Please Help Wanting Feedback


TCS Member
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Apr 5, 2018
On March 26, my (possibly 10 year old) cat named Sid starting throwing up. The first time was around 6pm. It had food in it and he cried before he threw up. He threw up three more times that night, nothing but foam. On March 27, he slept most of day and did not eat. On March 28, he had a vet appointment. They took his blood work and said all his numbers were very high, he had mouth ulcers and bad breath. But no weight loss or body odor. And that we needed to put him down. (Now later I don't understand why he didn't show any signs of kidney disease in stage 3 and all the sudden he was dying from it) I later found from reading that he could have had a kidney infection which could cause mouth ulcers, bad breath, vomiting, a refusal to eat or drink and high numbers. My vet did not do a urine sample because he had none in bladder. But, she treated him for bladder infection anyway. Is that same treatment for kidney infection? They gave him 200 ml of Ringer's and told me to give him 200 more that night. Unfortuitaly, I was so upset over the news, I heard the amount wrong for Thursday and Friday and ended up giving him almost 400 both days. He seemed ok until Friday night, when he started rattling breathing. By the way that was before I gave him his second treatment of the day and I held him down to do so. He stayed awake breathing hard and rattling threw the night, and so did I. Saturday, I called the vet because I was worried I gave him too much ringer’s lactaid solution. The vet gave us Lasix and told me not to give him any more subQs Saturday. He was still breathing hard on Sunday, so I didn’t give him any Sunday. But, he drank water for the first time on his own Sunday night and we were hopeful. He wasn’t eating on his own. Monday he was kinda wobbly around 11am. He cried two type meows around 3 but I thought he was just trying to throw up because he cried like that last Monday when he did throw up. I left to get him stuff. My husband called me close to five and said I needed to get home because he pee’d himself and cried when he peed and was crying a little bit. That he had tried to throw up by dry hacked. Then he walked over to the floor and laid with his arms out front and his head straight face down into the floor. I called the emergency vet and they told me to bring him in. I knew it would be to put him down, but when I got home, I knew he was going. He was laying down breathing shallow and he had some blood coming out of his mouth and bubbles of blood from his noise. He was not crying at that point just breathing shallow and raspy. and he passed and I saw his eyes go completely black and he stopped breathing. Then he came back and went into a rigged position and passed again. From the time he peed until passing was 30 mins, I knew we didn’t have time to get him to the vet. I feel unbearable sorrow and heartache. I have cried alot from guilt. I feel guilty for not putting him down sooner. I feel guilty for how he died. I feel guilty we didn’t catch it sooner. I feel like I may have hastened his death. I just feel bad. Was it possible he had a kidney infection and not end stage kidney disease? Was it possible he died from dehydration? He had no Ringers Saturday or Sunday and did not pee Sunday. Though he did drink a little water on his own for the first time? If it was dehydration, would he have peed a puddle? It was clear and odorless from Ringers I think.Is it possible I gave him too much Ringers and he had a sodium overload that caused a brain bleed? Is it possible too much Ringers caused a blood clot that blocked his ability to pee then it finally dislodged that's why he peed and then died? He would not eat really but I read too much Ringers can make a cat fill full.

We had Sid for almost eight years. He was a feral cat that started hanging around our house. He was at least two when we. got him, so that would have made him around 10. He had a rough start to life. He had heart worms and was starving when we found him. In in the process of catching him, he bit us. We were encouraged to have him put down then, but we saved him and he lived with us just a few months short of eight years. He had more love than any cat I have ever owned. He had the best personality and would do silly things. Like running in the house making a happy noise after taking a poo. Playing with his toy fuzzy and running through the house and sliding into things while playing. Loving on everything in the house. Folllowing my husband..everywhere. He definitely chose my husband as his person. I miss the happy noise he would make when he slept. Almost like he was dreaming. I miss the way his ears went back when he yawned. I miss the way he would thump his foot, while itching his ear. I miss him and it’s very hard. I hope it eases some because the pain is very deep.


TCS Member
Nov 29, 2017
I don't know anything about kidney disease in cats or Ringers solution so I can't answer your questions.

I am very sorry for loss. I'm sure you gave Sid a very nice home for 8 years. Try to think about that. You gave a home a cat that never had a home that probably would never know what a home was like if it wasn't for you. Try not to blame yourself, you did what you thought was right and gave a good home to the kitty for many years. Again I am very sorry for your loss.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
You can ask what if, and what should i have done different for a long time, and you still will not have an answer.
Grieve for you cat, we all do when we loose someone we love. But please quit torturing yourself with the What if... Do not feel guilty, you did the best you could, it was his time.
Remember the good times, all the joy you gave him, and he gave you. Sounds like he had a lovely life after you guys got him. sometimes, just like with the people we love, our pets go too soon, and too young.


TCS Member
Jan 4, 2017
Sorry about the loss of your sweet Sid. It is such a difficult thing to go through. I know it's a normal thing to ask "what if" and feel like you missed something, but please try not to feel guilty. Cats are very good at hiding their illnesses which makes it very difficult for us to notice that they are sick until it's too late. Please know that you did the best you could. I hope you find comfort in the fact that you provided him with a great home full of love and care.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
If you can, please share this with your husband.
Sometimes it truly seems as though we, because we are their caregivers, end up in situations that are next to impossible, and those situations are so bad that they threaten to wipe out all the years of joy and love.

I did want to mention that the Lasix can be used as a treatment for kidney disease.

Rereading your post, I think that it was your Sid's time, that he hid all that was going wrong until he couldn't any more, and that you-all and your vet did everything that could have possibly been done.

Rereading your post, I miss him with you.

RIP darling Sid, your pawprints are on two hearts that will never forget you.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 5, 2018
Thank you so much for the replies. I appreciate your kind words. I rack myself with so much guilt, mainly because he had such a rough start to life before he brought so much joy to ours. I know it's not good to dwell on the mistake I made, and I am trying to focus on him fondly. I think it will take time....


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 28, 2018
My Catdaddy is in stage 3 Kidney disease, and every cat shows symptoms in different ways. Mine started losing weight and throwing up clear liquid. So don't blame yourself, some cats do not show they are in pain or show they are sick. You did the best that you could, and it is not easy being able to know what is wrong with out babies. I got teary-eyed reading your post. My heart is with you and your Sid.
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TCS Member
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Apr 5, 2018
Thank you Susiecookie.