Post pics of your babies that have passed so everyone can see their cute lil faces


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 14, 2017
MA - Massachusetts
My sister's cat, Yuki, just crossed the bridge yesterday morning very unexpectedly.  What a horrible thing to wake up to, I can't even imagine :(  She was also the sister of my Mao Mao who passed back in October. Only 10 years old, both so young.  You would think after just going through this that I would know what to say to her, but I really didn't.  It's just so so hard to lose a furbaby.

Yuki and Mao as kittens.  This just makes me so sad


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Both beauties!!! Do you have any cats now?

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boney girl dad

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 13, 2016
Thank you. No. It has been a lonely 103 days now. My hope is my two girls will guide another to my doorstep this summer. That is how both Xena and Boney Girl entered my life.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
There is a male stray here who I have been feeding. My Vincie girl attacked his nose and made it bleed. She doesn't want him

on the deck. He is young and needs neutered and a good home. He tries to come into my house. If you are interested

PM me. I live in Ohio.



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
I will post my beautiful lost ones soon. My recent was Meela who I am still grieving for. I started at the beginning g of this thread and cried all the ay though it to the end. These stories were so sad and my heart breaks for each and every story. Why does this have to happen to us?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
This is Tony. I didn't have him very many years. He was born in 2006, I believe. Him mom showed up about 6 months after we moved. We joked that she came with the house. She was a black bob-tailed cat. Her name was Kitty - him mom. Tony was one of the first cats that my husband really took to. Tony got to be around 10 pounds. He was big and heavy and a baby. One night he escaped outside. I called for over an hour and he didn't come. Then another hour passed and I woke from sleep to a meow outside. It was him. Thank God.

Not long later - just a few weeks he started with sneezing and kind of keeping to himself, and sleeping in weird places. I didn't think much of it until he crawled on top of me one night when I was in bed and got close to me - as I was petting him, I notices some lumps. I asked him what was wrong and he got closer and looked into my eyes, like he wanted me to help him.

I thought maybe a cold or something, but the lumps bothered me. I took him to the vet and they did blood work. The vet was right to the point and said he tested positive for feline leukemia. I was devastated. He told me I should put him down because he wouldn't make it month. I could NOT do that to him.

I held every bit of hope that he would be a miracle cat. Tony passed the one month mark, and went another month! My husband had said that the Sunday before he died, he came out to the kitchen and played like kitten. He meowed and ate and he thought it was a good sign.

The next night when I got home from work and had picked up my kids, my oldest daughter went in the bathroom and started screaming for me to come. It was Tony, he was on the floor hollering. I knew the end was near. I called the vet and they said they would put him down. As I drove, Tony talked to me the entire way. Not a painful meow, but a talking meow.

I waited 15 minutes for the vet to come in and in that time, Tony passed right there on the table. I was furious.

He was a beautiful guy and they figured that in that 2 hours he was outside, he may fought with an infected cat and got the disease that way. He had never been outside before or sick. I miss him a lot.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
Tony died in 2007. He was only a couple years old.

Then there was Neeni, his daughter who looked A LOT like him. She was born about a month before he was diagnosed. Neeni was my beautiful baby girl and a gift that Tony left me. She was also a bob-tailed cat. She was born in 2007. She died in 2012 of Hyperthyroidism. She had gone to the vets twice in the 4 months before she died.

She was sickly and when seen, they gave her antibiotics. The treatment worked and she got better. She had bad diarrhea. About 2 weeks before she died, she had gotten sick again. So back to the vets she went and they mention the hyperthyroidism, but said further testing would be needed and it was expensive. They thought because the treatment worked last time, they would just do it again.

It started to, but then she started going down hill and losing weight. She didn't eat as much. Then the night before she died, I noticed she was having difficulty walking. I took her in the next morning and they told me that she was dying. They said her muscle in her shoulders was gone and that was why she couldn't walk. I asked if fluids would help, and they said they would try if that's what wanted, but they didn't think so. Of course, I was hoping against all odds for a miracle.

This was like 9am. I called around 3pm to check on her and they told me that they just got her hooked up to IVS. WHAT DID THEY DO FOR THAT 6 hours? I didn't hear anything from them until they called me around 5:45 that night and asked me if they wanted me to do CPR on her. I asked why what was going on and in that few seconds the vet said, Oh, I'm sorry Neenie just passed away.

I was furious! I dropped to the floor screaming and crying. I was devastated. The next day I went to get her body and I made sure I met with someone. I told them that any loving and loyal pet owner would want to be with their pet if they knew they were dying. I asked them why they didn't call me prior to that. It made me feel like they put her in a cage somewhere and left her. She died along. I cried for 3 days. I was inconsolable.

This is Neeni:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
And then I had found a place 3 hours away that had a cat IDENTICAL to Neeni...bob-tail and stripe markings and all. I wanted her. My daughter told me it was a bad idea, but she would look into it for me. I told her I had so much love left for Neeni and no place to put it.

Then a couple days later she asked me to come to her house. When I got there, she said, "MOM, you have a lot of love in your heart to give"..then she handed me this black and white kitten with a pink bow around her neck, and said, "she was rescued and is homeless and needs a lot of love". It was a beautiful speech.

I wasn't sure if my husband would let me keep her. I put her on my bed that night and noticed anytime she got up walking around, she always went back to exactly where I put her and slept. After a day, I realized I did have a lot of love to give her and her me. We found each other for a reason. She needed me and I really needed her.

Her name is Abby. No, she did not die, but she is kind of a spin off from my Tony and Neeni stories. Abby is alive and well and is my Meela's mom. She is a beautiful black and white tuxedo cat. She is the best mom a kitten could ever have.

Here she is. One as a kitten in 2012
abby (3).JPG
abby (3).JPG
and another as of now.