Question of the Day - Monday, May 18, 2020


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Sorry for the delay this morning. I opened my front door to get a letter in the mailbox before our mail lady comes by and ended up getting blocked by 2 barn swallows on my front porch! :cringe: :paranoid: :help: We had them try to build a nest last year and they got some dirt up over the door before I saw them. It was a mess!! DH power washed the house a few weeks ago and got the last of the dirt off. He's been doing a lot of outside maintenance and I've been gardening so it's not like we haven't been around. Then just this weekend he painted the trim around all the doors. And now they showed up acting like they own the place! Crazy birds! :lol:

At least they didn't get anything up this time. But if you drove by my house a little while ago you would have seen two kids in pajamas waving tubes of Christmas wrapping paper in the front yard! :flail: We had to go out through the garage. I have a big fake blow up snake on the porch and I tapped up some bird tape right over the door and light fixture. Lets pray that works again this year! It looks lovely against our fresh white trim. :lol2:

Also it's the last week of school so everyone is a bit silly here. :banana2::banana1::banana2::bunnydance: My kids are planning out what they need to do for our bringing home THREE kittens. I know nothing about getting any kittens; let alone three. But DD is cleaning her room and gathering things that a kitten could safely play with and DS is over here illustrating how we will place new litter boxes, food and another cat tree. :flail:I think they are trying to show me how responsible they can be. :lol: Mooch says she vetoes any kitten decisions. :smash: :lol2:

How many and what kinds of lamps do you keep around your house?

We have 4 table lamps and one free standing one that stays in the garage for project lighting. We mostly use ceiling and ceiling fan fixtures in my house. But I don't always want bright overhead lighting so I'm looking at table lamps. Right now I have 2 small table lamps in the living room that were originally purchased for my kid's bedrooms when they were babies. They are ok for watching TV; but not the best for reading or anything else. The switch sticks on one so I have to unplug it to be sure it's off. DH and I have small bedside lamps too but I don't like them for reading either. I usually read on my kindle so it's not a problem; but sometimes I want to relax with a paperback. We use LED bulbs wherever possible.

So I am searching for larger table lamps for the living room for whenever our new couches come. That was supposed to be by the end of this month before covid hit. So we will see. I was given a Lowes gift card for Mother's Day; so I'm browsing their website for lamps now. I'd like to get something I'll be happy to keep for the next 30 or more years instead of cheap stuff that I got in a hurry. We had several cheap floor lamps from Walmart that Mooch and Noodles knocked over enough times that they broke. I'd come home from work and find one laying on the floor. :rolleyes2: Thankfully no bulbs ever broke! :crazy:

I just remembered; DD has a "party lamp" in her room so that's one more. It spins and projects colored dots all over. :dazzler: :lol:


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
As I get older and my cataracts progress, I need more task lightening. My office/sewing room which is maybe only 9 x 10 has the most lights. I have two 100 Watt desk lights, and two sewing table lights, one with two 60 watt bulbs and another lamp with a 60 watt bulb.

Living room has a couple of three way lamps, dining room has ceiling fan lights, 180 watts total plus a desk lamp I use while doing puzzles. Other rooms a lamp or two.

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
We have 2 desk lamps, 2 bedside lamps, a task light for the computer, a floor lamp, and a torchere lamp that Michele pulled out of the junk and I rewired and refinished. Aside from a ceiling fan light and a couple of wall sconces, everything else is built-in.
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TCS Member
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Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
If I ever build a house I want recessed lighting in pretty much every room. Something adjustable. In winter it's depressing keeping rooms too dim. My mother only uses one table lamp in her living room so it's always dim. And I've noticed they don't sit in there anymore either; they go into the family room that has adjustable ceiling lights.

I just remembered I do have one desk light. It's LED and adjustable in color, brightness and angle so I can put it over whatever task I need. I don't use it often; but it is helpful sometimes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
We have a few lamps in the sitting room - including one we got from Morocco a few years ago and is designed in the traditional Moroccan style; and it's my favourite. It looks magical when lit with the lights off.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
We have a few lamps in the sitting room - including one we got from Morocco a few years ago and is designed in the traditional Moroccan style; and it's my favourite. It looks magical when lit with the lights off.
I'd LOVE to see a picture sometime if you can! Moroccan design is beautiful!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
I primarily only use lamps. I don't like overhead lights at all. In my living room, I have 3 (going to get another one soon). My bedroom has 2, one I haven't plugged in yet because I haven't decided where I want it.

I'm going to get a bunch of lamps for my basement because the overhead lights in the two bedrooms (that I actually have nothing in because I don't know what to do with the space), are very dull and I need a lot more light in there. I will only use certain lightbulbs too. I need to use daylight ones because the soft white ones mess with my eyes at a certain point.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
We have one "library lamp" on the piano, three desk lamps, and two floor lamps (in the living room and beside the kitchen table).


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Only use softly lighted lamps, cannot tolerate bright lighting. Most are Tiffany Mission style with a
few others thrown in.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
The only ceiling lights are in the kitchen (3), hallway (1), and bathroom (1). We do have a ceiling light in the foyer.

We have adjustable under-cabinet lighting in the kitchen and I use that most of the time, when I need light. But we also have two sun tunnels in the kitchen and, the light they give me is simply amazing. They are so bright that they look like lights. I love those sun tunnels. There is a ceiling light/fan above the kitchen table. We also have a large window in the kitchen as well as the French doors. We have an Ott light on the piano in the living room. We've been talking about getting more lighting for the living room.

One floor lamp in the bedroom and three table lamps. We have a ceiling light/fan for the bedroom, but it's never been installed; it's in its box in the basement.
One floor lamp in the computer room and one desk light.
Ceiling light in the bathroom, with two recessed lights in the shower. A bar with three lights above each bathroom mirror. We also have a large window in the bathroom. (When we built the house back in the 1980's, it had these ridiculously small windows in the kitchen and the bathroom. We finally got rid of those and have some decent windows.)

I'm not fond of recessed lighting at all; I think it's way too harsh, IMO, and it's not good for task lighting. One of the houses we rented had recessed lighting and I found myself working at the kitchen counters in my own shadow. It was annoying. MoochNNoodles MoochNNoodles If you do put in recessed lighting, stand at your kitchen counters and go through the motions of preparing food. You want your recessed lighting to be in front of you, so you're not shadowing yourself.

The shed has a chandelier in the vault of the ceiling, two table lamps, and a floor lamp.