Question of the Day, Sunday, November 27, 2016

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  • #21


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Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
I started Christmas shopping for this year after Christmas last year! It's a great time to pick up bargains, especially those of the Christmas novelty type
Like @LTS3, I pick things up as I see them too, or make a note for later on.

I do make a LOT of presents too though - I enjoy crafting (and baking if I'm in the mood) and a lot of the people I know appreciate home made gifts (I make gemstone and silver jewellery, among other things, and that always goes down well

I pretty much have all my shopping done, though I do need to pick up a few extras for my parents and get a gift card for a friend's daughter.

The crafting is another matter. Jewellery is (almost) done, but I have a lot of fabric crafting and sewing still to do. It may be my greyhound's last Christmas
so I'm going to make him and extra special fleece jumper/coat. He loves his snuggly jumpers and adores getting new ones. Ive ordered him a special fleece blankie too (his other great pleasure in life)

I'll be making a load of catnip toys for the cats (and friends' cats) too, to go with the pile of toys I got 'free' with loyalty points
it sounds like you've got your Christmas gifts list moving along well! 

i'm sure your greyhound...(?) Pixie...will have a lovely Christmas enjoying his special gifts from you! 
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
I've been shopping since early summer, and it's all done now. year, my list may be longer.  I used to make most of my gifts but quit when my vision got bad and I couldn't afford new glasses.  NOW I have them, and may well start making gifts again.
  most excellent that you've got all your Christmas shopping done!!!  and, Yay! for new glasses! 
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
My stuff is slowly coming in. On Monday, Sarah's American Girl items came, our DIL's grain mill attachment for her Kitchen Aid mixer came on Tuesday. Today, I'm expecting the new Fitbit (for me), Caleb's colored KEVA planks, and the Purple Rain DVD (for me). I think it's just the package of natural KEVA planks and my k-cups coming later this week and then that's it. (K-cups aren't for Christmas; they're just mine; I opened my last box the other morning, so did an order.)

I still need a few small things for Rick's stocking. 

I always get Rick a couple boxes of Little Debbie Nutty Bars. I know, it's really silly, but he loves Nutty Bars so much. I buy two packages and I even wrap each package separately. He always knows they're going to be under the tree and he gets a kick out of unwrapping them; then he always acts so surprised...."Oh, wonderful! I love these! What a nice surprise!" and so on (which wouldn't be so bad, but he's already reminded me three times about the blasted Nutty Bars). Technically, they're considered a stocking gift, but the boxes won't fit in his stocking. I also give him a box of chocolate-covered pretzels from our candy store in town and a bag of lightly salted cashews from our natural food store. These are little things that I know he really enjoys. And since there are no Taz ornaments this year, I'm thinking of giving him a Snoopy ornament for the tree....Snoopy, beagle, Beast. 

Do any of you do stocking gifts? Mom always filled our stockings at home, but it was always stuff we could use: toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, etc. Not much fun in that! 
very nice!!! 
  it sounds like you're finishing up with your Christmas shopping!

i think it's so sweet that you give your DH 'little things that i know he really enjoys'. those little things/gifts can mean so much! 

i do stocking gifts for my cats every year. after they've received their Christmas stockings a couple of years, they know them...get very excited when i bring them out on Christmas Day. 
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
My last gift is supposed to arrive this Friday
Then I have to wrap it up and put it in a box with a few other things and mail it to my friend and her family.

I haven't tried the fudgy chocolate cookies. I saw the recipie in the new America's Test Kitchen book Naturally Sweet. You can see the recipie through Google Books on page 83.

The peppermint crinkle cookies are really good
You can't go wrong with chocolate and Nutella

thank you for the links, to the cookies recipes! i love America's Test Kitchen, and will check out that recipe -- see if i can substitute carob powder or chips in it. i don't do anything with caffeine in it, and i believe nutella has cocoa in it...?


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
My last gift arrvied a day early
They're cat earrings and look so much nicer in person than online. I'm going to have to get a pair for myself or another pair of earrings from the seller
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
My last gift arrvied a day early
They're cat earrings and look so much nicer in person than online. I'm going to have to get a pair for myself or another pair of earrings from the seller
that's great! 
  i'm so glad the cat earrings look so much better in person (than online)!