Post adoption anxiety


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 19, 2023
Hello. I am 17 and have always been an only child. no pets or siblings, just me. i have wanted a cat very bad for a long time, and my parents finally came around. I found a cat i really liked and connected with and adopted him yesterday. he’s 5 months old and he’s very sweet. I was happy at first but throughout the day yesterday, i was feeling anxious. i even felt guilty about adopting him. i’m scared that i’ll never get used to having a cat. i’m so used to having the house to myself besides my parents and this is very different from my usual life. i know he’s still going to get used to the environment and things should start coming together soon, but i’m just really scared that i’ll regret getting him. i have a week to return him to the shelter, but i would feel so bad.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It has only been one day, love does not develop in that amount of time. Don't try to analyze your feelings, just get into a routine and enjoy him. If you need a break, take it, cats are very able to amuse themselves and are very independent. Kittens are a handful, but start playing with him, see if he will fetch, and get a wand, they love those! It is a huge change for you, but a step towards maturity, learning to care for another being besides yourself. Get on the internet and read up on cats. you are definitely not alone in your feelings, but I think it is much too soon to make such a rash decision you may regret.......Come here anytime you need to talk, it helps! I ahve had cats for over 55 years, there is usually no problem we can't solve. you are having the same feelings that all new human parents have, it is perfectly normal. don't try to analyze it, just follow your heart and have fun!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 19, 2023
Thank you. That was definitely comforting and something i needed to hear. i’m an anxious person and a big overthinker, so any big changes take a toll on me. I’ve always wanted to be a mom so i guess this is something i’ll have to familiarize myself with! I appreciate your help!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
This is a great 'trainig' period for being a mom. But you jumped right inbto the teenage years with your little one, you ought to get along! At least you can leave this one for a while and know he'll be alright. You'll do fine, just come here if you need help. Cats rule!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. :wave2:

Congrats on the new kitten adoption. Sorry you're questioning your decision, but it's only been 1 day, so you haven't really had a chance to get used to being a cat mom.

As a fellow over-thinker, I can understand your feelings. I was much older than you when I adopted my Ruby, and I even had some moments when I wondered if I'd made a mistake. But like you, I loved cats, and always wanted one of my own, so I knew I'd done the right thing. I just needed to get used to the changes in my life, and new responsibilities, that would come with being a cat mama.

One thing to keep in mind, is that this is a big change for your kitten too. It also needs to get used to its new life.

Here's a few TCS articles that you might find helpful:
9 Tips That Will Help Your Kitten Adapt To A New Apartment | TheCatSite
Bringing Home A New Cat - The Complete Guide | TheCatSite
Kitten Proofing Your Home: 13 Practical Tips | TheCatSite

Also this one for First-time Cat Owner's Guide | TheCatSite

Good luck. I hope it all works out and you and kitty have a long and happy life together. :petcat::redheartpump: