please help!! Kitten looks depressed


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 15, 2015
Well I got my ragdoll kitten about a week ago. Ever since she has been here she is constantly crying. I thought it may go away after a day or so but it doesnt stop. She will just sit some random place and cry. She doesnt come when i call her she just cries. She also struggles to eat. She doesnt want to eat but still wants a piece of my food? She also dont play at all, i just tried for like an hour to get her to play with toys, strings or even my hand. Nothing! I am so upset. I love her so much, but she just seem so unhappy all the time. I had her at the vet for 3 days now, he gave her revolution for her fleas and a dewormer. I have to go everyday until her pills are done because I really struggle to get her to swallow it lol. Well other than the fleas and the worms she is fine, her fever and everything is okay. I have bought all the types of food on the market, she just dont wamt to eat, well she eats but NOT enough. Is it normal for a kitten to cry all the time and to not be active and just sleeping all day? She is 8 weeks old now. I know it may be too young to be away from her mother but I have had a young kitty before and he did not act this way.please help guys, i really just want her to be okay !! :(


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 9, 2015
With kittens you just gotta let them be kittens. Let the kitten approach you, get on their level and stick out two of your fingers or your knuckles/back of your hand and let them sniff and rub up against it. They will normally move your fingers and hands to where they would like to be touched.  I would also make sure you are trying wet food and not just dry, as well as also giving them something like kitten milk but watch for wet poop. I think in your case you might of rushed things, even in a household with no pets or small children, kittens and cats need to spend 75-80% of their time in a bathroom or bedroom so they can feel like they have somewhere safe to go and get used to all the scents,then after 2 - 3 days you can bring that kitty out and let them explore but leaving the safe zone open. It takes about a week or two weeks time to get it used to everything. Even though you have had them for a little bit already I would try this process anyways. 

I think if you push to much touchy and trying to force play a lot in the long run, you will not have such a great relationship with your cat, but if you try a few things with your kitten you two can live long happy lives with  loving solid companionship. 
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