Please Help, Upset Neighbor!!

Noah Vosa

TCS Member
Jun 15, 2017
Shooting cats with pellet guns seems a bit too aggressive for my taste, but I totally understand where you're coming from. I have no judgement or ill will towards you. It honestly is a precarious situation and I truly hope your neighbor and your cats do find peace! Sending prayers.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
My first thought about her car is, is your neighbor sure it is just your cat on her car? About scaring the birds away, hang the feeders high. Our birds always know when one of our cats (or a falcon) is about. The birds wait for the cat to get bored and leave, then go back to regular. I am however concerned about your neighbor being one of those evil mean people that purposely poisons nuance animals/catches them and drops them off at the pound. So if at all possible try to work it out with her. There are ways to make backyards less appealing to cats and many websites dedicated to it I'm sure. I will say I got fed up picking up dog poop from the planters in our garage entrance many years ago. So I sprinkled chili powder on the ground and kept renewing it every time it rained (I did however warn my neighbors that had dogs that I talked to about my ongoing poop problem and solution a couple of months later.) So if your cat is using it for a litter box maybe first offer to buy her gravel to cover that section of yard (again most cats bury their poop) if that fails to stop it you can suggest chili powder if all else fails. However a motion activated sprinkler would probably work best? Best of luck :)