Question of the day - Thursday 11 February


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 9, 2014
Always early. My parents were always early and my daughter is always early. My inlaws all need watches. If I am hosting family dinner I tell them it starts at least a half hour earlier than I really planning on serving. They still can't seem to make it on time. Maybe that is why they got me a buffet warmer for Christmas one year. That way their food is still warm when they decide to show up.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
I am always early for everything.  The only time I have ever been late to work was when I commuted into the city and a something happened to shut down the entire train line while I was on the train.  There is nothing I could do when this would happen.  It did not happen too often.  Usually when this type of thing does happen it is all over the news because the metra line near my house is the busiest one on the entire system.  They hand out late notices at the station downtown when this happens for people to give their employers.  

I am even early when we go out for karaoke on the weekend.  I like to get there early and eat dinner first.

One time my hubby got lost when we were going to meet my parents at a restaurant and hubby lost track of the time while he was driving around.  I fell asleep in the car.  We were only 5 minutes late and my parents called my cell phone 15 times because it scared them since we usually get there first.  This was before their were decent GPS systems though. 

kolene kaffeen

TCS Member
Feb 7, 2016
I'm usually 5-15 minutes early for work each day. I'm usually 15-30 minutes early for class and medical appointments.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I'm always late
. Or I might skid in at the last second. I promise I don't do it on purpose! I'm not trying to be rude or condescending
. Apparently I have poor time management skills and am also forgetful and a little ditsy
. I swear I don't know how some people manage to always be early/on time; something always happens to make me late. So if I absolutely cannot be late, I'll end up leaving an hour early, and then nothing happens and I'll be sitting around for 45 minutes with nothing to do, but if I leave "on time", something will happen! Every time! Gah.
We try to be early or on time for Dr. appointments but they make us wait all the time and that really makes me mad.  My sister once told her Dr. after waiting an hour to see him, "I know your time is precious, but so is mine".  I totally agree with her.
I'm sorry, Willowy....I really didn't mean to sound so rude. It's just that I seem to be surrounded with people who think it's perfectly fine to be late for everything. There's a group of us at work who enjoy going out to dinner every other month or so. Invariably, there's one who is always, always late (she's our admin assistant, a nice lady, but she'll be late to her own funeral). She'll show up at least 30 minutes after everybody else is there, always with an excuse. She's supposed to be at work at 8:30, but shows up around 9:30 every morning, and again always with an excuse. Meanwhile, we do her work until she gets in; the ringing phone still needs to be answered. The last time we all had dinner together, we gave her five minutes; when she didn't show up in that time, we went ahead and ordered. She got there and we had already ordered and were enjoying apps and drinks. She was not amused.

Carol, you might remember, a few years ago, I had a GYN appt. After waiting in the exam room for 45 minutes, I got dressed, went out to the receptionist and told her I was leaving. She said the doctor was running late. That's fine, but I was going back to work. The doctor came out with the drug rep had been talking to (that's why he was running late!) and told me that he was sorry. So am I, but I went to work. About a week later, I received a letter from the doctor, along with the check to repay my co-pay for the visit. He also asked me to please re-schedule and I would not have to pay my co-pay for the next visit. I did re-schedule and didn't pay. Ever since then, he doesn't keep me waiting longer than 5-10 minutes. He's fairly prompt with me, not that ten minutes is prompt.

I've walked out of college classes when a professor was routinely more than 15 minutes late to class. Not my problem. One time, the professor marked me as absent. I told him I was there; he was not. So I left. He removed my absent mark.

Even Rick has no qualms about showing up late. He always "forgets" something and, even if we get on the road at a decent time, we have to turn around and come back for whatever. I don't do it anymore. Before we leave, we go through the list of questions: Do you have this? Yes. Do you have that? Yes. We don't come back to the house (only for his meds when he forgets them, but that doesn't happen often). One time, we were going shopping with friends. They started driving down the road and Rick said we had to go back to the house because he forgot the money he was taking. They weren't even happy about it that time. My Gf looked at me and said, "Really?" I muttered, "Welcome to my world."  I met his sister one afternoon for something and she said she can tell when I come by myself because I'm early!

For family dinners, we used to tell my sister we were eating at 4:00, so she would get there by 5:00, the time we were really eating. And if she still wasn't there, we'd go ahead and start our dinner.

If I'm meeting with somebody and that person is late, it will happen once and there'd better be a darn good reason. If it happens again, I'm gone. 

I'm sorry; I'm actually not that bad to get along with, I swear I'm not. I just really hate tardiness, probably because I've been living with it all my life.
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