMA Adoption Campaign page on Facebook posts pictures of each rescued animal looking for a loving home.

Policy, advocacy and awareness: ESMA takes every opportunity to advocate for animals, whether through supporting the enforcement of animal welfare legislation in Egypt, campaigning against the government’s policy of killing street animals by means of shooting and poisoning, and raising awareness and seeking a solution to the conditions of the animals in Egypt’s zoos, as well as other education and awareness activities about animal welfare.
In fact, it was after a mass shooting program of stray dogs that ESMA was founded.

Please note that on EVERY page, they state, "Spay and Neuter Saves Lives!"

Here is a short article and two videos on the fate of cats in Egypt: http://jonjensen.com/blog/?tag=feral-cats

Note the title: "From Gods to Garbage Dwellers."

You can either be a part of the problem, or be a part of the change. :heart2:

Many of us rescue animals off the street. Yes, they need to be separated from our existing pets. They need to be treated for parasites and checked for other illness. But there are so many kittens born, they can be socialized quite quickly. You are talking to people who rescue animals exactly like the ones you're talking about. Yes, you CAN take cats off the street, help them, and turn them into loving, wonderful pets. Every single one of my eight inside-only PET cats was born feral and rescued off the street having had no prior human contact.

And please stop feeding the cats if you are not going to have them sterilized. Most of us - and I expect ESMA and other volunteers in Egypt - use a method called "Trap, Neuter, Return" to stop the breeding. If you feed, please do not let them breed. :heart2:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
Just to let you know, Nouran, that it can be possible to take in stray cats from terrible overcrowded street conditions, and in countries where there is no or little vet care. I did it when I lived in Bosnia, and four of those street-rescued kittens are still with me now, 6 years later in France. Sarajevo is very like Cairo, cats everywhere, in every state of health and mostly ignored by the population, though some people do feed them. Yes, you have to be careful, yes, you need to keep them separate and you need a certain awareness and experience to know when there could be health problems and what to do. But I had all mine spayed and neutered, at the University veterinary facility, and avoided any increase in the population so I had room to rescue more.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2011
Denton, Texas
Israel has a similar problem and probably about the same lack of shelters and programs to help strays as Egypt, and yet look at this wonderful man who flew there to help them out:




TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 26, 2010
I'm not sure how advanced veterinary care is in Egypt, but if your kitten is pregnant and she is too small and young to give birth (she sounds that way), it is possible for a vet to terminate the pregnancy, but it would also most likely be at the cost of spaying the kitty. I don't think feline pregnancy termination can be done without removing the reproductive plumbing too. I understand where you're coming from about wanting your kitten to one day have a litter, but could you afford to keep them all? It's just that cats are a dime a dozen and unless you are professionally breeding kittens, I don't think anyone will actually want to buy these kittens. If they were Savannah cats with all the paperwork, then you might have buyers. But some Heinz 57 kittens fathered by a random tom cat whose medical history you don't know? No one will want them, even if you give them away. I see this constantly where I live (in the US) - someone is always giving away kittens in the paper and hardly any find homes. What would you do if no one took the kittens? Would you be willing to raise them all? Remember, litter sizes can vary widely - could be just one kitten, it could be 6 or 7 or even more. Unlike humans, cats will not feel a void in their souls or a longing for babies the way humans might do (like when women hit their mid thirties and suddenly want babies). Cats seem to have a more primitive reproductive drive rather than getting "baby rabies" in an emotional sense. Also, birth is not without risks for kitties, and a cat that gets pregnant does not know any better if it happens to her. I'm not going to try and discourage your choices, but just offering some things to consider before allowing your cat to have babies. All I'm suggesting is to be sure to give the situation thought before letting your kitty get pregnant intentionally.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 29, 2012
I would like to post an update for this post to everyone.

My kitten thank god is not pregnant. The vet also informed me that the kitten would never get pregnant at such a young age. She was 2 months at that time. I guess I wrote 4 months by mistake.

She is NOW 4 months. I keep a close eye on her. And I already introduced another male 2 months persian cat I saw at the pet store. so he is 2 months younger than her. THey are fine together and play together most of the time.

Here in Egypt people dont exactly have the education for helping and adopting cats. Simply because half the population is poor. So they would simply laugh at u if u say go and help stray cats and dogs..well guess what they ppl r stray themselves.

In the big cities u can find loads of rich ppl like myself. personally speaking i feed all the cats in the neighbourhood. I had a neighbour that had 18 cats at home. 

I feed those stray cats but I dont let them in the house. Simply cuz my mom would kick me out. Another reason would be that my father wont be giving me loads of money to spend on taking stray cats to vets and getting them checked and vaccinated. So far away contact and feeding is better than nothing right?

Im really impressed with the videos posted here about rescuing the kittens. Would love to see more of that here as well. And i would love to take part of it for sure.

Even though one has to b careful cuz those stray cats can get really violent when they're afraid.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 2, 2013
There ARE rescue orbs in Egypt. J only know Bc I am a duel Israeli Canadian. And Israel also has some programs but needs improvement. If your cats (I am assuming you own both) are verified and you possess the aperwork stating their pedigrees a nd you can afford the difficult road of breeding, then it is possible but not easy to sell cats in yhe midfle east.If none of these factors exist, ii beg you to help your baby and not bread her. Spat and neuter both your kitties and give them a good life without worry! I have 4 Siamese cats - 3 rescues and all are pedigrees. One is show quality (as oppossed to pet quality which if I were a breeder) would allow me to charge significantly more. However they were all spayed asap because I did not want to risk their health nor add to cat overpopulation. In fact I am surprised yo be debating this here. Please learn as much about the subject for you'd cats!! I know you love her and want the best. Breeding her unless you have a willing mentor, a vet on call 24/7 -not easy on Egypt -I know!!

me-now me-now

TCS Member
Dec 19, 2014
This is my cats story. A male cat named Simba breed with our cat named Rozy. She had 4 kittens. We have the cats away because we had dogs. Then our aunt was allergic to cats so we got one back, we named her menow menow. Yesterday, her dad (Simba) raped her. She was meowing loud like you're kitten and she had poop coming out off her bottom. She is traumatized now. If you don't want to get her spayed maybe she could have a kitty abortion. That way she coulda have kittens in the future. If your kitten had kittens this early, or could kill the kittens and possibly kill her.