Possible Allergy?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 22, 2012
2 female cats roughly 12 and 13 yrs old.

So being low income I've always had to get cheap food and my cats have never had issues with it. I was typically giving them Purina Cat Chow for years and then opted to try a slightly better food that didn't have all the coloring and went with the Purina Naturals which gave them no issues. I've always for years noticed the occasional every other day food vomit from one or both my cats, but it seemed to increase slightly after a year or so on the Naturals... so then I came across Purina One Tender Selects and started them on that in June of 2017. Everything seemed fine and then we had an issue with Fleas around June of 2018 and took me months of treating the carpet with flea insecticide and keeping both cats on Advantage Plus which I continue to put on them every month since then.

Since the flea problem I at some point noticed my youngest cat was licking at her chest, legs and feet... as well was always scratching at her head, neck and ears. I of course kept thinking it was fleas still but would constantly check and haven't found a single flea in 8 months. Now a couple months ago I noticed while rubbing her belly that she had a sore on the left side of her chest where she does this obsessive licking. Took her to the vet and this new vet was rude... didn't say much, grunted through the entire appointment and wouldn't answer any questions. He put her on a steroid and said it should clear up within a couple of weeks, but it didn't.

I started Googling the issues and it seemed like the biggest culprit may be a food allergy with the scratching around the head and neck area... the dirty left ear, the licking and the vomiting of food. Talking with a friend we tried switching their food to Hills Science Diet for sensitive stomachs and skin. For 2 weeks straight there was not a single food vomit from either cat. But then I noticed scooping my youngest cats litter (youngest uses normal litter box and oldest uses an older model electric litter box.) that there was no bowel movements, checked the next day and the smallest of movements and then checked again the following day and nothing. Took notice to the food bowl and that it hadn't gone down very much. Apparently at some point my youngest stopped eating the Hills food and for who knows how many days was only getting the little bit of wet food I give late at night for 4 nights as a treat.

Thankfully I still had some of the Tender Selects so pulled that out and filled a bowl and she's back to eating and normal bowel movements. But of course she is still doing the scratching and licking which the sore isn't any better or worse and have to keep correcting her when she licks at it.

Not sure what to do. I read it takes up to 12 weeks for them to detox a food they may be allergic too, out of their systems. But I'm not even 100% sure it is a food allergy. It could be a nervous issue since the fleas... could be the flea meds... could be the dry food or could be the wet food. My options are limited with being low income and just don't know where to start. The Hills was expensive and were only on it for a couple weeks so that was a big waste of money I didn't have to begin with.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Bless your heart for trying everything!

Try this, buy some grocery store chamomile tea, (garden grown chamomile isn't safe for cats) brew it, cool it and apply it to all the hot spots with a clean cotton ball or similar.

The tea is anti fungal, anti bacterial, will ease the discomfort and if your cat licks it, it's safe -it even has gentle calming properties for both people as well as cats.

Speaking of, try playing low volume classical harp music, and there's an app called Relax My Cat too. You Tube might have some streaming from MusicForCats . com as well.

Also in the future, maybe something here may help;

(apologies for any dead links you may encounter);

Financial Assistance – Day By Day Caregiver Support Inc.

Financial Aid for Pets

No Money For Vet Care? How To Find Help And Save Your Cat's Life


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
The Hills Science Diet for sensitive stomachs and skin is chicken based. Chicken is a common cause of sensitives in cats. If you can, feed a food (and treats) that do not contain any chicken. Reading pet food labels can be a pain but if you're up to learning something new, give this chart a try: Check This Out.... Chart For Cat Food Ingredients The chart is only for wet foods (canned, pouched, etc) so you'll still have to read labels for dry foods unless you buy a limited ingredient dry food that has just one novel protein source.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 22, 2012
Thanks for the replies... much appreciated.

I give mostly dry food with just a small portion of wet canned food 5 nights a week. I will take a typical sized can of Friskies, use a knife to evenly cut it into 8 triangle portions and give a portion to each of my cats Sunday - Thursday.

Have to laugh when I read about the chicken, because I have cut out all fish as I read that also can be an allergen. So now to see about no chicken and the Purina Tender Selects is Chicken based. I know they have a beef version, will have to see if that contains chicken. That or try switching back to the cheaper Purina Naturals which is what they were on in 2017.

Such a nightmare of choices... arg! Wish I could find a tasty limited ingredient dry. I don't spend $40 for a bag and then the cat that needs it most won't eat it. : (


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014