Question of The Day. Saturday 11th of January.


Thread starter
Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Who were your best friends in school? Are you still in touch with any of them?

I changed school a lot when I was a kid and even had a few years of being home schooled, but I stayed in the same secondary school from the age of 13 up. So the friends I remember the most are from that school.

My two best friends were Lindsey and Becca. We were the three Goth girls that hung out together. We also hung out with Phil, Darren and Mark, who were the three boys most parents told their kids not to associate with.


Sadly I'm not in touch with any of them any more. We all left school before the internet was a thing, so we didn't have Facebook or e-mail addresses then.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Who were your best friends in school? Are you still in touch with any of them?
My best friend was Nicole. I was only allowed to have one friend. Nicole & I got back in touch this year on Facebook, after I got out of the hospital. She is still wonderful and very kind. She lives 2 hours away, so we aren't "best" friends anymore, but we probably would be if we lived closer.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
I grew up next to a set of twins. I can't say they were my favorite friends, but they were the friends I played with the most outside school. They were a year older than I was, so although we went to the same schools for 12 years, we grew apart because they always went to the next tier of schools or to college a year before I did. After college and marriage, we grew apart completely.

I noticed about a year ago on our high school's alumni page that one of them had died. I Googled her, of course, and discovered she had died of cancer. I was really shocked, and have wondered ever since about her identical twin. If predisposition to cancer is a genetic trait, you would think the twin would have the same disease. But her contact information is 20 years out of date, so I'll probably never know.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Although my best friend from school moved away after college we still keep in touch and send each other birthday cards. She visits from time to time to see family and it's like she never left. I still see many of my college friends, some once a year and others once every few months.

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
When I was in college I had 4 sets of friend groups: The nerds with my fellow writers; the activists (those you see on the streets); the artists (we used to perform stage plays) and the not-so-popular Group (I had friends from various departments and different ages).

But one person who stood out did not even come from the same university as I was. I met her through another friend and she became my best friend. Irene was a rich young lady but was so humble and kind in spirit, and even became the GodMother of my son. After college we communicated not so often but when we did it was as if we just talked yesterday. She battled cancer for quite some time until she succumbed to her illness. Nobody called me to inform of her passing, but when I saw several missed calls from her on my phone I thought to ring her back, but nobody answered. So I called her house number and her Mother answered. She was so happy to hear from me as if she was waiting for my call, but obviously was surprised from the way she talked when I told her I had missed calls from Irene and I wanted to talk to her and catch up.

Then on the other end of the line there was a pause, a hesitation, then the mother said:

Irene passed away two months ago.

The calls I received were only recent. The mother said her cellphone was kept in her room and nobody used them since her death. We started crying. Her mother did not know my current number at that time. So Irene made a way to let me know. She wanted to say goodbye.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I had a lot of friends. There was a group of approximately 30 girls who hung out and sometimes more. Everyone was
welcome. My high school friends and I had so much fun.Football games, basketball games, slumber parties. We still
kept in touch till I had the surgery. It's difficult for most people to understand that I am still the same person, I just can't
be as active as I once was. I want to reach out to some of them who still live in the area.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
I had 4 best friends in my lifetime. Three of them are now deceased and the fourth one borrowed enough money from me to make her house payment and I never heard from her since. That was 28 years ago and we still don't speak.

I made friends with my next store neighbor two years ago. But now she has become best friends with her other neighbor and I have been left out in the cold.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I started in a new school for the 4th grade, and was always the outsider. I had no friends.
You do now. You have us. :hugs:
N NY cat man You may not have had friends then but you do now!!
I totally agree! You definitely have friends in us!

While I had friends in high school, I never kept in touch with anybody. When I got pregnant and then married in my sophomore year, most of them cut me out quickly. I could probably walk by most of those people and not even know them now.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
While I had friends in high school, I never kept in touch with anybody. When I got pregnant and then married in my sophomore year, most of them cut me out quickly. I could probably walk by most of those people and not even know them now.
Awwww.......wish you could've gone to my school :hugs: . One of my friends got pregnant but she was not cut off.
She still attended school although she was married. We had a nice baby shower for her and we were just
kids.Our mothers gave us money so we could buy a nice cake and have snacks, etc and we bought her gifts.


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
My best friends until the start of middle school were named Robin and Kylie. Kylie was my age, Robin a year or so older. We all lived close to each other and would play together. Robin deactivated her Facebook. but her mom is still on, so I get periodic updates on her. Kylie moved several states away but I still have her on Facebook and Snapchat.

My mom remarried when I started 7th grade. I hated the school I went to in 8th grade (it was, shall we say, a culture shock for me) and I had one really good friend that entire year name Royell. He and I hung out together in and out of school.

In high school, things changed. I became friend with all of the AP/Honors kids and had a very close-knit friend group all through high school During college, many of us all went to the same school. While some of those friendships drifted apart, I would say I'm still in touch with 75% of them via one way of social media or another.

I met who I consider my best friend in college, Jo, and we try to get together at least once or twice a year. And, of course, I met my husband, so that ended well for me!