Question About Foster Cats And Resident Cats


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 24, 2019
If you read my other thread, you know I am fostering a momma and her 5 kittens (7 weeks tomorrow).
This situation was unplanned. I have a tiny 1 bedroom, the bathroom is tiny too. So far my 3 resident cats have been in my room and the momma with her kittens in the living room. My two used to be okay with momma but she was aggressive towards them when she came with her kittens and now they don't trust her. My youngest has always been snippy with mom. Even pre kittens.
So. Kittens want to explore a bit more. My cats I'm sure are going stir crazy. Should I continue separation or try introducing again? Momma and my youngest got fixed a few days ago. I used that time to let my older two explore. My boy hissed at the babies (rare for him), but was very curious after. He even tried to go into their area but I didn't allow other girl mostly ignored them. I have a crate, but mom is TERRIFIED of it. She has always been a stray, so she's used to freedom. It's amazing she stays inside with little complaints and has even been ok with some visitors.
I just feel bad for my cooped up babies, want the kittens to meet other cats, but want everyone safe


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago burbs
Some cats get anxiety from the sound and size of kittens, and u did good introducing kits separate from mom. You could also put kittens in crate without mom and let ur cats get used to them that way, so ur cats feel safe and can satisfy their curiosity. It may also relieve mom about your cats harming them. How old are your cats?
Also territory is often an issue with adding cats, and ur cats are aware the newcomers have taken some prime space (If your youngest is the newest cat this could explain the hissing, ie worried to lose place in pecking order.)

Mom kitty no matter what will need a few weeks to get over hormones. Will she be staying with u till she has a home? I wd be sure there is an escape route for example in ur bedroom a cat tree that is near an escape chair or shelf in case needed, and/or living room
Also are the young ones and mom snap tested, had their vaccinations, and dewormed poops normal before u let ur cats interact a lot? I ask bc cats silently shed virus from their fur so good for all involved to have immunity built up and very healthy.
With “normal” cat introductions the best way is to give everyone treats when in proximity to each other so they associate interaction w fun times. Also best to play a lot w ur cats directly ahead of time to release endorphins and work off adrenaline. U cd do w mom and kits too. And u cd try doing this thru the door cracked and be sure it is fun play (not scaredy challenge play) for all.
In sum if ur going to have them all until they find a home i wd introduce like this. Otherwise i wd leave them separate until they move on to other home or shelter.
But either way def watch ur cats to ensure none of them are freaked by kitten cries bc it can cause instinct aggression, like how some cats will automatically puff up and engage if they hear loud cat cries. They wd prob not hurt kits but i wd not expose them to that ongoing anxiety of the kitten cries.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 24, 2019
Thank you for the reply! I am letting my cats and momma roam the whole apartment today. With supervision of course. If I need to do something (shower, sleep, leave) I will separate them.
The kittens are contained in a plastic gate (see picture) my cats can come in, but since I'm in with the kittens, it is under supervision.
My cats are approximately 4 and a half (older 2) and around 3 (youngest). The kittens aren't vaccinated yet but should be soon. Waiting for the rescue to come do it. Momma is vaccinated, and recently fixed. (Last week). My cats have hissed at the kittens and mom but no fights. I gave my cats wet food by the kittens outside their gate so they can eat and watch. Hopefully associate kittens with a pleasant activity.
Good to know about sounds and aggression. Thankfully I think because I separated them so much, they all know good hiding spots from each other (the adults). Excuse the mess. Organizing as time allows
Oh! As to keeping them. I'm not sure yet what the rescue does. If I keep them until adopted or if they do at 10 weeks. 10 weeks is when they start adopting them out. They told me they (in a foster home? Something else) keep them until adopted. Including momma. At first they thought she may be released after sterilization, but she's so sweet and lovely, that the plan now is to find her a home too


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Mama cats are VERY protective, she may attack thinking your cats are a threat, so watch very carefully. Hissing, swatting and growling are very normal. with a mama, I would never leave them alone. Maybe mama can be shut away and let yoru cats introduce themselves to the babies. Little ones are rarely seen as a threat. Annoying, maybe, but usually get along with adults. bless you for helping this little family!