Possible Stray


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 2, 2017
Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the long post, but I need some suggestions on how to figure out where this kitty is staying, or if he has a home. we have asked around with people we know in the area and nobody seems to know whose cat it is.

just this past summer, when the weather started getting warm we noticed a few new cats in our area. We had some new neighbors move into the complex where we live so not a big deal. I am probably the only person in the area who keeps a couple big dishes of water outside because there are so many cats in the area and everyone just lets the cats wander which is fine, I let mine go outside too. Because we are the only ones with water and we are nice to them, the cats like to come hang out in our yard. some only pop by for a drink and others come hang out for awhile. Everyone is welcome as long as they get along. or at least leave each other alone.

There is this one guy who has been coming more and more frequently. He doesn't meow - he howls, and very loud and persistently. He is very social, he likes to walk up to you and rub against your legs, but if you do more than scratch him on the head once or twice he hisses. But it's weird, he doesn't hiss at the person petting him, its like hes looking at something far away and hissing at that. Either way i took it as a sign that he doesn't want to be touched despite his rubbing. I said as much to my BF and the neighbor who took a liking to him aswell, and the neighbor says "well i think hes hurt, he hissed at me for touching his backside" my response was "neither does your cat, shes not hurt she just doesn't like to be touched". the thing is he has no other visible signs of being injured, he even runs around no problem.

because he comes and goes like he does for the longest time I figured he had a home - he has a beautiful clean coat, hes skinny but not super skinny and I notice when he lays on his side he has a bit of a tummy. This led me to believe he wasn't homeless, but there are a few thing itching at me and the neighbor that have us starting to question if he was abandoned or something. My neighbor is insisting his howling is a desperation for food but im not convinced its a hungry meow. She thinks every cat that isn't overweight is "too skinny" - her cats are marshmallows so they all look underweight to her. But alas she has been feeding him and he has starting hanging around alot more now because of it. he also has no collar, and is not neutered.

things were fine until a few days ago. My boyfriend was outside and the cat was there and he was petting him after i had explained to both him and the neighbor its probably best not to touch him. well nobody listened and he got bit. not a bad bite but it left a mark. So he decided the cat couldn't come back again. I gave him time to calm down over the bite and explained that although that sucks he got bit its his own fault. I said don't touch the cat for a reason and it wasn't because I like the sound of my own voice. So he likes ok fine whatever. Things were fine for a few days until Monday when we came home from work. He was sleeping in the cat house we have out back and got up to say hello when he pulled up. we said hello to him and our cat (they were getting along fine without us it seemed) and went inside. within moments we see the neighbor coming home and say hi to her and go off to do a couple things. 2 minutes later we heard the neighbor yell in pain. we go outside and she has blood running down her hand and the kitty is running away. She tried to pet his damn tail again after i told them not to and she got bit too. Now shes mad at him aswell, and sicked her cat on him and they got into a catfight.

This is now starting to stress me out. The neighbor means well but I think she has created a not ideal situation by feeding a cat she just assumed was a stray because its not overweight. There is a possibility he is a stray, there are signs that point to it but at this point I dont think she is any longer interested in his well fare after being bit. I refuse to turn my back on this cat, I maintain its not his fault hes a biter we don't know anything about him. What I do know is the other neighbors three doors down had the police called on them this weekend for shooting their own cat with a bb gun apparently because "it was annoying". the neighbors daughter is positive they killed something because of the conversation she overheard after she heard them shoot it, but I am pretty sure I saw their cat after the police had been called over but not since i found out about the issue. this is giving me even more stress now that I know one cat is being abused and left in the home with its abusers and another one that might need help aswell.

So here are some idea I have though of - feel free to make your own suggestions as well if you have experience dealing with this:
  1. Write a note and attach it as a paper collar around kitty to see if he goes home and his owners get it. this may not work, i dont know if he will let me put it on.
  2. follow the cat one day and see where he goes. hes pretty clingy though and may just follow me where I go.
  3. trap him and take him straight to animal control. my BF think they will euthanize him but after looking it up because hes not really that aggressive and may just need to relearn how to trust people he will most likely be re socialized. theres also the chance he will neutered and returned to where he was.

as far as the other cat goes, those people are on the verge of being kicked out for other reasons - they have the police called on them frequently, I feel bad for the children stuck in that situation. So my plan is to get their cat to trust me and maybe ill accidentally let it in my house and forget to let her out and pray they get evicted. they obviously dont care about it anyways and its a beautiful cat.

sorry again for the long winded rant.


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
Clearly he is not a feral.. possibly lost or an outdoor kitty.

Attaching a note to a collar would be good, with your phone number where the person can get in contact with you. Try that.. if the cat comes back without the collar or note, try again for a week or so. Post flyers, call local shelters and vets to see if anyone lost the cat.

Cats can travel for miles, following him may be a very tedious task.

if all that fails, then take him to a vet or no-kill shelter to scan for microchip. No microchip and if no one responds, keep him!
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 2, 2017
Clearly he is not a feral.. possibly lost or an outdoor kitty.

Attaching a note to a collar would be good, with your phone number where the person can get in contact with you. Try that.. if the cat comes back without the collar or note, try again for a week or so. Post flyers, call local shelters and vets to see if anyone lost the cat.

Cats can travel for miles, following him may be a very tedious task.

if all that fails, then take him to a vet or no-kill shelter to scan for microchip. No microchip and if no one responds, keep him!
ok, that seems the most plausible route right now, im just trying to think of the best way to get it on him without being scratched or bit. might need a good thick sweater or something and just hope for the best. hopefully someone doesnt just take it off him.

I dont know if keeping him would be possible, he will have to be neutered first because right now hes a bit agressive. he doesnt pick fights but his needy nature has gotten him into some scraps and i can feel scabs on his head


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
See if you can find a stretchy collar, might be easier to slip it over his head rather than snapping a collar on.

Beastie Band is a good lightweight stretchy collar, not sure if local stores sell them though.

If you see it gone when he returns and no response, put another on, it'd also be possible he'd pull it off.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 2, 2017
ok well I will see if i can get him to come chill out tonight. after fight the other night he only showed his face once yesterday and then he ran off. my bf has gone outside for something and he thought he was being chased. I will look for him on my way home today and see if i can get him to come say hi


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Please keep us updated! Once he gets neutered, he will be on the road to calming down. Is there a local rescue group who will help you with TNVR?
And welcome to TCS! :hellocomputer:
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 2, 2017
I'm sad, he didn't come around yesterday. I'm kicking myself. I was concerned he wouldn't even come back after the fight he and the Garth from next door got into but he popped his head in the yarn Tuesday afternoon. He was still a touchy subject, it was raining, and two people had just gotten bit so I said hello to him through the door, he meowed back a few times and then my BF had to go outside to check on these bees under the porch and he thought he was being chased and ran off. He sat in someones yard eating grass for a minute and then left. I haven't seen him since.

the neighbor will no longer feed him, so as soon I see him, rain him or shine I'm taking some food out to him. I think for now it's best for everyone involved if I feed him outside the yard until they learn to tolerate each other again. but I think the food will encourage him to come back. the way I see it if someone owns him they are doing a crap job of caring for him so I guess I'll have to get him fixed. he has to come back first though :sniffle:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
:vibes: Prayers that the cat returns. I found some excellent online articles about cat behavior at Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine that you could check out. Blessings on you for not giving up! Thank you for the update!:catrub:
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 2, 2017
:dazzler:The cat came back the very next day:woohoo:

I gave him some dry and wet food. He was having trouble getting the food out if the container and was very patient in letting me help him get it out. Loosened it form the side of the can and he just grabbed the whole chunk and ate it. He was hungry. Ate and took off. Garth was watching the entire time and so was my cat LOL I stood guard while he ate so nobody could mess with him
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 2, 2017
So the plan is to try and trap him tomorrow but now I'm second guessing wether or not this is going to work and how Im going to get him to animal control. they open at 9, and he comes for food crazy early, like 7 am lately for his breakfast. I could try and get him to hang around for a bit after but he makes me nervous so I don't interact with him beyond feeding him and saying hello. He gets underfoot all the time and nearly tripped me yesterday and then he hissed at me, put his tail between his legs like he was scared and tried hiding in my garden. So do i put food in the carrier and if he goes in, close it and leave him there until were ready to take him in? just not feed him and hope he comes back in a little bit looking for food again? I don't drive so when we leave is entirely up to my boyfriend and I know full well hes not going to be up to going anywhere or doing anything right in the morning. I don't know if this is going to work now.

His presence is causing issues; my boyfriend really doesn't want him around after being bit and neither does the neighbor. I can understand that. I tried explaining that once we get him to animal control he will be out of here but hes convinced they are just going to release him back over in our area. but my understanding is they only release ferals after TNR, this guy isn't feral he is a stray and possibly someones cat but I have no clue. he is so clingy though. and desperate. he really needs help. my boyfriend keeps going back to if he wasn't feral he wouldn't bite and i can't seem to get him to understand that's not necessarily true. cats bite for all kinds of reasons they dont have be wild or feral. declawed cats tend to bite because they're in pain. doesn't make the cat feral.

I reached out a cat rescue organization aswell but they ask for 48 hours to reply as they are run by volunteers so i will have to be patient. Any have any other ideas? I'm really stressed out with this cat


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
It sounds like the cat has an injury(somebody may have kicked him or beat him or a car hit him) or arthritis or something else bothering him. You might try waiting until the cat rescue calls you and see what they can offer. Talk to animal control before you take him in - if they are told that the cat has bitten someone they may be required to either quarantine the cat, or they may just put him down straightaway and have the head sent to the lab to be tested for rabies. I suppose that anything is better than the poor cat suffering in the streets.
As far as trapping him goes, you can begin getting him used to going into the crate by feeding him in it for a few days to a week. Put a mat inside the crate in case he has to be in it for a couple of hours. - you can use cardboard topped with newspapers or a towel. Once he is comfortable with that, then you VERY CALMLY close the door. Then bring the crate inside and cover it with a sheet and put him in a quiet place until it is time to drive him to his next stop in life.
Bless you for caring for this kitty. My heart breaks for him, wanting to be petted and loved, but hissing and biting at the pain he suffers when being touched - poor guy :vibes::vibes: prayers for you all!
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 2, 2017
It sounds like the cat has an injury or arthritis or something else bothering him. You might try waiting until the cat rescue calls you and see what they can offer. Talk to animal control before you take him in - if they are told that the cat has bitten someone they may be required to either quarantine the cat, or they may just put him down straightaway and have the head sent to the lab to be tested for rabies. I suppose that anything is better than the poor cat suffering in the streets.
As far as trapping him goes, you can begin getting him used to going into the crate by feeding him in it for a few days to a week. Once he is comfortable with that, then you VERY CALMLY close the door. You can put down some cardboard and/or newspaper as padding. Then bring the crate inside and cover it with a sheet and put him in a quiet place until it is time to drive him to his next stop in life.
Bless you for caring for this kitty. My heart breaks for him, wanting to be petted and loved, but hissing and biting at the pain he suffers when being touched - poor guy :vibes::vibes: prayers for you all!
I am not sure if he is in any pain. he might be but my first though is he is just really insecure about himself. he sees all these cats getting to go inside their homes that he may have had at one point and hes jealous. he is definitely not rabid but if that is a concern then animal control should be offering to pick him up instead of putting someone at risk. just a year ago the shelter was so full of cats you couldn't even take them to animal control. he keeps trying to come inside and I can't let him. I can't take another week of this stress either. my friend is telling me to just stop feeding him and he will stop coming back. If I knew what his deal was and he had a home I would leave him alone but there's something going on. If that cat was being fed at home he wouldn't be coming to me for food


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
I agree - this cat is literally calling for help!! He is "at the end of his rope". My personal belief is that God and his angels guide the animals (and the people) to those of us with the heart and COURAGE to truly help and when we do our best to help those in need, we become a blessing to them. Poor guy, he wants a home again - once upon a time, he knew what it was to be loved and safe and comfortable. He may be just lost and cant find his way home (chased off by dogs) - since he is not neutered, he may have been wandering since he was young.
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 2, 2017
We got him to ACC today. Here he is. He's a handsome boy. After we left my boyfriend admitted he was thinking about adopting him so I don't know maybe we will.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 3, 2011
Montevideo, Uruguay
Hi Raevyn, I admire your patience and courage. The poor guy is undoubtedly in need of both. It occurs to me that it could be that his previous owner has illtreated him even if he/she fed him and considered him his/her pet. Unfortunately this happens sometimes. That could be the reason he doesn't trust people even those who, like you, feed and try to help him.
He could also be a real feral who has encountered some hostile individuals and has never known the security of a good home. He is very fortunate to have found you and I hope you will succeed in gaining his trust for your wellbeing as well as his.
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 2, 2017
I read where you brought him home, how is he doing?
We did bring him home for a few days but the whole thing was a sham and I'm really upset about it.

So I took him into ACC and explained to them how he has living in my yard all summer and no one appears to own him. The girl at the counter was supposed to ask if we wanted to adopt him if no one came forward. she did not. So after reading this clause about how I am not allowed to ask for updates or anything on him, I called them and said we were interested in adopting him and if that was possible. they said yes, sent me some forms to fill out and send back to them which I did. That part was fine. But I explained to them several times how he seems to be very possessive of us, it so bad he attacks my cat when she comes in the yard so I said I want him to be assessed and have a professional there tell us is it a good idea for him to be around other cats right now or should he be with a home that has no other cats until he calms down. they assured us this would be done multiple times. So I sent in the forms and got a call back either that day or the next day from the vet tech who looked at him. I again said is he going to be assessed and she said yes. I got a phone call almost immediately from the "rescue" they referred me to for his adoption. She said he would be scheduled to be neutered on Monday and she would let me know after that when he was ok to come home. I again pointed out he needs to be assessed still because I know they didn't do it yet because he was in holding waiting for someone to claim him and nobody did. She said don't worry its going to be done. I got another phone call on monday he was ready to come. just like that. I was told everything was fine. Well that was awfully fast but I was like ok then.

He came home and was great for the first day. he and my cat just sort of ignored each other. I figured that was promising. The next day my boyfriend came home from work and let him go outside because he didnt use the litterbox and pooped on the floor. we had reason to believe that might happen and were prepared for it, not a big deal. But he ran off and didn't come back until the next morning. Brought him in gave him food and let him back out for the day so he could relieve himself in comfort, it was a nice day anyways. We came from work and my cat was in the neighbors yard again like she was before we took him in. He wouldn't let her in the yard again. She came running to us when we came home. He is really out of sorts in the house so I brought him in, fed him and let him go back out. Again he wandered off for the evening, came back at night and I put him in the basement for the night and let him out the next morning. Same thing, we come home from work and he won't let our other cat in the yard. After this day he basically started chasing my cat anytime he could, trying to attack her and drive her off, doesn't want her around. One day I was making coffee, and he just lunged at me and bit my leg - left a 3 inch bite mark. It was obvious he needed someone who could devote more time than I was able to, to working on him. he was such a sweetheart when he was alone with us but he has alot of issues we simply aren't able to help him with. So the rescue told us if that happened to let her know and she would come get him. I called her, she kept lying over and over and over about yeah I have a home for him I will come get him tomorrow and then she would just ignore us and not show up. Mean while he was getting very aggressive with my cat, we had to let him go outside sometimes and then the neighbors cat would chase him away and I would worry about him all night. After about 5 days of this lady lying to us over and over again, and finally admitting shes not actually a rescue organization we animal control had to make a scpeical consideration and take him back because this lady who was contractually obligated to do so couldn't. She made me feel horrible about it, said I should have thought twice and taken it more seriously. this coming from someone who has never had a cat in her life (she admitted as much over the phone when I called her out on her lies) and wasn't the one trying to dealing with the chaos. She got mad at us for letting him go outside and actually insisted that we keep him inside with our cat who he is attacking, and then insinuated that I was going to either hurt or abandon him and threatened me with all the things she would do If I harded. OMG really? If I didn't care I wouldn't have done all that I did for that cat. I paid out of my own pocket to get him medical care. Don't tell me I didn't care, this woman goes into work everyday and shuffles animals around, shes not a rescue she just picks an animal up from one place and takes it somewhere else and then ditches out when people need her.

The worst part of all this is how bad I miss him. I wanted to give him a home and have it work out but it wasn't entirely up to me in the end. We talked about it and how there would be problems but it was just too stressful for my boyfriend when it actually happened and he was concerned our cat was going to be hurt by him when weren't looking