Please Help!!! 8 Year Old Cat Meets 6 Month Plus Old Kitten


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 4, 2017
So my boyfriend was at work last night and found this kitten (has to be maybe six months or more old), i begged him to bring her home and we’re keeping her she’s already so very sweet and loving.


(peaches is the orange cat, luna the tan/white)

we already have a cat named Peaches. shes about 8 years old, possibly 9. she’s my cat from childhood so she’s my little baby but my boyfriend and i have only lived where we do since august, so she’s definitely made this place her own. before that i still lived at home and we had two dogs living there, they were never besties but only saw any of them fight a handful of times and usually the dogs did something to upset her.
she’s never lived with another cat, let alone been near any since she was a kitten and given to me.
my cats never been a sweetheart, though she does love to lay on me and we do have a bond she’s always had her little tude. i’m worried she won’t react well to this new kitten.
i’ve separated them, but Peaches is pissed. which i definitely expected, but she’s even been hissing at me which only happens when it’s a full out tantrum which was something i didn’t think would happen. i’ve started to slowly introduce smells, even opened the door a crack so peaches and luna could see eachother but i held peaches which i now realize is wrong of me so her completely spazzing was probably on me. i’ve been trying to give her attention because i’ve been giving a lot to the other, but peach just growls at me and hisses. i played with her and she responded well to that but quickly after was still upset.

i just want to know what else should i do to slowly start introducing them, i can’t keep them separated forever and i don’t expect besties right away or at all but they need to coexist soon.
also would like to know how to get peaches used to another cat since she’s never met one, if there is anything i can do.

any and all tips would be helpful, i just want this to be not as traumatising to peaches because she’s not a happy kitty right now. luna on the other hand is adjusting well and didn’t react to peaches so i’m not as scared with her.




TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Hi. For some reason your question posted 3 times, but I guess I'll answer here. You could try putting a gate or screen on the door. That would help the cats to meet without being able to hurt each other. If you can't get a gate, maybe put one cat in a carrier and let the other cat in the room, then switch.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Where's my answer? I hope they find it and put it back here, a couple of days is not long at all, it will take months. The main point of my post was to let you know Peaches is NOT mad, she is scared and frightened of the new comer. It is on HER turf. Cats take a long time to get used to change and this is one of those times. I would put the newcomer in a carrier to introduce them and look under Forums and click on behaviors to find a lot of ways to introduce. Keep us posted!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Her question posted 3 times, maybe the mods will fix it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
Most likely they'll adjust fairly quickly, though they might not ever be best buds. Fairly quickly could be a few months and it's ok if they need to be separately that long. It's been less than 24 hours, so Peaches reaction is normal. She's used to all the space being hers and the two kitties will now have to divide which "territory" they will each claim.

You're doing well to keep them separated, scent swapping, and only giving them brief viewings of each other. I would also feed them on opposite sides of the door which currently separates them.

Do they each have at least one cat tree? That would also help provide safe places they can claim.