Question of The Day. Saturday 26th of March.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 19, 2004
I've heard that the reason you get shaky is because they have adrenaline in the Novocaine to make it work faster. They're supposed to carry some without adrenaline for people who have a bad reaction to it. It takes longer for it to work though, so most dentists don't bother to offer it to you as they want you in and out as quickly as possible. Ask your dentist about it next time.

I was told it raises your heart rate. It goes away within a few minutes, my best friend's son has that happen to him too. I don't think I am allergic to it but thanks for the info! I have always had that reaction with it and I think it has something to do with being upside down when they give it as well. One time they had to give me juice to make me less shaky as it lasted more than a few minutes. I'm just sensitive to it I guess.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Definitely the dentist as a result of some bad experiences as a child. I had some teeth grow in behind my regular teeth in the roof of my mouth and they had to be removed. As they grew, they could be seen whenever I opened my mouth and I started getting teased about them. Not a good experience. Plus, my parents didn't have the money for regular dental visits, so the only time we went to the dentist was when we had problems. It wasn't until I got married that I actually started to see the dentist every six months (like clockwork) and so the first couple of years I went, there was always something wrong. 

It got so bad that as soon as the I had to open my mouth, even for just an exam, I'd start to cry....and I was an adult, not a child. And then they started giving me a prescription for Valium, one pill to take the night before the appt, the second pill to take an hour before the dentist appt. And my MIL had to take me because I couldn't drive under the Valium. And this was just for an exam; if I needed anything serious done, well, it was just nasty. It's just been within the past few years that I got brave enough to put my big-girl panties and go to the dentist on my own with no Valium.

I remember when one of my wisdom teeth started to come in; it came in in the roots of the molar beside the wisdom tooth. Both of them had to come out because the wisdom tooth got intertwined in those molar roots. They drugged me enough that I just walked in the room, sat in the chair and said, "So let's get this done!" My dentist looked at me and said, "Who are you and what have you done with Pam?" And I waved my hand and said, "C'mon, let's go!" And away we went. I was fine during the procedure. When it was over, I stood up to leave.....and passed out cold.

I hate the dentist....I just hate the dentist. He's a nice enough guy, but man, I just hate the dentist.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 30, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Dentist - Not because of any procedures, but I worry about getting ripped off  financially 
  long story why!



Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Good Morning. Happy Saturday and Happy Easter to those of you who are celebrating.

What scares you the most, going to the doctor, going to the dentist or going to the hair dresser?

For me going to the hair dresser is the scariest of the three. I quite like going to the dentist. That reclining chair is so comfy and my dentist puts a warm towel over your eyes while he checks your teeth. I've dozed off so many times.

The doctor doesn't bother me at all, but going to the hair dresser is unbearable. I'd much rather keep my hair long and colour it myself at home than let anyone else touch it.

How about you?
Same here!  With long hair, it takes forever to get it done at a hairdresser's.  Years ago, I decided to get it streaked.  The process somehow managed to strip every bit of oil out of my hair--or something, we never did figure out what went wrong.  My hair ended up so tangled, the poor woman could not brush it out.  I took the brush away from her, and eventually got the rat's nest brushed out.  She said she'd never seen anything like it in her entire professional life.
  I was there over three hours and found the whole experience excruciatingly boring, painful and expensive.  That was my first and last attempt to get it cut/colored professionally.  Now hubby trims it for me and if the spirit moves me to color it, I do it at home myself.  