Questions About My Shelter Kitty


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 10, 2017
I adopted a shelter kitten who is a male and is 3 months old I believe (3 or 4).

I have another cat, same shelter, same age when adopted but that was 5 years so I have forgotten about raising a kitten.

1) Is it normal that his butthole is sort of big? It doesn't look swollen or irritated but he is a baby with butthole on the bigger side. It usually shows when I scratch his bum and it's like BAM my oversized butthole in your face :jawdrop:

Maybe it's because he's skinny?

2) When can I bathe him? He doesn't smell really nice and my first cat didnt either for some weird reason.He was neutered 2 weeks ago

3) Teeth? I looked at his mouth and he seems to be missing a few and his gums look a little enlarged. Sort of like a infant when their teeth start coming in except his are falling out I guess and his adult teeth are coming soon.

4) On the ride home his nose was running and he was drooling. It's fine now and there is crust left over but any one experienced this with their kitten?
*He is going to Vet soon

5) He has a knack for randomly sticking his tongue out. Is this normal?

6) How much should I feed him? He is pretty skinny to the point I'm sure if he fell his hips would be shattered. My first cat who came from the same shelter was skin and bones just like him.

I gave him some Kitten fancy feast and he ate the ENTIRE can and now has a pot belly stomach.

I know these question might seem like "Really?" but I just want to hear from others.

Edit: He just had diarrhea... That damned fancy feast


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 10, 2016
The South
1. Food can cause their butthole to be bigger or smaller. You can mention it when you see the vet just to be sure.

2 i would call and confirm with who fixed him if bathing is ok at 2 weeks.

3. Sounds like teething someone else can add a link.

4. Sometimes their nose runs and maybe the teething is causing drooling. If it gets bad then see a vet.

5. Kittens eat and need twice as much as adults. Many let kittens eat until full.
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TCS Member
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Aug 10, 2017

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Everything sounds pretty normal for a kitten from most shelters. He was most likely brought in at the point of starvation because someone dumped a litter. Just watch his rear end, the enlargement can be caused by dehydration which causes constipation, but if he had diarrhea you know he isn't blocked. Eating so much that he gets diarrhea is normal, that will straighten out as he gets more comfortable knowing he actually has food available. Nose running, drooling, could have been from fear, or common viruses acquired at the shelter. L-lysine helps, (I got mine on Amazon)and many treats with that in it have immunity boosters too, for viruses. If the drainage returns and gets thick and colored, then it is bacterial and can be helped with antibiotics. He smells because shelter cats usually do, they can't receive the care they really need, there are too many of them. They are often too frightened to groom properly too. There are pet wipes for cats that would help right now freshening him up, I got mine at Walmart. Just make sure they are for cats.If he has an 'odor' after bathing he could have some Siamese or Oriental in him, I find they have a special smell, but they have endearing personalities too! ;) Sticking his tongue out could be fatigue, he could be trying to groom, but it is overwhelming with everything new going on, just observe it, I have an adult that still does it at times. The teeth could be coming in, have the vet look when you bring him in. Kittens need to be fed as much as they can eat, they expend tremendous amounts of energy. Right now you might want a more bland, chicken diet, but limit it and feed more often for now, especially until the diarrhea clears up. Remember, NO MILK PRODUCTS, they cause diarrhea in most cats,but giving him a kitten milk replacement as a supplement would be good right now, it builds them up. He most likely needs wormed ASAP, most cats have them, ask your vet or have them do it.
Bless you for taking in this little guy, he will bring you many years of love and enjoyment!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 10, 2016
The South
I use Now Lysine with no added ingredients. Just mix in soft food. Otherwise Spry treats work great and are reasonable.

Soft food is best for cats and kitten. Try going with grain free and a lower carb food. They Have smaller stomachs so feed at least 4 times a day. Raw is another option but it's a do your research and make your own decision.