Please Help with Medical Advice, Cat Ate Plastic


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 23, 2013
Hello All,

I have never used this board before but I am really hoping it can help me through this stressful situation.

My cat ate about and inch and a half of plastic. It was the softish kind of plastic bag. But Thicker then ziploc bag. More sturdy. He ate the corner of a bag which makes me afraid it might have been sharp.

He is a chronic plastic eater so i have to constantly check my house and dispose of plastic as soon as it gets brought into the house. This time I made a mistake and missed a piece when i was cleaning up. He has eaten plastic many times in the past because no matter how hard i try it just seems to happen every now and then. Nothing bad has ever happened from it but i am always very scared.

He ate the plastic 2.5 days ago. Since then he has developed diarrhea which is yellowish color (not bright yellow but more of a yellowy tan color) and sometimes projectile. He sometimes farts while he is using the bathroom. Also he keeps going in and pooping small soft pieces. Then returning 30 minutes later and pooping another small piece.

Other then his stool problems, he is full of energy, has a great appetite, is very playful, and seems to be completely normal.

I wanted to ask for help because i am very very scared of intestinal blockage. But I know that they usually experience more symptoms then just diarrhea. Does this mean there is a good chance the diarrhea could be from something else and not from eating plastic? 

Two other things I thought might be a factor:

Right after he ate the plastic I gave him Laxatone to help lube him so to speak. That way the object would most likely pass. He got diarrhea shortly after and passed a giant hairball. Then I waited a day and he still had diarrhea so i thought maybe the object was still stuck and i gave him another dose of Laxatone. Is it possible that the laxatone is what's causing the diarrhea and not the plastic? I have seen it give him diarrhea in the past but that was usually only after using it many times in one week. (this was during a time when he had trouble passing hairballs) 

Also There is a new foster cat that showed up right around the time he ate plastic. Could the diarrhea be related to stress from the new cat? He is happy the cat is here but is always alert and fascinated by him. Sometimes he gets scared but usually he is excited.

Please let me know if you think he is likely to have plastic stuck in his system. Or if the fact that his diarrhea is his only symptom most likely means its from something else. 

I am so scared to death I love my cat so much. I want to make the right choices and i don't want to rush and get him an x ray until it is logical to do so. I got scared and did it in the past and he was perfectly fine and it cost $700 to do the scan. I am more then willing to spend this if it is necessary. I just want to make an educated decision about when it is necessary and how bad his symptoms are.

Please help. 

-Scared Cat Mom


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 6, 2013
The problem with any kind of plastic or string is it can get caught around the intestines and can cause death. You're right to be afraid. Personally I would either get him to the vet as soon as possible or call and talk to a vet. It can also tear at their insides. Then you could have internal bleeding. My sisters cat loves to eat ribbon and bows. She has a rough time around Christmas. She put everything in a closet but the cat figured out how to open the door. Now she has to keep it locked up. I hope everything turns out okay, but you should talk to a vet. The symptoms he's having do not sound good. Keep us posted.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 23, 2013
I called the vet and she told me I should wait at least a day or two to see if the diarrhea will go away on its own. But has anyone ever heard of a cat with an intestinal blockage who shows no signs other then diarrhea?

I am concerned... I love him so much


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Most of the time, when cats eat something they shouldn't, they can't poop at all and/or they start throwing everything up.  I think you're dealing with 2 separate issues here.  If the foster cat has been in contact with your resident cat, especially sharing a litter box, the foster could've passed along a parasite to your resident kitty.  Some parasites cause gas and the explosive poop and diarrhea.  Has the foster been wormed and tested for parasites?  How is his/her poop?  Have you tried any probiotics, yogurt, or plain canned pumpkin with your resident cat?  Are you continuing with the laxatone?  Have you been examining the poop to see if the plastic has passed?  (Gross, I know, but sometimes you gotta do it.) 
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 23, 2013
Thank you so much for this reply Stephanie. The other cat has been tested for disease but i'm not sure if he has been tested for parasites. I am going out to buy pumpkin to give to him later on today and I fasted him for 12 hours because I read online that sometimes a break from digestion can help their diarrhea go away. I really hope you are right and that they are two seperate issues.  

I looked through a bunch of his poop for plastic, yes it was disgusting but I didn't find any. But it's possible I just missed it. 

He is still having diarrhea this morning but i have noticed it is no longer yellow its more of a light brown and it no longer smells horrible like it did before. 

I think I am waiting til Monday to go to the vet. Unless maybe i should bring in a stool sample to the vet?

Thanks so much 


TCS Member
Feb 15, 2015

Realize this was some time back but was wondering how's your cat?

My cat just did the same thing about 4 days ago, ate most of a small, thin plastic bag (thought I had hidden them all), and now he has the same exact symptoms. He's eating normal amounts, has energy, but has very watery diarrhea and goes at least twice a day (he normally goes once). Any advice pls?

Called vet but he said an obstruction would cause him to throw up. But I can't help think it had to do with the plastic like your cat.

Thanks so much


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 26, 2013
Is he straining at all in the box? It could be that the plastic is wadded up and doing a partial block. He could be straining and the feces is liquifying to pass. Kind of what happens when a cat is constipated. If you know he has not passed it then there is definitely a problem till it has passed. Four days is a long time. True that an obstruction causes vomiting. I'm surprised your vet is not concerned and getting kitty in there for x-rays to see what is up. Make an appt. or find another vet before it becomes an emergency. Your cat is in danger of dehydration as well.


TCS Member
Feb 15, 2015
Will do that. He's not straining at all. But he goes to the litterbox more often. The diarrhea is watery and a bit explosive with gas. Other than that, he's absolutely fine. Eating, drinking, cuddling, and has energy.

matts mom

TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 5, 2012
My vet told me that if concerned, and x-ray can be done to determine if there is any blockage. but as long as the cat was eating well, not throwing up, straining, or showing other signs of blockage, to just keep a close eye on him. 

I got this advise after a 2foot length of string from a yo-yo (which I didn't know we had in the first place) was found to be absent from the toy. It can take as much as 4 days for the object to pass through the system, so I would continue to keep an eye on him. 

Good luck, and I hope he has no trouble with it


TCS Member
Feb 15, 2015
He threw up just now two crunched up pieces and he did strain after another watery visit to the litterbox :( Will take him to the vet today. Hope he doesn't have to do a surgery.


TCS Member
Jan 11, 2018
My cat started doing the same(eating plastic bags). One thing I noticed is that he associated the sound of treat bags (made of plastic) with something delicious. So he started eating all the plastic bags (walmart bags and others). I hope this is the reason for his eating plastic. I am going to put all the treats in boxes from now on. Got to take him to a vet now.