Please help! Cat has a bleeding tumor and can't afford surgery!


TCS Member
Oct 30, 2014
I can sympathize with what your going through. It's agonizing to think about your best friend being in pain & needing surgery & chemo, yet not enough money to do it all. I would start by searching on line for veterinary financial assistance in your area, & nationwide sites who can help as well. I know of one called the Pongo fund based in Portland, Oregon, & there is one called Gods creatures ministry, though this is a private donation site, they will help with a minimum of $50.00 in most cases, & there is one called red rover, though I'm not sure if they'll help with cats ? Also, most of these sites will help more quickly if it is a life threatening need & in your case it sounds like it is. You can start a fund site on line to raise funds for this through one called funds for me or go on line & do a self fund raising search to find a site of your choosing. They take a small percentage out of what you raise, but it's minuscule compared to how much you can really raise. Ask for help by posting ads on Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist & your local paper, as well as asking to put up posters in your vet office or around town in your local retail shops. You will be surprised at how much you can raise. If in the meantime if your kitty gets worse, you will have to think about what kind of quality life will your kitty be living if he is in great pain. That is a personal decision that all of us who have animals, unfortunately, have to make at some point, about when to end their life. I'm one who believes in giving them the longest life as possible, but I'm also one who does NOT want them kept alive & in great pain, just because I can't imagine my life without them. I can't do that to them or be that selfish to keep them in misery, because I'm not ready to let them go. Your kitty sounds like he's still doing well & not in pain, so in my opinion, I'd continue to seek the advise of your veterinarian & get busy tracking down some financial assistance. I will keep you & your kitty in my prayers & God Bless & good luck with your fund raising. Hope some of this info helps.
Sincerely, Sierra Leone


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I understand that chemo is not a financial option for you, but even if it were I'd advise against it. A human can make that choice for herself; your cat can't, and chemo is a truly miserable experience, especially for an elderly cat who can only gain a few months from it, if it goes well.

Check out my Reiki ad in the products section, and if you want this for your Angel, let me know. No guarantees, except that I will, in fact, send the Reiki. It's free.

And whenever she passes, do your grief work; if you don't it never gets better.

What I know about grieving:

1) It hurts as much as it hurts. Don't let anyone tell you "She was just a cat." She is part of you, part of your family. Losing her is supposed to hurt.

2) It takes as long as it takes. Don't let anyone tell you "It's been a whole six months. Why are you still grieving?" You're grieving because you've suffered a loss, and it still hurts.

3) There are no shortcuts and no ways to bypass grief. The only way to the other side of grief is straight through the middle. If you try to avoid it, it never goes away.

4) The loss of any loved one is a lot like an amputation. You will forever have an Angel-shaped hole in your heart. But if you do your grief work, it won't fester; it will heal cleanly and eventually it will hurt less. Tears seem to cleanse the wound.

I'm so sorry you're going through this; I know how much it hurts. And despite my own losses, I still get a new cat when the spot has been vacant long enough that I'm ready to appreciate the new cat for herself. The rewards outweigh the pain.

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TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 20, 2014
DFW, Texas
I just want to hug you! I'm so very sorry you are having to make such a huge decision. I agree with many here; do what's right for your kitty, even if that means that the best option is to euthanize her. My heart hurts for you and just know we're all here for you to emotionally support you in whatever you end up doing.



TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 1, 2014
I have been thinking about you and wanted to check to see how you are doing and your kitty?