Random Cat Fights?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 18, 2019
Chicago, IL, Earth
Mr Jenkins was suffering with a broken tooth, which I assumed was the reason he was springing on the other cats. He got his tooth removed about a month ago and a few days ago, I started reintroducing him to my other guys. I thought it was going well until this morning, when another fight broke out With Rigatoni. I didn’t see what triggered it, but it was a howling, fur flying affair. The only thing I can think of was that Reginald, our grouchy old man cat, was around, which is not typical for him. Usually we put him in the bathroom when Mr J is out. But Reginald wasn’t involved with this fight, though he had poofy tail and was growling. Anyway, any help would be great. I don’t want to re home Mr J. I love him.

another detail is that is odd is that I’ve seen Mr Jenkins and Rigatoni have positive interactions before. I don’t get it.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
How long have you had each of these cats, btw? And, what are their ages?

I take it that the positive interactions between Mr Jenkins and Rigatoni were before the broken tooth issue? If so, then at this point, that doesn't much matter. If it has only been a few days of reintroductions, that just may not be enough time for it to work to the point of letting them be together without a gate or barrier separating them. I don't know what introduction process you are using, so I am providing a link the to the associated TCS article to see you can glean any help from that. The other key to introductions is that you can only move from one step to the next based on the slowest adapting cat.

It might be that you have to start the introduction process without adding Reginald to the mix, and then start it over with him when the other two are more copacetic with each other. There is another TCS article that might be helpful from that aspect - link also below. Although it is talking about introducing a kitten and an older cat, it also applies to introducing a cat of any age to an older one.

If I am misunderstanding anything, please feel free to elaborate - as that may help in terms of ideas on how to get them all to tolerate each other better.
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide – TheCatSite Articles
How To Introduce A Kitten To An Older Cat – TheCatSite Articles
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 18, 2019
Chicago, IL, Earth
Okay, so Reginald is 10 and my fiance has had him for his entire life. When we moved, we got Ham and Liam to be playmates for him. They are currently aged 5 and 2, respectively. Rigatoni and Mr. Jenkins are our newest additions. Rigatoni is 7 and Mr. Jenkins is also 5. Everyone but Mr. Jenkins integrated with no problems.

Mr. Jenkins came home from the shelter with the broken tooth, which was pointed out by our vet the first time we brought him in, trying to figure out what the aggression was about. She theorized he was in a lot of pain and was acting out because of it. So we put Mr. Jenkins into the bedroom, where he lived until his surgery and while he healed. Now that his mouth is healed, we've started trying to reintroduce him to the other guys. We started with the typical through the door method, then with a baby gate, then in a crate I moved into the living room. Only this week, I started letting him come out on a leash, and then just yesterday and today, no leash. Mr. Jenkins seems most interested in Rigatoni, probably because they came home at the same time and were, at one point, living in crates next to each other. Rigatoni is a bit skittish in general, so I can tell he's still trying to figure out what to do with Mr. Jenkins, though Mr. Jenkins seems interested in playing. Maybe there's some sort of disconnect happening, I don't know. Anyway, positive interactions between them this week include smelling each other and lying near each other. He also calmly eats food next to Ham without any incident; Ham seems only vaguely interested in Mr. J and usually just sniffs and then moves on. I'm not sure what triggered the fight between Riggy and Mr. J this morning, but currently, everyone is peaceful and Reginald is in the bathroom with his food and a litter box. So maybe Reginald has some sort of influence? He sits and growls whenever Mr Jenkins is around. I dunno. Maybe doing it in small pieces like you suggested is how it'll have to go.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jun 18, 2019
Chicago, IL, Earth
*EDIT* Just had another bit of a tiff, though I managed to shut it down really quickly. I heard a hiss and quickly got up. Rigatoni ran and jumped on top of the fridge and I grabbed Mr. J and held him down. I sternly told him NO like that makes a difference, then after a moment, picked him up and put him back into the bedroom with the door closed. I released Reginald from the bathroom. Rigatoni seems ok. He's still on the fridge and he was purring when I went to pet him. Ugh, I just want them all to get along.