Pregnant cat...normal pr emergency?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 6, 2020
My 3.5 year old cat is 66 to 68 days pregnant today. Well last night she had some bloody discharge. Not a huge amount drop or 2 every 15 or 20 mins) and it stopped a few hrs later so I wasnt really worried. Anyway she was having contractions and only way I could tell was by feeling her belly. They were not visible. It has now been 26 hours since this started and tge contractions are very irregular and still not very strong. She has pushed only a few times 3.5 hours ago when 1st kittens water sac was partially coming out. The waters broke 3 hours ago and she has not pushed at all since. Some clear fluid is still leaking out here and there. Tge contractions are still sparatic and cant be seen, only felt. She ate a good amount 6 hrs ago and she is drinking fine. Shes very clingy but seems relaxed and tired. She os very much enjoying her belly being rubbed.
Does it seem normal that it has been over 24 hrs and this is all that has happened? She had 2 kittens july 7th. We werent home so idk how that went. (We were camping)
Also Im extremely concerned because I have not felt babies move at all for 15 hours. My local vet is closed until tuesday and honestly I only have a couple hundred dollars for my 2 kids xmas presents. A vet trip will mean my 10 and 7 year olds wont have an xmas. (This pandemic has caused me to lose more than my job) obviously I will bring my kitty to the vet if I absolutely have to. She does seem fine despite all thats happening.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
She may need a shot of oxytocin to stimulate stronger contractions if labor does not start up again. If she is experiencing dystocia, she may need a c-section. Ultimately, she will need spaying so she does not continue to breed. I agree that you need to speak to a vet and the cat probably needs to be seen. I suggest you call your vet first thing Monday morning, as some of what you describe is concerning.

I know times are hard, so maybe you can get a payment plan with the vet for any services your cat may need. You may also want to touch base with local charities and churches in your area for help with Christmas gifts and food for your children.

What happened to the kittens born in July?

Please let us know how things go with your cat!

A Amcott
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  • #4


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 6, 2020
She may need a shot of oxytocin to stimulate stronger contractions if labor does not start up again. If she is experiencing dystocia, she may need a c-section. Ultimately, she will need spaying so she does not continue to breed. I agree that you need to speak to a vet and the cat probably needs to be seen. I suggest you call your vet first thing Monday morning, as some of what you describe is concerning.

I know times are hard, so maybe you can get a payment plan with the vet for any services your cat may need. You may also want to touch base with local charities and churches in your area for help with Christmas gifts and food for your children.

What happened to the kittens born in July?

Please let us know how things go with your cat!

A Amcott
What parts sound concerning?

I agree totally about getting her fixed. She is an indoor only cat but, has got out these 2 times that she has got pregnant. So, originally I thought I didnt need to worry about getting her fixed but I see now that the urge to mate while in labor has had her do some crazy stuff to get outside. In July she had 2 beautiful kittens. One died at 3 days old. No idea why as it was doing great and we woke up to find he had passed in the night. Momma cat still snuggling him along with the other. The other is doing excellent. We decided to keep her. Mom stopped feeding and caring for her at a couple weeks old so I picked up the job and we became so incredibly attached to each other that I couldn't bear to find her a new home.
My vet isn't open until tuesday but I am going to call the next closest vet (an hour away) in the am if things don't progress. I will ask about a payment plan ty for the suggestion.
As of now momma cat is just sleeping in her nesting area and nothing at all has happened in a few hours.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Concerning is her pushing and nothing happening; labor slowing; blood drops; and fluid leaking. She may have a deceased kitten in her birth canal. Something seems not quite right, so you do need vet advice.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
My 3.5 year old cat is 66 to 68 days pregnant today. Well last night she had some bloody discharge. Not a huge amount drop or 2 every 15 or 20 mins) and it stopped a few hrs later so I wasnt really worried. Anyway she was having contractions and only way I could tell was by feeling her belly. They were not visible. It has now been 26 hours since this started and tge contractions are very irregular and still not very strong. She has pushed only a few times 3.5 hours ago when 1st kittens water sac was partially coming out. The waters broke 3 hours ago and she has not pushed at all since. Some clear fluid is still leaking out here and there. Tge contractions are still sparatic and cant be seen, only felt. She ate a good amount 6 hrs ago and she is drinking fine. Shes very clingy but seems relaxed and tired. She os very much enjoying her belly being rubbed.
Does it seem normal that it has been over 24 hrs and this is all that has happened? She had 2 kittens july 7th. We werent home so idk how that went. (We were camping)
Also Im extremely concerned because I have not felt babies move at all for 15 hours. My local vet is closed until tuesday and honestly I only have a couple hundred dollars for my 2 kids xmas presents. A vet trip will mean my 10 and 7 year olds wont have an xmas. (This pandemic has caused me to lose more than my job) obviously I will bring my kitty to the vet if I absolutely have to. She does seem fine despite all thats happening.
Also, give her calcium. May help, cant hurt. Anything which she takes. Goats milk, youghurt, cheese.... Egg shells crushed into a fine powder, sprinkled on her food, or let her lick off your hands; this is probably the most potent of home remedies.

Why? because lack of calcium may give a weak delivery labor...

If she is really tired, you can also give a drop or two of white caro syrup / honey on her gum, or her drinking water. It givew quick energhy.

I agree a vet consultation with an experienced vet is wise here. Even if its just per telephone. I hope its in the normal range, but it does sounds worrying...
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 6, 2020
Update monday 12/7/20
Mostly the same. Still no babies. She has only pushed a handful of times. I can feel at least 1 kitten movinh so thays good. Called every vet within 2 hours of me...even the emergency vets over an hr away. Literally NONE of them will see her. These are the reasons why. 1) the little cash I have is not enough and they wont work out a payment plan for the rest.
2) They dont take emergencies/no notice/ walk ins.
3)My cat is not an established patient but they can give me an appt months away.
4)They dont do surgeries at the office or at all
Plus I was able to get a hold of our vet. She doesn't have a technician at all this week (and is closed today anyway)
I have given her milk and ground up eggshells and rubbed so.e corn syrup on her gums.
Idk what else to do. I cannot believe that even sobbing and begging on the phone that not 1 vet will see her. Its horrendous. Unbelievable and unbearable!!! Surely there has hot to be another option aside from just letting her die?!
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 6, 2020
Update monday 12/7/20
Mostly the same. Still no babies. She has only pushed a handful of times. I can feel at least 1 kitten movinh so thays good. Called every vet within 2 hours of me...even the emergency vets over an hr away. Literally NONE of them will see her. These are the reasons why. 1) the little cash I have is not enough and they wont work out a payment plan for the rest.
2) They dont take emergencies/no notice/ walk ins.
3)My cat is not an established patient but they can give me an appt months away.
4)They dont do surgeries at the office or at all
Plus I was able to get a hold of our vet. She doesn't have a technician at all this week (and is closed today anyway)
I have given her milk and ground up eggshells and rubbed so.e corn syrup on her gums.
Idk what else to do. I cannot believe that even sobbing and begging on the phone that not 1 vet will see her. Its horrendous. Unbelievable and unbearable!!! Surely there has hot to be another option aside from just letting her die?!
The one emergency vet quoted me between $3000 and $5000. Yeah crazy right!?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Oh my! How is she doing today? Does she seem okay or in pain or uncomfortable? When did she last push? Is she having contractions?

Perhaps she was in pre-labor and things will be okay when she goes into labor again. Is your vet in tomorrow?
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 6, 2020
Oh my! How is she doing today? Does she seem okay or in pain or uncomfortable? When did she last push? Is she having contractions?

Perhaps she was in pre-labor and things will be okay when she goes into labor again. Is your vet in tomorrow?
She sewms very comfortable. Not distressed at all. She gives a small push every few hours. She is having what i assume are weak contractions quite often. She jusr very rarely pushes with them and when she does its a very quick push.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
She sewms very comfortable. Not distressed at all. She gives a small push every few hours. She is having what i assume are weak contractions quite often. She jusr very rarely pushes with them and when she does its a very quick push.
Sounds good. Lets hope for the best.
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 6, 2020
I was able to talk to mh vet today after my cats vulva seemed to really widen and open up. She said its most likely just a long stage 1 of labor. And that active labor sounds very close. If nothing more happens tonight I am bringing her to vet tomorrow but if she needs a c section the vet wont be able to do it without a technician there. So Im really hoping for the best and I actually feel a bit better about it all now after speaking with vet over the phone. Also in the last few hours the few contractions she has had seem a little stronger and she pushed a little harder. So....fingers crossed.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Just to clear up any confusion, she should only be pushing at the end of stage one labor. Stage one usually lasts about 24 hours, with contractions getting stronger and closer together until it’s time for stage two, which is pushing kittens out. It’s very similar to the way labor works in humans. So it seems that perhaps your cat has only been having pre-labor contractions, which would be intermittent. It’s good your vet can see her tomorrow and evaluate what is going on.
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 6, 2020
Kitten number 1 is finally here and well amd #2 almost out as well. Thank god! Guess I was kust being a worry wart. Thanl you so so much everyone for your advice and well wishes!
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 6, 2020
Youre probably wondering what rhe toilet paper is....well let me tell you. Its kitten #2 wrapped up from front armpits down. The poor baby was born with its spu e deformed, EXPOSED, twisted up back legs, paralyzed in back legs, and full of poo. Omg my worst nightmare for a kitten...spina bifida. I had a very long hard time getting that baby breathing normally but its finally ok as far as breathing. Its suckling...weakly.
Idk what to do for the poor soul tonight. I dont have streile gauze to wrap her with. I know I ha e to keep her spine covered though as its bleeding very little. Im worried about momma cat (her name is MYA) licking the baby's spine and causibg pain and bleeding. This turned from one scary thing that I guess was all in my head to an actual horrific scary tragedy. What can I do for it tonight? I already I am not getting any sleep. I should be used to it though lol. Im exhausted. Altoghther the past 3 nights (not counting tonight) I have only got maybe 7 hours.


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  • #19


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 6, 2020
Just to clear up any confusion, she should only be pushing at the end of stage one labor. Stage one usually lasts about 24 hours, with contractions getting stronger and closer together until it’s time for stage two, which is pushing kittens out. It’s very similar to the way labor works in humans. So it seems that perhaps your cat has only been having pre-labor contractions, which would be intermittent. It’s good your vet can see her tomorrow and evaluate what is going on.
Yesyou're right. I said the vet said a long stage 1 labor but she did say pre labor. I misquoted. My bad.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Im sorry, I dont think there is so much to do. Human babies they try to survive and be taken care of. But animals? Anyway, talk it through with your vet, as you DO already have contact with your own vet.