

TCS Member
Apr 26, 2016
You are correct. These are definitely neurotoxins. I am saddened to read that you lost your cat to one of these products. After nearly losing mine, and spending a small fortune to save his life, I will never allow another one of these products to be used on any animal of mine. Thank you for sharing what product you successfully use.



TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 3, 2016
It seems that the problem is getting a pill to go down the cat's throat.  I'd recommend trying "Greenies", the pill pockets.  One worked on a cat I have and the pill was inside and he did not notice.  However, the other one did so I had to try the old route which was ....

Take cat and have pill in hand ready-to-go.  Open the cats mouth gently with your hand and try to place pill as far back in the mouth as you can.  Close the mouth and hold it shut and begin to stroke the cat under the chin which will evoke the swallowing response and ... pill is gone (hopefully). 

If this does not work, give it a break as to not stress the cat (or you) out and try again later.

Thanks you for the condolences re: my poor late kitty!  It has been so very sad around here that I cannot begin to tell you what it is like as it is an absolute horror.  I'm having nightmares about these toxic poisons, I kid you not! 

We must learn to live in the world I grew up in which was one without these chemicals to put on our pet due to convenience.  This said convenience is killing our beloved pets and costing you and me a fortune and doing nothing good I agree w/you!  The vets are making the money off of this as are the pharmaceutical companies.  SHAME ON ALL OF THEM! 

Their greed is killing us and our pets and they do not care!  


TCS Member
Dec 5, 2016
I put this on my cat who's not even a year yet and about 20 min later read all these horrible reviews. I scrubbed it off of her. I'm hoping I got to it in time before I took full effect I will be calling my vet in the morning does anyone think I am too late after applying it? She wasn't acting any different when I put it on.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 6, 2016
near Oslo, Norway
Very informative thread. Just wanted to mention that I have twice used Profender on my cat, and there was no adverse physical reaction. But he strongly disliked the application of this liquid at the nape of his neck. He was obviously distressed and became afraid of me until it dried. So now I give him Milbemax 16/40, a pill which I mix with his wet food twice a year - no problem.


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2016
Every cat doesn't have the same bad reaction, or it certainly wouldn't still be marketable. I would just watch your cat closely for the next couple of days for any adverse reactions, and if you see any, then call your vet immediately. Tremors, lethargy, vomiting, refusal to eat would all be things to watch for. Good luck and I'm glad you found this site. From my experience, I just know that the ingredients in Profender are considered toxins, and I personally will not be giving it to my pets ever again. I now question any "medication" much more thoroughly. I think we should all be doing that to protect our pets.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
I think you were right to scrub it off and not wait for a bad reaction.  There are much safer wormers, and there is no reason to use a topical.  When choosing between "safer" and "easier," I will always choose safer!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 21, 2016
I've used Profender in the past and have never had any bad reactions. I just gave a stray that we have taken in a dose of Profender about 4 hours ago or so. I know he had roundworm so I wanted to eliminate that as quickly as possible. My vet has never offered anything other than Profender, so I never thought anything of it. I didn't even really realise there were other medications. I've only ever used Profender.
He seems fine right now. His usual self. He's sleeping right now, but not acting weird. He was just purring and kneading about ten minutes ago. The spot on his neck doesn't seem to be balding or irritated. He didn't do anything when we put it on and he hasn't paid it any attention at all. No scratching or licking or anything.
Reading this thread has definitely got my anxiety going though. I really hope nothing bad happens to him. I hate feeling this anxiety. Surely if it was so dangerous it wouldn't be sold in vet offices?
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TCS Member
Jan 2, 2017
My son used profender on our cat. Bad reaction and within one week she passed away. It was a horrible thing watching her not eat or drink for that time. Several calls to the vet and trips there with no relief. Do not use this product!!! It's not worth the risk!!


Adult Cat
Aug 2, 2016
Utica, Kentucky

Just logged on to this thread. Whoa! You can bet your bottom dollar that I won't be giving this to my cats! I found some information about that drug, Emodepside. It's definitely linked to that other drug Profender. Here's a link to that on wiki.

I agree. Don't give your animals anything that might cause them to have severe adverse reactions. That was really bad when I read where those cats had died after they were given that drug. I think companies like Bayer, and other drug companies should he held accountable for their actions. And people should definitely boycott these companies that harm their pets. Luckily my cats have not had any roundworms or heartworms. Once they had tapeworms, but after I started giving them that flea medicine Advantage Multi, they stopped having tapeworms. Now since they get their monthly dose of the flea medicine, they have been worm-free.
Advantage Multi also keeps them from having heartworms and being bitten by mosquitoes. It is also good for earmites. It costs a little more but at least my cats get full protection, and don't have any serious adverse reactions. It's also made by Bayer company. But before I put it on my cats, I asked a lot of people if their cats had any reactions to Advantage Multi and they said no. So that sounded good. I even looked it up on the internet. So I try to research drugs, etc.before I use them on my cats. It's just like people. Not everyone can use the same drug. Everyone has a different reaction to medicine.

And thinking of reactions, my cat Shadow had a bad reaction to a series of shots he received this past December. He received his regular rabies, FVRCP,and Feline Leukemia shots along with his physical exam. Later after we brought the cats home, Shadow became very lethargic, and just laid around and didn't eat or drink any water. I got worried, and so mom called the vet. She said to keep an eye on him and make sure he drinks water, and uses the litter box. She said that was common for some cats to have that reaction, but they recovered in a few hours or the next day. She recommended that we give him an antihistamine if he got worse and that would counteract the effect. Luckily after a few hours he started drinking water and using the litter box, and even ate a bit of food. But I decided that next time, I was going to space out his shots, and get them a week at a time instead of all at once. Rascal had the same reaction one time, so we always space his shots out. So I'm doing the same for Shadow. Poor cat. :-(

You never know how these drugs will affect your pets until they get them. So it pays to be cautious when using drugs on animals, cats or dogs.

My condolences to anyone who's cat died using that Profender. So sorry for your loss!
No one likes to lose a pet, so it's sad when it happens. :-(

Hugs to you!

Thanks for posting all that information about that drug.  That was really helpful! :-)

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
I had one cat who was sensitive to the Advantage Multi -- the Advantage part is fine, but the "multi" part is a macrocyclic lactone (there is a whole family of those) and certain animals (most notably some collie breeds of dogs, but animals of all species have shown this) and that drug can cross the blood-brain barrier and it gives them neurological symptoms, so it's good to know that so if you ever have an animal that suddenly gets neurological symptoms after an application of that (or any other macrocyclic lactone), wash it off as soon as you notice symptoms and if severe, get to the vet AND tell the vetit happened right after you applied the flea medicine.

Well before Profender was released, Jean Hofve, a well known feline vet, published an article by Dr. Michael Fox ( on the Little Big Cat web page about the dangers of pesticides being used on our companion animals, and I would recommend it for anyone who owns a cat or a dog.
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ocs mommy

TCS Member
May 9, 2013
I use profender. I find its effectiveness about 50-50. Good luck!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 23, 2015
I'm having an anxiety attack now. I just gave this to my cat for roundworms. I had no idea about so many cats getting sick or dying. I'm freaking out now, I hope my kitty is going to be ok. I'm sorry for all of your losses

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
I hope your kitty is fine.  I always recommend people NOT use "new" things even if the vet recommends them, and instead stick to the tried and true medicines that have worked safely for years.  There is a new flea medicine out that is also killing and sickening some cats and dogs, called BRAVECTO.  Don't use it!  Stick to the old ones like Advantage.  I've used it for years and never once had a bad reaction to it in ANY cat or kitten.  It may not kill 100% of the fleas 100% of the time, but I'm hapy with 98% and cats that don't get sick from flea medicine.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 23, 2015
red top rescue red top rescue What kind of dewormer do you recommend for roundworms? Is there such a thing as a safe dewormer? My foster kitty has a real bad case of roundworms. Her tummy is huge. She had kittens(on my front deck before I could catch her) about 9 months ago. Two were adopted, now there's two left. I've been trying to Get momma socialized enough to find her own home, but her parasite situation needs fixing first. She seemed to handle the profender OK, had a little diarrhea this morning but she's still eating with gusto.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Bayer's original product, Drontal, kills the same worms as the Profender, but it is a PILL and not a topical.  It contains pyrantel pamoate (rather than emodepside) to kill the roundworms and hookworms, and prazaquantel (the same drug that is used in the Profender) to kill tapeworms.  The PYRANTEL PAMOATE is completely safe,and vets have used Drontal for years.  They also have a pillfor just tapeworms (Droncit) which is the praziquantel only. 

Since you have wormed for the tapes already with the Profender, you can now safely worm her for the roundworms with pyrantel pamoate.  Personally, I use NEMEX-2, which is marketed for dogs and is only the pyrantel pamoate.  There are different CONCENTRATIONS of pyrantel pamoate sold, and this one and this one is 4.54 mg. per ml.  (The large animal concentration is 50 mg./ml.)  The dose for cats is higher than the dose for dogs, but with just one cat, a bottle of this should be fine.  I choose this brand because it tastes good to cats and I can actually mix it in the food for the feral cats and they will eat it, and my other cats don't mind when I give it to them using a syringe.  Yum yum eat it up.  The normal dose range is from 2.5 to 5 mg. per pound.  I go on the high side.  Also, you need to repeat it in 3 weeks because it only kills the adult worms - with a heavy infestation like your cat has, I would use it 3 weeks after she got the Profender, and then again three weeks after that and this should do it. 


TCS Member
Aug 11, 2017
After my cat had a reaction to Profender, I searched online to find this thread and other side effects. My cat is rather large (around 16 lbs) so the vet said Profender was the right choice for any cat over 11 lbs. I used it after I saw a couple dead tapeworms around his rear. I'm actually a Doctor of Pharmacy, so I know drugs, but I trusted the vet's expertise. I used it last night (Thursday night) and he didn't seem to have any bad reaction. Today (Friday) around 8 pm he started meowing real loud and "freaking out", kind of running around and all. Upon further inspection, we saw he had ripped out a big chunk of hair. He was really trying to scratch at it, so I put on a small dog sweater so he wouldn't continue to irritate the area. Since then, he has calmed down considerably. He is now just laying around like he normally does. The dog shirt is still on him. I may call the vet in the morning. The Beyer website says that every side effect they legally have listed are self-limited (meaning they resolve on their own). However, international, non-studied, side effects mention death. It scared me quite a bit when he was meowing in pain. I will never use this again. I'll stick to the oral pills.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
My general advice is to stick to the tried and true wormers and flea medicines that have been around for years. If those stop working, then investigate new things, but DO YOUR RESEARCH, don't just jump on what the vet tells you We had a thread on here concerning another new flea product. The vet used it on three of his office cats, two were fine, and one was dead in an hour. It was a case where the new medicine was strong enough to kill heartworms, and if you kill a heartworm in a cat, it is very likely the heartworm will then get flushed into the blood system and kill the cat. The studies even recommended doing a heartworm test first before using that medicine on animals, but the recommendation was never put on the product! The product is still out there, by the way.


TCS Member
Feb 26, 2012
No more Profender at this house after several successful years. One cat in 5 had issues. The Emodepside part is the trouble. He has had Praziquantel in other products with no problem. I can't use Profender on him ever again. And I'm opting for something else. Thought I better share.

I've had 5 cats that used Profender in the last several years. But my latest adult cat that was adopted last summer had a Very adverse reaction to Profender. The other two- a 2 year old and a 7 year old also treated at the exact same time had absolutely no problems. All are the same breed. Very different types but same breed. He had a bald patch appear, is itchy and nervous- apparent that its an allergy or neurotoxic reaction. It has been since December that he was treated and still having itchy episodes. I am giving a little bit of activated charcoal and that is helping. It can't be given a lot because it will steal nutrients as well but as a quick relief it works.