R.I.P. my beloved Loki

cat person

TCS Member
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Oct 31, 2010
I am not even sure, how, to begin. I am literally crying hysterically. My truly beloved Loki, had to be put down this morning. As, some of you know, my terminally ill DLH developed FIP and had to be put down about a month ago. Well, this morning, Loki, was very very swollen in the abdomen. So, of course, I rushed him to the vet. It appeared, that, my F3 Savannah had "wet" FIP. So, with a very very heavy heart, I had to put Loki down.

RIP, my supper sweet and supper hyperactive Savannah. No one, will EVER replace you in my heat!

At least, these two best friends are really together  again


TCS Member
Jan 14, 2013
I am so sorry. I know how much Loki meant to you from your concerned posts here. May he rest in peace.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm so very, very sorry for your loss! Nothing but time will ease, but never erase the pain in your heart. But may that pain turn into memories that will make you smile again. God bless you for being such a good mommy to Loki, he knew he was loved so very much. May all our beloved furbabies be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for us. RIP dear Loki.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I am shocked beyond shock in reading this, as I am sure you are.  Also, so very, very sorry
.  I know he was your very special boy

Play happily with Panda Blossom at the bridge, Loki
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cat person

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Oct 31, 2010
I am shocked beyond shock in reading this, as I am sure you are. 

Yes, I am COMPLETELY and UTTERLY shocked. Since, as you know, I am very aware of him being in the least bit unwell. He was just fine, crazy as ever, around  one A.M., when, I put him into his sleeping crate. I let him out at six A.M., like, normal and he was truthfully almost dead. A very sharp and fast decline in about five hours. At least, he didn't suffer.

Also, so very, very sorry
.  I know he was your very special boy

Yes, he was. But, Pudding my Cougar, the one, who, was killed in his enclosure was my supper special boy
. My ten year old daughter, is, a wreck, she loved him way more then I did, to be honest. Plus, I have lost other animals, I truly loved. Like, my male Serval, who died of Lymphoma. Not to mention, my lovely F1 Bengal, who, died of old age.

Play happily with Panda Blossom at the bridge, Loki

I am pretty sure, the only one playing is Loki, Panda, is probably enjoying the sun or a very nice large house. Since, she was the only domestic, that, I ever owned, that, wanted to stay inside. Loki, had to stay inside. He chased cars like a dog. Loki, was a very very sweet cat, but, in some ways, not terribly bright
I am so sorry :( 
Thank you, very very very very much, for your condolences.
I'm so very, very sorry for your loss! Nothing but time will ease, but never erase the pain in your heart. But may that pain turn into memories that will make you smile again. God bless you for being such a good mommy to Loki, he knew he was loved so very much. May all our beloved furbabies be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for us. RIP dear Loki.
Thank you, very very very much, for, your condolences.
I am so sorry.
Now, as an addendum, I just heard back from the vet. They are going to send the fluids and some tissue to a lab. So, that way I can have a definitive diagnosis. Well, more so my daughter can. Then, I will have his remains cremated. The vet, also thinks, it might be Lymphoma. That is what killed my pure male Serval at seven to nine years old (I was his fifth and final owner). Plus, I know, many Savannahs get Lymphoma. Someone, on this site, F5 Savannah died, at, less then three years old of Lymphoma as well. The user name was Brandy-Neka. I URGE  EVERYONE who might get a Savannah, to, find out as much information, as they can, on the foundation Serval. If, you ever need, all I need, is, the T.I.C.A. registration name, of, the Serval.
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TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
I am so sorry.  I almost never come into the Bridge section, but when I saw the name Loki I knew it was him. 
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 11, 2011
South Dakota
This hits too close to home. I am SO SO SO sorry for your loss Paula. I know how it feels, although Neka didn't have fip (the vets thought she had it in her chest for a time), and I know how heart breaking it is. May you meet Loki, and Panda Blossom and all of your animal loves once again on rainbow bridge, but for now know that he is in a better place. This really has me freaked out about Sabriel though, we both got our savannah's from the same place - Neka got lymphoma, Loki got effusive fip, and I just pray like hell that Sabriel will be fine... I can't go through what I went through last fall so soon again. I hope your getting your other kitties from a different place... Sorry said a lot there but if I didn't I would have pm'd you that, so figured to just put it here.
 to you my friend and
 to Loki. He and Panda are playing together right now and hopefully Neka and Spunky are joining them... God I feel sad right now..


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
OMG I'm stunned! I'm sure I'll find some words, but all I can do right now is send hugs. Oh I can't imagine what you - and especially Jackie - are going through right now. :bawling: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 13, 2004
I am so very sorry for your loss.  Loki was such a handsome kitty.  My heart breaks for you and for your daughter.  RIP, beloved Loki, you are dearly missed.


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cat person

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Oct 31, 2010
Poor Loki, what a fate at such an early age. RIP, sweetie.
It turns out, that, he had Lymphoma. See, the other posts for a better explanation. I am sure, that, nobody wants to read the same thing, a hundred times

Originally Posted by Rosiemac  

I'm so sorry for your loss. Loki is a handsome boy and heaven is a lucky place right now 

Thank you, very very much, for your condolences.

Originally Posted by loverly7  

I am so very sorry for your loss. 

Thank you, very very very much, for your condolences

Loki was such a handsome kitty. 

Indeed he was. However, in my humble opinion, most Savannahs are.

My heart breaks for you and for your daughter.

Truthfully, I am feeling much better today. However, my poor daughter is a MESS. I really, and I mean REALLY hope, time helps her feel better. Since, I hate to see her miserable.

 RIP, beloved Loki, you are dearly missed.

Yes, he is missed. My son, is not enjoying, not having a cat in or try to steal his breakfast cereal. My husband, said, the house is too quite without him.

Originally Posted by LDG  

OMG I'm stunned!

Yes, that is how I was yesterday. It still feels, VERY WEIRD, not having him in the house. My home is way too quite.

I'm sure I'll find some words, but all I can do right now is send hugs.

Thank you, very very very much, for, the hugs

Oh I can't imagine what you - and especially Jackie - are going through right now.

Truthfully, today, I am feeling better. I got the blood result back today, and Loki, like my pure male Serval died of Lymphoma. That makes me feel better, because, he didn't die of FIP. This breed, like the Serval, is highly likely to get cancer and NOT with old age. Yes, a MAJOR drawback of the breed
. My daughter is still hysterical. I am really hoping, she, calms down soon. I hate, as you know, seeing my kids or anyone's kids upset.

Originally Posted by Brandy-Neka  

This hits too close to home.

Yes, I am sure it does.

I am SO SO SO sorry for your loss Paula.

Thank you, very very very very very very very very much for your condolences.

I know how it feels, although Neka didn't have fip (the vets thought she had it in her chest for a time),

It appears, as of today's results, that, Loki, had Lymphoma like your Neka and my pure African Serval. As, I said, in LDG's reply, it is very common in the breed. I have NO IDEA, if, it is common in F5-SBT Savannahs, but, it is very very common in F1-F3's.

and I know how heart breaking it is.

Yes, you really do. I am very very sorry you know from first hand experience.

May you meet Loki, and Panda Blossom and all of your animal loves once again on rainbow bridge, but for now know that he is in a better place.

I actually do not believe in a here after or a heaven. So, I just enjoy the time I had with all my animals. Though, if, I am wrong and there is heaven and I am allowed in, I hope to see pudding my Cougar (Puma concolour). Since, I miss him so so so so so so so so MUCH. But, who couldn't miss, 200lbs of purring, chirping and head butts of love.

This really has me freaked out about Sabriel though, we both got our savannah's from the same place -

No, my Serval, was, breed by A1 Savannahs. At least, that, is what his USDA paper work said. Loki, isn't from A1 Savannah. What, I had told you, when, Neka died was standard breeding practice (on the breeders end). Since, I have always head less then favorable things about A1. However, they, did right by you.

Neka got lymphoma,

My Pure male African Serval, your Neka, and my Loki all got it. It is VERY common, due to the Serval heritage,

Loki got effusive fip,

No, it turned out, that, he had Lymphoma, after today's Necropsy (animal autopsy)

and I just pray like hell that Sabriel will be fine...

She, really really should be. I do not think, it is common, in, F5 or SBT Savannahs. Just, F1-F3 Savannahs. If, you are really really worried, I would say, that, you ask F1 savannah, which Serval, is Sabriels foundation stock

I can't go through what I went through last fall so soon again.

Neither can my poor daughter.

I hope your getting your other kitties from a different place...

None, of my exotics or hybrids are bought. Other then, I pay shipping, in some cases. They are all from people that can not keep them or breeders, that, can not sell or breed them. The only exotic, that, was not like that, was, my Cougar Pudding. His mother, was, shot by a hunter. Then, the hunters dogs, brought them to Pudding and his litter mate. Well, Pudding, was about seventy two (72) hours old. So, of course, the bottle feeding process, made him non-releasable. I am USDA class C licensed and Wildlife rehabilitator cetertified across the USA. So, that is why I could keep a "wild born" AKA no USDA paper worked feline. That, of all things, was, endemic to the United States.

Sorry said a lot there but if I didn't I would have pm'd you that, so figured to just put it here.
 to you my friend

Putting it here, is, just fine
. Thank you, very very much for the hug

 to Loki. He and Panda are playing together right now and hopefully Neka and Spunky are joining them... God I feel sad right now..

I am sure, that, Loki and Neka are having fun. I am sure Panda, is enjoying her peace and quite. I know nothing about Spunky, but, she might be thinking that Loki is nuts. Well, Spunky, would be right

Originally Posted by nurseangel  

I am so sorry.  I almost never come into the Bridge section, but when I saw the name Loki I knew it was him. 

Thank you, so, very very very very very much, for, the condolences. Yes, Loki, was such a character. So, he was hard to miss

Originally Posted by My4LLMA  

Beautiful Loki

Thank you, very very very much for the condolences.
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cat person

TCS Member
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Oct 31, 2010
I'm so very sorry for your loss. 

Thank you, very very very much, for, your condolences

R.I.P handsome Loki

I wonder, if, he is peaceful
. I am sorry, but, Loki was ungodly sweet. But, sounded like a heard of Antelope.