
TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 23, 2024
I’m new so plz bear with me- I’m also panicking a bit so if I seem all over the place I apologize in advance.
So we have 6 rescues. They are all adults and have all been fixed. Even though I’m close to all 6 kitties, Axl is my baby. I bottle fed him and his brother when they were newborns who had been abandoned by their mother. He’s now almost 7 years old. He’s a gray short haired tabby. He does seem to have some sort of reoccurring health issue that pops up usually in the Summer where he will get these weird sores all over his face and sometimes they will be accompanied by a fever. He also seems to have asthma. These issues showed up over the past couple years but it was unfortunately right when my husband (who is the sole provider for our home) unexpectedly suffered a heart attack and ended up on life support for awhile. The Drs learned he has end stage COPD and CHF. They refused to release him back to work, which was extremely difficult financially as I have to stay home to provide 24/7 specialized care for our youngest who is SEVERELY mentally and physically disabled (in fact, she’s a Make A Wish kid). It took the last few years to get my husband on Social Security and so we have barely been able to get by financially during the interim. We are JUST NOW getting back on our feet- and even then we’re not fully there yet. I’ve been looking forward to having the money soon to take Axl to the vet, especially BEFORE Summer hits and he starts struggling again.
Since it’s Winter, he’s been doing fine but then about 6 days ago I noticed that some of the hair to the left of his anal area looked matted, like something sticky was on it. However my daughter had just spilled some syrup by where he had been sitting so I assumed he had sat in it before I got it cleaned up. His bottom looked fine and he immediately went to clean it so I thought that was that. Then the next day I noticed this open, weeping wound directly to the left of his anal area. I started doing some research and quickly found that it was an anal gland abscess that had burst. He didn’t seem to be in pain and was acting normal but I was still very concerned so I grabbed some Banixx and cotton balls and cleaned the area real good. I wanted to trim the hair from the area but I was nervous because he kept moving and he’s a big, strong guy so I couldn’t take the risk. I know a lady who runs a cat rescue and she gave me a few days worth of amoxicillin for him. I looked up the typical dose for a cat his size and started giving him 45mg. His proper dose is more like 50mg but I wanted to error on the side of caution since it wasn’t actually prescribed for him. I noticed he was obsessively licking it so I put a cone on him but he couldn’t reach his food or water so I trimmed the cone a little. Once we put the cone on him he’s been even more clingy than normal and just lays around super sad looking. He eats fine, and originally I saw him drinking water (he always drinks a TON of water) but I haven’t noticed him drinking as much as normal which worries me. I’ve continued to clean the wound and to give him the amoxicillin the past 5 days. The wound seemed to be healing. Yesterday he found a way to reach it with the cone on and he kept licking it. We kept stopping him but he was obsessive and kept getting to it. Today he started jumping on me like he does when he wants to go outside. He prefers to go outside to use the bathroom, and I hadn’t notice him use the litter box at all the past few days - it’s hard to know for sure because I can’t be with him 24/7 since I have to also care for my youngest and my husband and we have 6 cats so we never know which cats have used the litter boxes and which haven’t. We took him out to the yard and walked him around. He kept going from spot to spot trying to go to the bathroom. He would arch his back and make these painful meows but nothing would happen, then he would go to another spot and try again. He did this quite a few times until he was finally able to go a little bit. I thought the poop would be hard because he was acting like he was constipated but then a tiny bit came out and it was mushier than usual. We brought him back inside and I went to look at the wound to clean it and his whole anal area looks stretched and swollen- I can’t see the wound clearly because of all the hair there but it’s DEFINITELY weeping some sort of fluid. The whole area is VERY wet. And now that whole side is VERY swollen and his anus is swollen and odd looking. It wasn’t swollen previously. I reached out to the lady I know who runs a cat rescue and they’re going to help pay for him to see a vet but the soonest they can get him in is Monday afternoon. It’s Friday right now. I’m so worried. Has anyone else gone through this? Someone suggested I put neosporin on it but I’ve heard that’s very dangerous to put on cats. Also I’m trying to determine how often to give him the amoxicillin and if I should give him more than 50mgs (he’s a little over 14 lbs). Does anyone have any ideas on what I could do to help him and how I can get this swelling down? Does anyone have any opinions on what might be causing him to swell real big, and even his anal area swelling like this, when he seemed to be on the mend previously? Is it dangerous that he hasn’t gone to the bathroom and can’t seem to (maybe because of all the swelling)? We have to wait a few more days to get him into the vet and I’m worried how dangerous it is if he’s unable to go potty in that time- how dangerous or deadly is that??? He seems to WANT to go - he tried with all his might to try to push out his poop but only the tiniest bit came out. Any help, tips, and comfort would really help. I need to get him through the next couple days and then he gets to see the vet but I cannot lose this kitty. Especially because this is the cat that is also my special needs daughters comfort kitty. Plz help! Thank you!!!!!
PS - I’m going to attach photos of his wound. The first 2 photos are from the first day when we noticed it and the last 2 photos are from today when we noticed his whole anal area and the area to the left of his anus is way swollen and weeping fluid. To be honest the last two photos of today don’t show just how swollen the whole area is.



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 17, 2018
I can't help with the anal gland but do you know if he peed in the last 24-48 hours? I hope he's not blocked... if he hasn't been able to pee in the last 24-48 hours, he needs to go to the emergency vet asap.
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TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I can't help either, but can you ask your cat rescue friend for more advice? Also, ask if she has an inside track with one or more of the after hours vets that perhaps she could call and ask for additional guidance from. The rescue folks I am familiar with in our area have 'contacts' to ask questions of. I am hoping yours does too.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
A rupture does not mean that the area is necessarily open and successfully draining. The pus is still there, it is only leaking outside the body and possibly causing some of the new irritation that you are seeing. Depending on what is going on in that general area, it can affect the ability to pass stool; however, as was mentioned I also wondered if he was able to urinate. If he isn't, that is an immediate emergency. A rupture needs to be treated by a vet as it may need some surgical intervention, cleaning, and treatment.

You have absolutely tried to help him and I agree that you need a vet before Monday if your rescue contact can help you. If not, see if anyone is available who can work with you on treatment and payment. I would continue the amoxicillin as was directed by the rescue, but I don't think that it will be enough to correct this...not referring to the dose, but to the fact that this will need more than an oral antibiotic to heal this.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
As the others stated, please make sure he is peeing, that is very important.
I am not a vet nor trained in any veterinary medicine, but, if the abscess is draining that's a good thing but you do need to keep the area clean as you're doing. Abscesses hurt until they burst. Once they burst, the pressure and pain lessen greatly. Does the discharge have an odor?
It's possible the anal gland itself has ruptured, too. I'm glad you have help getting him seen by a vet.
My guess is he was straining to go poop and crying because with the sore located where it's at, any "bearing down" creates some discomfort. But, as stated before, please make sure he is urinating because that is an emergency if he's not.
I hope he feels better soon, and things settle down for you, too. You've all been through a lot!
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 23, 2024
I can't help with the anal gland but do you know if he peed in the last 24-48 hours? I hope he's not blocked... if he hasn't been able to pee in the last 24-48 hours, he needs to go to the emergency vet asap.
That’s what’s so difficult - I can’t tell if he’s peed because we have multiple litter boxes and 6 cats. I haven’t seen him go to the litter box but it’s out in another room that I’m not able to be in as I’m in the room that I have to care for my daughter in. I tried moving a litter box in here but I’ve tried that before and now and he won’t use it (even when he’s fine before this happened he wouldn’t use it because he doesn’t like to use the bathroom in this room for some reason). He mainly stays in this room with me right now- laying down - but he gets up every once in awhile and heads out to the main room with the litter boxes. I asked my older daughter if she noticed him using the litter boxes and she said she hasn’t but she also wasn’t here much the past few days. When he went outside to go poop earlier (when he was straining so bad) he didn’t try to go pee. I honestly never thought the peeing would be an issue. His nose is moist. Is there a specific reason everyone’s bringing up whether he’s peed or not? I just want to know so I can figure out what to do. I’m completely unable to take him to an emergency vet. The best I can do is take him to his appointment on Monday but now I’m freaking out. I don’t know what to do or how to find out if he’s able to pee.
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 23, 2024
As the others stated, please make sure he is peeing, that is very important.
I am not a vet nor trained in any veterinary medicine, but, if the abscess is draining that's a good thing but you do need to keep the area clean as you're doing. Abscesses hurt until they burst. Once they burst, the pressure and pain lessen greatly. Does the discharge have an odor?
It's possible the anal gland itself has ruptured, too. I'm glad you have help getting him seen by a vet.
My guess is he was straining to go poop and crying because with the sore located where it's at, any "bearing down" creates some discomfort. But, as stated before, please make sure he is urinating because that is an emergency if he's not.
I hope he feels better soon, and things settle down for you, too. You've all been through a lot!
Thank you so much for responding - I’m a wreck right now. I never even thought about whether he was peeing or not since everything seemed more focused on his ability to defecate. But now I’m really freaked out about that because I have no way of knowing if he’s peed in the past 24-48 hours. I have 6 cats and all the litter boxes are in the other side of the house. I made one closer for him but he won’t use (however I made the closer one months ago but none of the cats will use it for whatever reason). He mainly stays by my side but a few times he’s left to go in the other side of the house so I’m wondering if he’s used it then. I just don’t know. Can I ask why everyone keeps asking about whether he’s peed or not? I’m so worried. I have absolutely no way to get him to an emergency vet so I don’t know what to do. I once had a guinea pig- YEARS ago - that died of a urinary blockage so now that everyone’s brought up whether he’s peed I’m super concerned.
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 23, 2024
A rupture does not mean that the area is necessarily open and successfully draining. The pus is still there, it is only leaking outside the body and possibly causing some of the new irritation that you are seeing. Depending on what is going on in that general area, it can affect the ability to pass stool; however, as was mentioned I also wondered if he was able to urinate. If he isn't, that is an immediate emergency. A rupture needs to be treated by a vet as it may need some surgical intervention, cleaning, and treatment.

You have absolutely tried to help him and I agree that you need a vet before Monday if your rescue contact can help you. If not, see if anyone is available who can work with you on treatment and payment. I would continue the amoxicillin as was directed by the rescue, but I don't think that it will be enough to correct this...not referring to the dose, but to the fact that this will need more than an oral antibiotic to heal this.
I just checked it again and it may just be me, but it seems some of the swelling may have gone down a small bit but there’s a TON more fluid draining everywhere. I’m freaked out about everyone bringing up urinating. I have no way of knowing if he has peed because we have 6 cats and they all share 6 litter boxes in the back of the house. I did bring one closer but I did that months ago and none of the cats will use it. He’s mainly stayed by my side but he has left periodically to go to the back of the house. Is everyone asking about urinating because they’re worried about his water intake or are they asking cuz of a blockage? I don’t know much about ruptured anal glad sacks so I assumed it would only affect their ability to defecate. Is that wrong? Can it also affect their ability to urinate? I’m sorry for asking a million questions. I’m just so worried.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 17, 2018
I totally understand your panic not knowing what's happening and it's the weekend...
Everyone is concerned about his peeing because a urinary blockage is fatal if left untreated for more than 24 hours.
You said he cried in pain when he pooped earlier, which could possibly mean that he was straining to pee.
I'm afraid there isn't any way to tell if he's blocked as far as I know... how is he acting? Is he eating? Does he seem to be in pain?
Try keeping him indoors till you see he can pee.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
A ruptured anal sac wouldn't affect their ability to urinate, but the straining and crying always makes me take notice of whether it's urinary problem or a pooping problem. When he did manage to pass stool, did the straining and crying stop?
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  • #11


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 23, 2024
I totally understand your panic not knowing what's happening and it's the weekend...
Everyone is concerned about his peeing because a urinary blockage is fatal if left untreated for more than 24 hours.
You said he cried in pain when he pooped earlier, which could possibly mean that he was straining to pee.
I'm afraid there isn't any way to tell if he's blocked as far as I know... how is he acting? Is he eating? Does he seem to be in pain?
Try keeping him indoors till you see he can pee.
Thank you so much for letting me know because I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to be looking for a blockage or a uti, or dehydration with everyone asking about whether he’s urinated. I hope it’s not a urinary blockage. I haven’t let him go outside at all since I found his wound several days ago, except for today when I was with him (he pretty much demanded to go outside to go to the bathroom so I went with him and then after walking around with him we brought him back inside). I assumed he was trying to poop only, since that’s what came out when he was straining- it never occurred to me that he could’ve been trying to urinate and poop just happened to come out instead. I have some medicine that will break up crystals in cats that have utis and is really good at treating utis. I could try to give him some of that also. He’s definitely eating and he was drinking - though not as often as normal. He’s been laying around a bunch but he only started laying around a bunch when I put the collar on him. He really hates that thing. I actually just took it off to see if he relaxes some and I’m determined to follow him everywhere he goes in this house to see if he goes pee. He is cleaning his wound every chance he gets, though I keep trying to stop him (he found a way even with the collar). He’s definitely not his typical happy self. The wound has started to pour out more liquid but it’s nothing any of us can smell when we’re near him (and my husband has a super sensitive nose so I’m thinking he would definitely tell if it had a bad odor). He’s loving being pet by me - he’s usually a cuddler and right now is no exception. The only area he doesn’t respond well to touching is when I try to scratch by his tail (to get the cat to do elevator butt so I can check his wound) he won’t lift his butt now. He was up until a few hours ago. That might be because he’s tired of me doing it to check or it could be he’s just in too much pain in that area.
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 23, 2024
A ruptured anal sac wouldn't affect their ability to urinate, but the straining and crying always makes me take notice of whether it's urinary problem or a pooping problem. When he did manage to pass stool, did the straining and crying stop?
Yes - he immediately came in and just laid back down like he has been and he hasn’t attempted it since then.
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer all my questions. I’m so worried and the lady I know doesn’t seem willing to contact any after hours vets that they use at their shelter. She oddly doesn’t seem to have ever heard of a ruptured anal gland before. She oversees the whole place so maybe she doesn’t do as much hands on with the cats or the medical issues. I don’t know her well - she’s an acquaintance that has helped me help some strays in the neighborhood in the past. In fact the only reason she’s helping me now is because we were both helping a stray who is deaf, blind and has a horrible case of Coccidia and it was in the midst of that when all this came up with Axl so she offered to give me some antibiotics and cover most of the cost for him to see their vet on Monday. I’m so grateful to her for everything because without her I couldn’t afford a vet bill right now, but I don’t think she’s willing to do anything else until then (like reach out to their on call vet this weekend to ask what to do about this) like others had suggested on here.
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 23, 2024
As the others stated, please make sure he is peeing, that is very important.
I am not a vet nor trained in any veterinary medicine, but, if the abscess is draining that's a good thing but you do need to keep the area clean as you're doing. Abscesses hurt until they burst. Once they burst, the pressure and pain lessen greatly. Does the discharge have an odor?
It's possible the anal gland itself has ruptured, too. I'm glad you have help getting him seen by a vet.
My guess is he was straining to go poop and crying because with the sore located where it's at, any "bearing down" creates some discomfort. But, as stated before, please make sure he is urinating because that is an emergency if he's not.
I hope he feels better soon, and things settle down for you, too. You've all been through a lot!
Oh, and there doesn’t seem to be any type of a foul odor. None of us have detected any even when we’re right next to him, cleaning him.
Yeah, it’s been a crazy couple years and I’m soooo relieved to see some light at the end of this looong tunnel of craziness. Thank you so much for your kind words :)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 17, 2018
You know him best, so you can probably tell if he was not being himself and he was in pain due to blockage. The way you described him, I'm inclined to think he's not blocked... If you have d-mannose, people say it works for dissolving crystals etc. It would be great if you could also give him pain killer/anti inflammatory medicine or supplement.
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 23, 2024
You know him best, so you can probably tell if he was not being himself and he was in pain due to blockage. The way you described him, I'm inclined to think he's not blocked... If you have d-mannose, people say it works for dissolving crystals etc. It would be great if you could also give him pain killer/anti inflammatory medicine or supplement.
I was JUST thinking that I need to find an anti inflammatory and something for pain for the poor guy - I need to call my other friend who cares for strays and see if she has any cat anti inflammatorys and/or pain meds. Do you know of anything safe for a cat?

Ella Spell

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 14, 2024
I don't know where you live but moving forward there are lots of charity groups that help low-income families with unexpected veterinary emergencies. I think they're crowd-funded. I don't know how long it takes to apply for something like that but since they're offered for emergencies it must be fairly fast. If not you could maybe look into it for future vet issues?

I'm disabled and a single parent and I got approved for a different type of program based on low-income, but it's not in USA.

I'm so sorry this is happening for your baby boy but it sounds like he's in good hands with all your love and concern. I wish I knew what to suggest. My youngest cat was given painkillers and anti-inflammatories after her spay. I can check what they were called if you'd like?
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 23, 2024
I don't know where you live but moving forward there are lots of charity groups that help low-income families with unexpected veterinary emergencies. I think they're crowd-funded. I don't know how long it takes to apply for something like that but since they're offered for emergencies it must be fairly fast. If not you could maybe look into it for future vet issues?

I'm disabled and a single parent and I got approved for a different type of program based on low-income, but it's not in USA.

I'm so sorry this is happening for your baby boy but it sounds like he's in good hands with all your love and concern. I wish I knew what to suggest. My youngest cat was given painkillers and anti-inflammatories after her spay. I can check what they were called if you'd like?
That would be awesome!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 17, 2018
I was JUST thinking that I need to find an anti inflammatory and something for pain for the poor guy - I need to call my other friend who cares for strays and see if she has any cat anti inflammatorys and/or pain meds. Do you know of anything safe for a cat?
Cornsilk (non-alcohol one) has anti-inflammatory properties, though I don't think it's effective for acute pain. Many pain killers are prescription only, such as buprenorphine. Gabapentin is a sedative but also works to alleviate pain I believe. I hope your friend has something 🙂 There's also Meloxicam (sold as metacam) which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) but it should be used with caution.

EDIT: omega 3 fish oil also helps but don't use cod liver oil.
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Ella Spell

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 14, 2024
My girl was 3.55 kg which is just under 8 lbs.

She was given these:

Screen Shot 2024-02-23 at 10.51.04 PM.png

I was just thinking my boy cat just finished some painkillers for a leg injury and they were quite a bit stronger.
I'll go find them.
