Pregnant cat acting odd


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 11, 2016
Hey! New here but have found so much great info in the past few months(I've been slowly reintroducing a feral stray male who showed up at my door one night a few months ago who I've been calling cat-man-dude, and I already have two female indoor cats that it appears he has knocked up) my question/concern has to do with the about 4 weeks pregnant cat (her name is Ghost) she has always been the most passive, non aggressive but very "jumpy" type. For instance: She likes to sleep on me but the second I move even to sit up without moving my legs where she lays she gets up and leaves the room, silly. But anyway she has been extra clingy with me(as I know is normal for pregnant cats) until about two days ago. She has the kitty morning sickness stuff. She has been super lethargic and just kinda sits looking half asleep when i talk to her and pet her. In fact she is currently sitting next to her water bowl just kinda sleepily staring into it.. she has thrown up a few times(probably around 5-6 times in the past few days) and when she does its never food..first day it was clear like water and slightly foamy, since yesterday morning its been a neon greenish color. I guess the color change(although if shes not eating much it could be just stomach acid I guess) and her being so "out of it" has me concerned. Other than the looking/acting sleepy thing she's not looking to show any other signs of difference but I'm an over worrying type and just really need some advice/reassurance on whether this is on par with the normal morning sickness behavior and how long it should last before I am even more concerned. Thank you sorry for the rambling and thanks for being here for so many seeking answers and advice!


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
W worriedmama99

I would be worried too! Your cat sounds very dehydrated and needs to see a vet for sub-q fluids asap. She would also benefit from anti-nausea medication. There is also a possibility that she may have a virus or other infection. The green bile color is worrisome. She needs help and relief from a vet!

Please get her to the vet and update us on her progress.

Neutering the male cat asap will calm him down more quickly, and prevent future pregnancies.
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 23, 2016
That is not morning sickness. It sounds like a medical emergency to me.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Hey! New here but have found so much great info in the past few months(I've been slowly reintroducing a feral stray male who showed up at my door one night a few months ago who I've been calling cat-man-dude, and I already have two female indoor cats that it appears he has knocked up) my question/concern has to do with the about 4 weeks pregnant cat (her name is Ghost) she has always been the most passive, non aggressive but very "jumpy" type. For instance: She likes to sleep on me but the second I move even to sit up without moving my legs where she lays she gets up and leaves the room, silly. But anyway she has been extra clingy with me(as I know is normal for pregnant cats) until about two days ago. She has the kitty morning sickness stuff. She has been super lethargic and just kinda sits looking half asleep when i talk to her and pet her. In fact she is currently sitting next to her water bowl just kinda sleepily staring into it.. she has thrown up a few times(probably around 5-6 times in the past few days) and when she does its never food..first day it was clear like water and slightly foamy, since yesterday morning its been a neon greenish color. I guess the color change(although if shes not eating much it could be just stomach acid I guess) and her being so "out of it" has me concerned. Other than the looking/acting sleepy thing she's not looking to show any other signs of difference but I'm an over worrying type and just really need some advice/reassurance on whether this is on par with the normal morning sickness behavior and how long it should last before I am even more concerned. Thank you sorry for the rambling and thanks for being here for so many seeking answers and advice!
How is it going?   I agree with the others, this sounds more alike an emergency than morning sickedness... So Red Alert on...