Rad Cat and Primal Grind?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 2, 2012
Note: I'm sorry. I didn't even notice there was a Raw Feeding section on this forum. Please move the thread, if you'd be so kind!

Hi there~

I've been feeding Rad Cat to my kitty ever since she was but a wee 7 week old. Shes loving it still. I've also been looking around for other Raw foods. I saw that primals grind with just chicken and chicken insides is considered a diet that isnt complete? So the package says. Is it okay to feed her just Rad-Cat or the Grind or have I been making a horrible mistake all this time? D: I'd really love to order from Hare-Today Gone Tomarrow, but currently I cant afford it. 

Do you think its better (and easier on the wallet) to make my own food with the many good recepies online? Or should I continue to do Radcat or start Primal? I'd really like for her to beable to chew her food instead of just gulp it down for gum stimulation. 

Does anyone have any favourate recepies? I've seen many but wasnt sure which one to choose. There are so many and I don't know which one is actually the best.

Sorry if this questions been answered before <3

I just want to take the best care of her possible. Shes actually my first cat, so Im a nervous new parent! Kind of overwhelmed and a bit lost.

Thank you dearly!
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
First, congrats on feeding your new kitten raw.  Great move.  Now, Radcat IS a completely nutrition food.  I am not familiar with Primal grinds, although I do feed one of my furkids Primal's completely  nutritious blends. (and the other two eat Radcat).  I'm surprised that you find Hare-Today more expensive than Radcat.  I would LOVE to feed mine Hare-Today, but so far they don't like the particular meats I have tried from there, although the one on Primal is slowly coming around. 

Now, with Hare-Today, you DO need to add supplements, which they sell. 

So, in answer to your question, you could certainly make your own, which is the least expensive way to go, just make sure it is balanced (and it should be if you follow the recipe).  You'll probably need to order lots of things to add to it (vitamins, etc.) for the first time, then they should last for several batches. 

Let us know how it goes!


TCS Member
Sep 5, 2012
Note: I'm sorry. I didn't even notice there was a Raw Feeding section on this forum. Please move the thread, if you'd be so kind!
That's alright.  I just now realized from looking around on this forum that "raw cat food feeding" was a thing.  I like the concept though and I like the fact that there are recipies too. I may have to swing this way with my little furrys.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Hum..... I am curious at you affording Rad cat and not Hare Today - Hare today is SOOOOOOOO much cheaper than Rad Cat, even with shipping included and supplements, you will pay less than 1/2 of the cost of Rad Cat :nod:. That is precisely the reason I added them to my kitties' diets.....
Their meats are great, and they have a great selection too :nod:
I would take a better look at their prices.... If I remember correctly, Pork for example, is $2.99/lb, supplement comes at about $1/lb, and shipping is not bad at all. While for Rad Cat, with Taxes, you might be paying close to $10/lb....
Just saying......