PLEASE help me- my cat is absolutely out of control!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 18, 2014
I have a 10 or 11 month old cat, (not totally sure) he's male, and has never had shots or been fixed. All of this is 100% my fault, i know... I had a friend who's cat had kittens and needed them to go, and I took him, but was unable to save even a few extra bucks for all this time. About a month ago, i was finally able to get a voucher to get him fixed for free but last minute that fell through because apparently they have no funding again. Where I live there's almost never funding for it. However, recently things have gotten better. My fiance finally found a job, and have been getting some help from my parents, and I'll be able to get him fixed very soon. I feel like him not getting fixed might have contributed to his bad behavior.

But in the meantime, i am desperate for some help! 

He was always a feisty guy since he was a kitten, but he didn't get really bad until the past couple months. Now, we've gotten to the point where I can't get any sleep or even sit on the couch for more than a few minutes without constantly having to get up and shoo him away from something he's getting into. Every single thing we have has been knocked onto the floor. And I mean EVERYthing. Even the tallest shelves he's been able to climb and knock everything off. The one place he hadn't yet gotten to was our entertainment center so we tried displaying our very few decorations on top of it, but now he's discovered how to knock all of that down too! He can open every single cupboard, but it wouldn't matter if he couldn't. Why? Because if he can't get into something, he destroys it. Within seconds. We are renting this place, and we have to keep every single door open all the time, otherwise he will destroy the carpet. There's a huge hole ripped into the carpet by our bedroom door because one night he decided to scratch at it for the first time, and in just a few minutes he had totally ripped all the way through it. I don't know what the hell i'm going to do about that. He has broken so many glasses because he gets in the cupboards and knocks a few out sometimes. First thing he does when we go to bed is go into the bathroom, open the vERY squeaky mirror cabinet and knock everything out of it onto the floor. He decided the other day that he was going to climb on top of the printer and pull the pushpins out of the corners of the posters, which scares me because im worried he'll try and eat one, and then rip the posters apart that were on the wall. He ruins cords, and we dont have that many options for hiding them right now, because of the way our apartment is set up. He even somehow knocked the mirror off the wall and broke it. He destroys our shower curtain unless i wrap it around the pole and even then sometimes if he jumps he can reach it. If i'm using the bathroom sink he insists on getting in my way and being on the counter and i know this is because he prefers water, and i have a water fountain on the way from amazon for that, but i'm just not confident that anything will make him settle down. He's honestly making it hard to live. I can't even do homework for college at home because he wont stop attacking my papers no matter how many times i hiss at him. Because nothing was working we tried using a spray bottle even though people say that doesnt work, and while it works temporarily, it doesnt stop him from continuing to behave badly. On top of all of this he is extremely aggressive when he plays, which is something i dont mind all that much if that were all that was wrong. 

I've had cats all my life, and usually my family has been good about getting them fixed and getting all their shots, but every now and then they for wahtever reason didnt get a cat fixed and still no cat ive ever had as been this mental. I keep thinking it can't get worse but it gets worse like every single day.

I don't want to give up on him, because he's our baby and he's family, but i cant afford to have him destroy stuff for much longer since we're renting this apartment. All my friends and family keep telling me to give him up for adoption but I know that no one will adopt him and he'll just be euthanized! I don't want to give up, so please, if anyone has any suggestions, i'm desperate for solutions.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2015
The first thing that came to mind was: Do you interactively play with him on a regular basis? Cats need to play and they not only need to toys to play with on their own, but they need a playmate. If he is your only cat, then YOU are that playmate and you need to give him the time and attention he is obviously craving and begging for. Toys like fishing pole or wands that he can chase, bat at and capture are ideal! It gives him the opportunity to hone his hunting skills and work his muscles by jumping and attacking the toy at the end of the string. Anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes a session several times a day should be adequate. 

You don't have to go out and spend a lot of money on toys. Most anything works... a yard stick or a coat hanger, tie some sturdy hemp rope/string to it and attach a small object to the other end of the rope/string. It can be a small stuffed cat toy, or even a toilet paper roll. Get  a wad of aluminum foil and squeeze it into a tight. firm ball about the size of a lemon and toss it for him so he can chase it around. You can also attach the ball to some hemp rope/string and hand it from a door knob so it hangs about 4 inches from the floor. I am confident he will spend hours knocking it around and eventually wearing himself out. 

He also needs scratching posts (my two Boys absolutely love the corrugated cardboard pads from Walmart!). These not only allow him to manicure his claws, they give him  the opportunity to stretch and strengthen his muscles. (PLEASE, do NOT have him declawed! EVER! Trimming his claws every 2 weeks will keep them to where he can't do damage to furniture, carpet or human flesh).

He needs to be given things to play with that are 'cat appropriate' and just for him. If not, he will certainly find whatever he can to entertain himself. A cat tree/condo will give him something to climb on. Place it in front of a window so he has something to look at (be sure to keep the cords from blinds tied up and tucked behind the blinds so he doesn't see them as toys. Cat's have been known to get tangled in them and ended up with their legs/feet and necks wrapped in the cords resulting in bodily damage or worse!) Right now, it sounds like he is bored. 

He aslo needs to be neutered ASAP... before he starts spraying things and marking his territory! You are very lucky he hasn't already started doing this at his age! It is also vitally important to get him to the vet for a check-up and ALL of his vaccinations and deworming! Cat's are NOT inexpensive and way too many people are lured in by the thought of a 'free' kitten'. It doesn't work that way. When you add up food, dishes, treats, toys and furniture (cat tree/condo/bed), litter and litter box(es), crates/carriers, wellness check-ups, vaccinations and emergency vet visits, medications, boarding/pet sitters, and grooming supplies, the cost of owning one cat for 15 years can easily run in excess of $20,000.00! That averages out to about  $1,300.00 a year. And if there are serious emergencies that require surgery and/or long-term medications that cost can easily double!

And that is just the financial part of it! Cat's require loving care, interactive play and a LOT of our time! Changing the litter box when we are too sick to crawl out of bed, interactive play when we are too tired to keep our eyes open, fresh water changed out several times a day, fresh food every day, grooming and cuddling and sitting up all night (medicating, monitoring and/or cleaning up after them) when they are sick or recovering from surgery - these are all things we HAVE to do! 

As pet owners, it is our obligation and responsibility to properly care for our pets! We chose to take them in and give them a loving home; therefore, we MUST be prepared to care for them for the duration. They are not accessories that we can return or exchange or discard. They are living creatures who are depending on us to provide the best for them. 

Oh, crap! Right? 

For now, get him vetted and start giving him some attention so he can expend some of his kitten/teenage energy in an appropriate way. Right now, he is doing what cat's do - they are curious and active. You need to help him learn by redirecting his curiosity and active energy in a manner that works best for everyone involved. 

I hope this has given you some ideas as to how to get started. Please, feel free to ask questions as they arise. I am sure other's will chime in with more information. 

Note: I am sure there will be some who will immediately recommend FeliWay, which is a 'calming' pheromone infuser/spray . While this is a good idea for aggressive behavior, I don't feel it is a wise choice in your case because he isn't aggressive; he is just energetic and that can easily be resolved (and it's expensive for anyone on a budget). 

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It sounds like he is bored. Aggressive and obnoxious behavior can be definitely linked to his not being neutered, so that should be a priority right now.He needs toys and a good corrugated scratcher like what was said above, you wouldn't believe how much energy they spend attacking those scratchers! I hate to suggest it but a playmate for him would be ideal, maybe you could find one already neutered, but young enough to want to play. Females tend to want to be alone or rule the roost and are not as good for roughhousing. He is still a kitten with kitten ways, but try to get through this next year and you will find he will calm down tremendously, just like a toddler that finally is old enough to calm themselves and learn to get along. But PLEASE get him neutered as soon as possible, I think you will find him to be a changed cat! All the luck!


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Agree with all of the above
Bored cats often seeek out things to do with means trouble and mischief and you being annoyed with things being broken or pushed arond, etc. Really bored cats may get int more trouble by getting into household cleaners and other harmful things that may smell good to them Please try to cat-proof your apartment as much as possible to avoid an expesnsive trip to the vet ER later. Neutering will help but you also need to play with your cat  a few times daily. Playtime doesn't have to be very long. 5 or 10 minutes is plenty and should be interactive like using a fishing pole type toy.  Instead of watching tv for an hour or so before bed (assuming you do), play with your cat instead. You can wave a fishing pole toy and watch tv at the same time if you really wanted to

A second cat (already neutered / spayed please) can also help redirect your cat's attention away from your belongings. Two cats will keep each other busy. Having two cats doesn't cost much more than one. Both cats can share many things (litter box, toys, food, etc). Check your apartment lease to see if there is any limit on how many pets you can have. There usually is a 2 pet max.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 18, 2014
Well, like I said before, I'm not new to having cats, I know that they need to be taken to the vet for regular shots and checkups and to be spayed or neutered. So that is a priority right now. Other than that, I actually do play with him, quite a lot actually. He's got toys that im always picking up and tossing or dangling and we have a great time together, but man his energy just knows no bounds! He has a cat tree and scratching boards too, all of which he uses regularly, but it's like it's not enough or something. Do you guys think he'll actually mellow out at all when he gets fixed? And do those sprays or sticky tape meant for cats that you put on furniture and carpet, actually work in your experience? I feel like as far as giving him attention and playing with him and making sure he has everything he needs, i've done everything i can. I plan on moving our computer desks into the spare room once we clear out all the seemingly thousands of boxes from when we moved in, and making that the hobby/gaming room and have that be a cat free zone, and do our best to train him not to scratch at the carpet because we want to keep him out of it once we get it set up. That way we can put all of our decorations and collectibles in there.

But it'll be awhile before I can do that because we have to borrow someone's truck to get some furniture for that room... 

Last night, all i could do was just... try and sleep through the sounds of him knocking everything off of all the tables and the tv stand. Because it's either that or get up every 10 seconds. But i mean, I can't sleep through it because it's very loud... he meows while he does it, as if to say "come here and see what i'm doing just to get your attention!"

Also, he does this thing where he'll look at me right in the eyes and kinda huff. Like breathe out loudly through his nose like he's frustrated. Apparently some cats do that, but he's the first i've ever seen do it! Sometimes I really think he hates me, but he's still soooo sweet when he's not going crazy. He still loves to cuddle and head-butt me and everything. I just don't understand D:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 18, 2014
Oh, also I wanted to add that we were really considering adopting another male who is either already neutered, or we'll wait to get one until we can definitely get him neutered right way, so that Zuko (that's my cat's name, btw) can have a playmate, but I was concerned that Zuko would be too aggressive and hurt the other cat, especially since it'll most likely be significantly younger than him, and i'm worried that we won't be able to keep them away from eachother well enough until they acclimate. Here's a question, do you think it'd be ok? Like if the two roughhouse a lot at first do you think that'd be damaging to their relationship? I know you have to keep them separate for a while so that they can get used to eachothers' smells, but i'm sort of worried that Zuko will just rip up the carpet under the door like he does when he wants in another room. A while back i discovered an ad someone posted for kittens that were clearly not being taken care of, and when i went to go check it out apparently only one was left (the guy claims they all got adopted but i'm 99% certain they all died) so I took the one that was left home and nursed him as best I could before taking him to my sister, and she fostered him through a shelter before he eventually got adopted. But the few days that we had the kitten, it was almost impossible to keep Zuko away from him. He would freak out and scratch at the door and carpet, and whenever I needed to move the kitten or just open the door to leave the room he'd bolt in. He never actually managed to reach him so I don't know what he would've done. But then again, this little guy was way too young, If i got an older kitten, do you think it'd be ok? 

And of course keep in mind I wouldn't adopt until Zuko gets fixed. This will be a little while down the road if it happens.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 14, 2015
mountains and beaches of North Carolina
Ah, I am currently in a similar situation. I would like to let my 6 month old outside to play but can't due to nearby wild dogs, and it seems like nothing can fully get rid of his energy (or appetite) and he is always getting into something. He's so bad sometimes! Can u let your kitty outside for some playtime, or is that not an option? I've had great success with indoor/outdoor cats, but its not for everyone.
Other than that, I agree that neutering him will probably do a lot to calm him down and keep him out of trouble. A friend to keep him company and entertain him while everyone is at work is certainly a nice idea also. I think I've just decided to neuter then get a little friend for my boy.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 18, 2014
Unfortunately I can't let him outside. Too many wild cats and dogs around and our neighbors would probably complain if he went in their yard. I'm just praying he'll chill out when he gets fixed


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Re: things being knocked down - I ignore stuff being knocked down all night long. They'll be there in the morning to be picked up. Put all breakables away until they grow up (he's really not grown up yet). All pictures in frames have been put away for the time being at my house (I have two 8-month-old kittens and a wannabe-kitten 3-year-old). I would make neutering the priority right now. Break it down by each thing if you have to but prioritize what needs to be done. Makes it a bit less overwhelming. Check it off when it's done.

It's a lot different having your own kitten, than having grown up with them. The responsibility wasn't completely yours, whereas it is now. It really does make it different, and I'm finding that out after having brought the kittens in. These guys are expensive little buggers! I also got them neutered as soon as possible (13 weeks). Have you looked into high volume/low cost spay/neuter clinics? Not all of them will do pets, but many will. You have to pay but it's a lot less costly than going to the vet. And in my case, I was able to get their vaccines (rabies and 2nd distemper) when they got neutered at no extra cost. And a nail trim to boot! I paid $95 for each boy. The only bad part was I had to go into the city vs going to my vet next door. Worth it though.

And while paying for pet insurance is probably the LAST thing on your mind, it may be worth it to pay for at least standalone wellness insurance, especially since he still needs to be neutered and needs vaccines (those are covered under it). If you are going to a low-cost vet, it will work out even better. It would ultimately pay for itself. It only covers wellness stuff (so no accident or illness) but sometimes that's all you need.