Post Surgery - Pain Meds - Worried


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 18, 2014

My 11 year old cat had several teeth extracted yesterday. I took her to a reputable dental specialist, and trusted their judgment, though I remained worried as I typically do. The surgery went fine and I picked her up in the early afternoon. It's important to mention that I live in Canada. So while I trusted their judgment, I was totally unaware that I should be concerned about the pain medication prescribed to her. They gave her an injection of metacam for surgery and sent me home with oral metacam for the following 3 days starting this morning. I have used metacam before with my dog, so I thought nothing of it. However, she hasn't slept since we got home. Not even a wink as far as I can tell (I was up most of the night too), and she hasn't pee'd once. So, I looked up side effects of the drug, not expecting to read the horrible things that I did. I'm now very very concerned. I did call the vet who performed the surgery, which he assured (or attempted to) me that metacam is perfectly safe and they regularly prescribe it for all their patients post-op. I stopped with the conversation there because I know there is no point in arguing when he is a vet and I am just somebody reading the internet - I could tell he is very much a proponent of metacam. With that said, I really do not feel comfortable comfortable giving her more. My two concerns are: She has already had one injection and one oral dose. How damaging could this be? I've read about renal failure and she's not necessarily exhibiting those symptoms, though not sleeping or peeing (she's been known to hold her pee in the past after stressful events) does seem odd to me. My second concern is, I'm worried about her pain without it. I likely won't be able to get another prescription first thing in the morning. She received the metacam at 6:30 this morning. The vet did say (as a side note) that he didn't think she was likely in a lot of pain. He said the surgery was seamless, with one cut and only a few stitches. I don't want her to be in pain, but I really don't want her taking this medication any longer either. I'm already so worried that I've caused damage to her kidney's by giving her the metacam. Because metacam is approved in Canada, they weren't required to tell me about the FDA warning, but I really feel I should have been informed and able to make a decision for myself.

Thoughts? How do I know if this has caused damage? Could her pain be so bad tomorrow while I try to get my regular vet to prescribe me new meds? She doesn't actually seem like she's in pain other than not sleeping, but the vet seemed to thing the not sleeping was because she's still "stoned." They said it can take up to 36 hours for it to wear off. She's eating fine (has a big appetite for her actually. Normally she doesn't eat so much). She's been roaming around, requesting belly rubs, and purring occasionally. She's less cuddly than normal though.. and not sleeping. But otherwise I can't tell if she's experiencing pain or not.

Thanks for all the information on here. I've been reading a lot of it, but it mostly seems to apply to long term use of metacam.


The Biggest Smallest Kitten
Adult Cat
Jun 15, 2017
Cats tend to sleep a LOT so this concerns me a bit too.
If you're worried, then you probably should be. Cat moms know. :wink: I'd suggest getting another opinion from a different vet. If needed, ask them about another prescription, though I think she'll be just fine on her own now!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2017
I've never been prescribed metacam for a cat. I've read very mixed stuff on it too. If the injection is long term then if you're not comfortable don't follow up on the oral meds. Amalie has had dental work done twice and I think they give her buprenex at the hospital. The pain never bothered her. Yeah you feel a little yucky because you had a procedure and there are sutures in your mouth, but she was eating kibble right away and wouldn't go near wet food.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 18, 2014
Cats tend to sleep a LOT so this concerns me a bit too.
If you're worried, then you probably should be. Cat moms know. :wink: I'd suggest getting another opinion from a different vet. If needed, ask them about another prescription, though I think she'll be just fine on her own now!
I'll admit though, I'm a worrier. By no exaggeration, I'm always worrying about something. So it's always a struggle for me to determine whether or not I actually should be. She had to get a sedative for her appointment before this in order to get blood drawn (she won't sit still for it), and they said she'd come out of that after 5 hours. But it at least took 14 (I worried the whole time). So I know she takes a while to metabolize sedatives. Perhaps it takes longer for the anesthesia too? Though she slept with the sedative. She's not running around with high energy, she just won't close her eyes.

I've never been prescribed metacam for a cat. I've read very mixed stuff on it too. If the injection is long term then if you're not comfortable don't follow up on the oral meds.
Yeah, that's why I mentioned I live in Canada. Metacam is approved for cats here (seems like it shouldn't be). So the use of it is seemingly more common. The injection was just for that day. And I've already given her her dose today. I have no intention of giving her more tomorrow. I'm just really worried she'll be in pain between when this dose wears off, and when I can get a new prescription. Also I'm worried about the damage possibly already done. :(
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 18, 2014
Well she finally pee'd last night! And fell asleep for about an hour this morning. I didn't administer the metacam. I can't help but think it contributed to the lack of sleep?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Yes, it sounds like she had a negative reaction to the metacam. Hopefully, she is getting back to her old self today.

Anesthesia can be hard on some cats too.

Have you talked to your own vet yet?
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 18, 2014
I did talk to my regular vet today. They don't typically prescribe metacam for pain, but she wasn't opposed to it. Somewhat concerning since it's a cats only vet. I asked about getting another prescription, but because they weren't the ones who did the procedure, they want me to bring her in to check her. She's so traumatized from the vet that I worry how upsetting that would actually be for her. Each time she goes, it seems to get worse. So I didn't take her in. I hope I made the right decision in that. I know cats mask their pain really well. She has slept more off and on today. Seems tired. Which I know can be a sign of pain, but she could also just be exhausted from not sleeping for 2 days. She had another pee today too.. so that's good news. I've taken then last 3 days off to stay with her. Not to sound crazy, but she's kind of my favorite thing in the world, and it breaks my heart thinking of her being scared. Which she seems to be following going to the vet. I don't know if I can afford to take another day off tomorrow, but I'm so worried about her.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
It sounds like she is just recuperating. She should be okay without further pain meds or another trip to the vet. :)
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 18, 2014
I ended up not going to work on Thursday. She had just been so clingy, so I felt awful leaving her. She slept quite a bit that day, which I just assumed she was exhausted from not sleeping at all for two days and then only a little bit the day before. But then on Friday, when I woke up for work, she didn't budge. She didn't move at all, to the point where I had a little panic like you do when somebody seems like they aren't breathing. She woke up, but then just went back to sleep. I comment on this, because she is a morning cat. She loves waking up in the morning and usually runs into the bathroom to beat me in. Now, I wasn't expecting that, but the fact that she didn't even wake up to my alarm seemed worrisome. I did go to work, but somebody was here to stay with her. She slept all morning. Which may be normal for her. I'm usually at work in the mornings, so I don't know for sure what she does. But then my regular vet called to check in on her and seemed like I should bring her in. I've been reluctant, because going to the vet is so upsetting that when I come home, I won't be able to tell if her behavior is due to the trauma of the vet, or because something more serious is going on. I reluctantly agreed to take her in. The vet said her gums looked a little more inflamed than she would like to see. They took some urine from her to make sure that was all good. It came back fine, with the exception of the protein levels being a little off (they are doing further analysis of that now). They sent me home with some antibiotics. I'm not totally afraid to give her any drug because they so flippantly hand out metacam it seems. So how do I trust anything?

Anyway, we came back from the vet and she did her usual cautious stroll around the house for an hour or so. Then I managed to get her to play. She seemed fairly normal last night. But this morning and afternoon, she's been hiding a lot. Keeping to herself. I don't know if this is because of the vet (she's been upset for days after going in the past) or if something more serious is going on. I know the vet will just tell me to bring her in, but then that just continues the cycle. I'll never be able to tell if it's her being upset from the vet, or something else. And we have to go in again to make sure the antibiotics are working later this week. I feel helpless. It's been 6 days since her surgery. It's so hard to know if this is just her way of recouping, or if something more is going on. The only thing left to do at the vet would be blood work. But she gets so upset by that, that they have to sedate her. And I really don't think sedating her right now would be great. She takes a full day for sedation to wear off.

Can you tell I'm a worried? :/


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I don't blame you for feeling the way you do. She has not fully returned to herself, and the question is does she just need more time to put this behind her, or does she maybe have an infection?

I think time will tell. I would get her through the course of antibiotics, and see how she continues to do, and then make decisions from there.

What did the vet put her on?

Is she still eating well?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 10, 2016
The South
I ended up not going to work on Thursday. She had just been so clingy, so I felt awful leaving her. She slept quite a bit that day, which I just assumed she was exhausted from not sleeping at all for two days and then only a little bit the day before. But then on Friday, when I woke up for work, she didn't budge. She didn't move at all, to the point where I had a little panic like you do when somebody seems like they aren't breathing. She woke up, but then just went back to sleep. I comment on this, because she is a morning cat. She loves waking up in the morning and usually runs into the bathroom to beat me in. Now, I wasn't expecting that, but the fact that she didn't even wake up to my alarm seemed worrisome. I did go to work, but somebody was here to stay with her. She slept all morning. Which may be normal for her. I'm usually at work in the mornings, so I don't know for sure what she does. But then my regular vet called to check in on her and seemed like I should bring her in. I've been reluctant, because going to the vet is so upsetting that when I come home, I won't be able to tell if her behavior is due to the trauma of the vet, or because something more serious is going on. I reluctantly agreed to take her in. The vet said her gums looked a little more inflamed than she would like to see. They took some urine from her to make sure that was all good. It came back fine, with the exception of the protein levels being a little off (they are doing further analysis of that now). They sent me home with some antibiotics. I'm not totally afraid to give her any drug because they so flippantly hand out metacam it seems. So how do I trust anything?

Anyway, we came back from the vet and she did her usual cautious stroll around the house for an hour or so. Then I managed to get her to play. She seemed fairly normal last night. But this morning and afternoon, she's been hiding a lot. Keeping to herself. I don't know if this is because of the vet (she's been upset for days after going in the past) or if something more serious is going on. I know the vet will just tell me to bring her in, but then that just continues the cycle. I'll never be able to tell if it's her being upset from the vet, or something else. And we have to go in again to make sure the antibiotics are working later this week. I feel helpless. It's been 6 days since her surgery. It's so hard to know if this is just her way of recouping, or if something more is going on. The only thing left to do at the vet would be blood work. But she gets so upset by that, that they have to sedate her. And I really don't think sedating her right now would be great. She takes a full day for sedation to wear off.

Can you tell I'm a worried? :/
My male didn't sleep well if on say xanax. He didn't like feeling off. He was so sweet but with anesthesia he was off. He nipped at me. Most cats relax and are calm. He wasn't. He wouldn't settle down. I had a female who had no issues. Yes any meds can make them act off. Each cat can react differently to a medication.

I agree with doing the course of antibiotics. You did the right thing taking kitty to the vet. I know it's difficult but I think kitty just needs some time. Let us know how the eating and drinking goes. I wouldn't push kitty to play. Give time to recover. She probably needs extra antibiotics.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 18, 2014
What did the vet put her on?

Is she still eating well?
The vet gave me a few options. There was the one that lasts for 14 days, but I feel like I didn't want to put her on something that would stay in her system for 14 days in case it didn't settle well. There was an oral one, and then the injectable Clindamycin. The vet was in favor of the Clindamycin, saying it works better if I feel okay doing injections. So I opted to go that route. I used to pet sit a lot and have given many many injections to a diabetic cat, but never my own. Today was the first one I did...and I could tell it hurt her. I maybe pushed the liquid too quickly. I felt awful. I've read about Clindamycin and didn't really find too much on it. But that (and going to the vet again) has been the only change since yesterday. She is definitely more tired the last two days though. Her eating remained the same until today. She is eating, but less. With that said, I don't know if that's a sign. I think I mentioned that she has been eating a lot since her surgery. More than normal. Before she had her surgery, some days she'd eat more than others and it wouldn't really be that odd for her. She's usually finicky about eating. So I don't know if she's eating less just because, or if it's for a reason.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
So is that a one-time shot of antibiotic? How long will it last?

I think at this point your cat probably just needs time to get back to normal.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 18, 2014
No, it's a daily shot. She gave it to me for 5 days and then a re-check. Which means another traumatic vet visit for her. :(


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Is your cat difficult to pill? Is that why you chose the shots?

Let's hope she's all better in 5 days. Perhaps the checkup will not be necessary.

I'm sorry you are going through this.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Veterinarians will seldom openly criticize other veterinarians.
I ask for the buprenex specifically and I have a list of questionable medications on my cats files at their vet that they are not allowed to give without consent.
Almost all veterinarians now give a statement to you pre procedure outlining costs and that will include the drugs they will use during the surgery and prescribe. Look at that closely and ask questions. If you don't get one request it.