Powder on Calming Collar


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 24, 2012
Hi everyone!  I just received a calming collar (by nurtureCALM) in the mail and was wondering about the powder that came on it.  Most of it rubbed off by the time I actually got the thing around my cat's neck.  I'm assuming this must be normal but I wanted to ask just in case.  Is it okay that most of the powder that came on the collar has been rubbed off, or is the powder necessary in order for the collar to work? Thank you in advance for your replies! 
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Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
I was interested in finding out more about these collars, which I hadn't heard of before, and found this review from a person on Amazon which may be helpful to you:

There are several things that I don't like about the collar. It is made of a very stiff plastic like material that tends to crack and break easily. In fact the collar that I purchased was cracked in several places and the buckle was about to break off.

I ended up having to return the collar for a replacement. This was discouraging considering the high cost of the collar. The other big problem with the collar is that it is covered with a messy, flaky white substance. Apparently this is what "holds" the pheromone.

I was very concerned that it would have an unpleasant odor but it does not. The flaky white stuff is messy but I am hoping that in time it will be less so. Also, keep in mind that the collars only last about 60 days.

My cat has worn the calming collar now for about 4 weeks and I can see that it has made a huge difference in his restless behavior without making him dull. I am now giving him his Prozac every other day and he is doing well.

The flaky white stuff quickly dissapated, so it ended up not being a problem. I will continue to purchase this product and very much recommend it to cat owners who are experiencing behavior issues.
