Please Help :(


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Young Cat
Jul 16, 2018
My cat, Nagini, has been sick since last Wednesday night, and the vets have no idea what's wrong, and my wife and I are just at our wit's end hoping and pleading she's okay.

tl;dr -- Nagini is 11, otherwise been healthy, stopped eating and drinking Thursday 8/30 and making nonstop gagging sounds, licking her lips until she has a raw spot. Bloodwork came back fine (elevated glucose, Coronavirus antibodies but vet wasn't too concerned). Prescribed antibiotics, antihistamine, and L-Lysine but couldn't get Nagini to eat so couldn't administer. Force-fed her water and little bits of food but by Sunday she still hadn't eaten or drank on her own and she was wheezing when she breathed a lot, still gagging/licking, so took her to emergency. They did x-rays, ultrasound, endoscopy, bloodwork, and put her on IVs and a nasal feeding tube. STILL don't know what's wrong. x.x;;;;

The long story with more details:

Nagini is 11 years old, has been otherwise healthy until now. About 4 weeks ago, she and our other cat (male, also 11) stopped eating randomly and she had one bout of explosive vomiting. We took them to the vet, but she got better a day or so later after we gave her some 1-ingredient baby food (Beech Nut, chicken) and then slowly added her old food back in (1 can Fancy Feast per day + 1/2 can of Whole Earth Farms per day). She's been fine since, eating normally, using the litter box, playing.

Need to also mention we brought a foster kitten into the household about 4 weeks ago. It was the same day that Nagini had explosive vomiting, but she had done that before we brought the kitten home, so I doubt it's related.

Last Wednesday, Nagini didn't finish her dinner, which is odd for her bc she has a VERY healthy appetite normally. She started making these weird little gagging sounds and I was concerned but figured she just had a hairball. On Thursday, she refused breakfast, continuing to make gagging sounds also making this really awful LOUD cough/gag sound that freaked me out (sounded like a hack to get something out of her throat but also kind of like something falling on the hard floor). I took her to the vet that day. Lungs and heart were fine when they listened to them, xray didn't show anything worrisome (no blockage or anything like that) except a lot of gas, bloodwork came back well (high glucose, antibodies for Coronavirus but we are pretty sure we got her vaccinated so we were thinking maybe that's why and the vet also said that's not indicative of her having it), so they figured it might be a Upper Respiratory Infection. They prescribed antibiotics, antihistamine, and L-Lysine. She still wasn't eating, so getting the meds to her was impossible. Managed to give her a couple doses of the antibiotics and crushed up the antihistamine and forced it to her in water. :(

On Friday, I fed her via spoonful about 2-3 tablespoons of Rad Cat raw food, because I knew she loved it and wanted to stimulate her appetite. She tolerated that but after the 2nd spoonful, she started to gag and hid under the bed. Forced about 2 ounces of water into her throughout the day. She had normal pees and 1 normal poop.

On Saturday, she ate maybe 20 tiny little kitty food treats (Party Mix) and drank some water on her own (we think, couldn't be 100% sure). I again forced her to drink a little water, tried tuna juice, tried goat's milk. Nothing. She saw a silverfish in our hallway and hunted/played with him for a bit, so we thought maybe she was feeling better but still no eating or drinking and continued gagging/wanting to hide under the bed.

Sunday, I finally broke down and took her to the emergency care. :( He was worried right away when we mentioned how little she'd eaten and drank and asked to keep her at least overnight. They ran more blood tests, did xrays and ultrasound. They saw something weird in the ultrasound in her throat somewhere so asked if they could do an endoscopy to check it out. We agreed. Nothing found there either. They did see some lesions on the back of her throat which they couldn't explain or figure out. After the endoscopy, they also put in a nasal feeding tube and hooked her up to IVs.

Monday, they called and said she's wheezing a lot when she breathes and the vet was concerned maybe we should biopsy her throat to see what's going on and if there's cancer or something. We haven't yet tho bc she's always been a heavy breather and they haven't seen any issue in her lungs and wanted to wait until today when more doctors were in the clinic to discuss since it was a holiday yesterday. :( They said alternatively, they could try giving her steroids to help any inflammation go down, but if they did that and then we wanted to do the biopsy, they might not see evidence of cancer if it's there.

Needless to say, we're at our wit's end over this. Our poor girl has been so sick for so many days, and I'm just freaking out that they can't diagnose it.

Does anyone know what else this could/might be? Anyone have similar situations with their kitties? :( Please keep Nagini in your thoughts and let me know if you have any ideas.
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 16, 2018
If you weren't aware, there is a recall on Rad Cat products Rad Cat (radagast) Recall Expanded

Can you get another opinion from a different vet? You would need to give the vet copies of your cat's medical records for review. Or ask your current vet to consult with a veterinary school or other vets.
Thank you for the reply.

We weren't feeding her Rad Cat before she got sick, and even then she only ate maybe 2-3 tablespoons. It's more of a treat for them since they love it so much, and just to try and get her to eat. But I appreciate knowing that. Thankfully, our batch was purchased after the recall dates.

What would I want to get for a second opinion? Should I ask for all the records from the emergency? Or how do I go about this? :(


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Ask for everything: bloodwork, x rays, vet's notes, recent medications given given by the vet in the office and what was prescribed for you to give at home, etc.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 16, 2018
Ask for everything: bloodwork, x rays, vet's notes, recent medications given given by the vet in the office and what was prescribed for you to give at home, etc.
Any idea what the issue might be from your experience or other threads etc?

Waiting for the vet to go over all the info from our vet (now that it's not a holiday, there will be multiple vets at the emergency clinic they can discuss with), and then from there I'll probably try calling another vet and see if we can get their opinion. Would I need to take Nagini to the other vet tho? Or is this something they can provide over the phone if they have all the charts/info?
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 16, 2018
okay just got off the phone w the vet

for whatever reason they didn't call us last night to let us know Nagini's breathing sounded worse, so they started her on steroids/antibiotics. I'm a little annoyed they didn't let us know first but can't do anything about that now.

she's breathing much better this morning, still fine with the tube in her nose, but she is still refusing to eat.

the vet said at this point there are 2 different routes he'd recommend

1) put her under to do the throat biopsy and get a better look and put in an esophageal feeding tube.

We could potentially then take her home. She can eat around the tube so we could try feeding her as we normally would as well as feeding through the tube if she refuses. The tube has to stay in for 10 days, but it can then be removed if she's eating well again and the wound closes up on its own within 10-14 days after that. We'd get biopsy results in about 48 hours.

2) we stay the course and see if the meds help and if she starts eating again on her own. We can't take her home with this option tho.

I feel like we need to stay the course for at least another day and see if the meds help and if maybe she starts trying to eat again and then revisit the other option But I'm at such a loss as to what to do right now. I really REALLY don't want to put the e-tube in. It actually terrifies me, not just because we'd have to maintain it and I don't want to mess up but that means she has to go under anesthesia again and I know that can't be helping.

Please. Anyone who has any ideas or thoughts please help

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  • #7


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Young Cat
Jul 16, 2018
Still not eating :( Still making gagging noises. Still breathing heavily but much better than the previous 2 days. They took her off oxygen, so she's doing well there.

Now they are recommending to put the e-tube in and do a biopsy of her throat. I was ready to pull the trigger on that until the new attending vet said there are a lot of complications with biopsies in a cat's throat and we may run into serious issues if something goes wrong or it irritates her throat even more. Now I'm a little terrified.

We can't get a second opinion elsewhere without bringing Nagini in (I tried calling about 5 different places), which isn't possible right now.

:( just so scared for my little girl.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 4, 2018
I hope your baby gets better soon, sending positive vibes :vibes: I wish I had any idea on how to help you, the only thing I can think of is what LTS3 suggested.

Hang in there :hearthrob:
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 16, 2018
Thanks, all. ;.; We are getting the etube put in today. I've read a ton of articles to try and be as knowledgable as I can for when she gets home. I'm glad we'll get to see her and hopefully the less stressed she is, the easier it'll be to help her recover.

We declined the biopsy for now. A little too worried that if they scrape her throat, it may swell and if it's already swollen I don't want her not to be able to breathe. She's already having a tough time there.

Thanks again for all the positive vibes. We may take her to another vet (maybe one that specializes in cats) to see what they think.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 17, 2018
I'm so sorry your poor Nagini is having to go through all this. I wish I had any advise or experience to share. It sounds like you're doing everything possible to help her. At least with the E tube she'll be able to eat, which is so very important. Keeping her in my thoughts and sending good vibes.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 4, 2018
We declined the biopsy for now. A little too worried that if they scrape her throat, it may swell and if it's already swollen I don't want her not to be able to breathe. She's already having a tough time there.
I feel you. It's very important to trust your vet and be confident that they know what they are doing. Sometimes what they suggest may not feel right and I have learned the hard way to trust my gut from now on, no matter what. I wish I thought like you when I had to make a decision regarding my baby.

You will do your best to help your kitty recover and you will succeed, I am sure of it :heartshape:

Here's what happened to me a couple of days ago, if you feel like taking your mind off of things.

Desperate For Post-catheterization Advice!
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 16, 2018
Thank you all

Feeding tube is in. No real bumps or anything they could see that looked immediately cancerous in the back of her throat. They did say it was really enflamed back there, so there's a possibility it could be lymphoma but the Dr said that's the worst case. They took a small needle biopsy of the area and we'll have results tomorrow or Saturday. We're going to pick her up tonight and give her lots of love and hopefully some treats. Definitely ready to cuddle her but I know she won't like that for a little while yet.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Thanks, all. ;.; We are getting the etube put in today. I've read a ton of articles to try and be as knowledgable as I can for when she gets home. I'm glad we'll get to see her and hopefully the less stressed she is, the easier it'll be to help her recover.

We declined the biopsy for now. A little too worried that if they scrape her throat, it may swell and if it's already swollen I don't want her not to be able to breathe. She's already having a tough time there.

Thanks again for all the positive vibes. We may take her to another vet (maybe one that specializes in cats) to see what they think.
:alright: :grouphug2: :grouphug: :vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 16, 2018
Last night, Nagini had really labored/heavy/wheezing breathing most of the night, so she didn't sleep well. Her entire body kind of moves with each deep breath in, she can't seem to find a good position to sleep in, etc. But she did purr and want belly pets and is generally active and much more bright-eyed than before we took her in.

She also did have these weird crunching episodes? Idk how to describe it but you know when you get an itchy throat and you try to swallow hard to scratch it? Like that, except it sounded like she was chewing rocks. :\ It happened twice throughout the night and once this morning after she tried to eat a little on her own.

She DID eat a bit this morning for us. Maybe 1/8 of a large can of her normal food. She seemed very interested in it, but only ate a bit before she started making that crunching sound :(

Did 2 feedings via tube so far and it's terrifying but she puts up with our clumsiness.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Sometimes when I'm giving Gypsy a pill she grinds her teeth and they make a horrible stone crunching sound like you describe. Good luck, hang in there, we are rooting for you.
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 16, 2018
Sometimes when I'm giving Gypsy a pill she grinds her teeth and they make a horrible stone crunching sound like you describe. Good luck, hang in there, we are rooting for you.
lmao why do cats have to do these weird-ass things that make us worry so much??? When I was giving her meds before we had to hospitalize her, she was foaming at the mouth and I was just like NAGINI PLEASE it's just a pill.

Results from the biopsy came back normal. No trace of lymphoma or related issues. Since she's on steroids, and since they only did a small needle biopsy, they could have missed it and/or not gotten an accurate sample, but the vet thinks this whole mess was a just an atypical URI where it's mainly focused in her throat.

Nothing else to do right now but try to get her to eat if she wants or use the feeding tube if she doesn't. All in all, good news for today.

Thanks to everyone for the good vibes. I know they're helping!