

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 23, 2018
Hey y'all!

Got a new cat a month ago for my daughter. She is amazing! Super sweet and absolutely loves to be pet EVERYWHERE, including a good belly rub.
The issue I've come across is I can't find anything she likes to play with. I've tried every toy imaginable and have even tried cat nip on every toy. She looks at me like I'm dumb with a laser. She won't even bat at a pole toy. She hasn't even sniffed her scratching pad/ball track (the round one). She won't play with string, tensil, mice, feathers, boxes, bags, balls, or pretty much anything. I asked a few fellow fur mom's for ideas. They recommended knotted straws, straws poked through a box or toilet paper roll, dangling toys, tunnel like toys, and water bottle/containers with treats in them. I've tried them all including a puzzle box.
She's very happy and purrs all the time. My only issue is she is lazy and is starting to become quite chunky. I've cut back on her portions a little to keep her from getting over weight.
Any advice or ideas for toys or homemade items?
Thank you in advance!
Mom of Fiddle Stixs



Kitty on the half shell, tortie power!
Top Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Littleton, CO
Some cats are just really hard to play with, I definitely sympathize. You might have to play a little pet detective until you see what naturally catches his attention outside the window, and try and mimic it. Our 7 yr old kitty, Gohan, never really played interactively much. He has a few cheap little rattle mice he bats around by himself, but as far as interaction he wouldn't usually play.

Over the years, we found what gets him interested. He seems to like "ground prey" - sting toys that flow over the ground like ribbons, or little worms. He doesn't like it moving too fast, and any distraction around ruins it.

Another thing is Da Bird toy - it is not the same as other feather and stick toys. Whirl it quickly through the air so it makes a fluttery sound, and then go slower so Fiddle Stix can stalk it. Change tempos from fast to slow, try and mimic a prey animal as much as you can.

In the end, some cats are almost impossible to play with. If you can't see to engage him him exercise, maybe switching his food to a low-carb kibble or wet food will let him maintain a healthy weight even if he's inactive. Good luck, let us know if something starts working!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. :wave2: Congrats on the adoption of Fiddle Stixs. :bouquet: She's adorable. :catlove:

Sounds like you tried just about everything plaything idea you can think of. But have you tried a piece of toilet paper under the bathroom door?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 15, 2018
British Columbia, CA
My cat cannot resist toys disappearing underneath the crack of the door. First, I close the door between us and use a stiff feather, pen or something, and scratch it against the carpeted floor to create interesting sounds. I then use the toy to ‘peak’ out from under the door mimicking hiding prey. My kitten couldn’t resist the unknown and insisted that he was going to try to fit his whole arm under the door to bat at the toy. <3


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 25, 2018
My first kitty, Gwen, was very picky about toys, and turned up her nose at most of them. Only the laser pointer and the cat dancer interested her. But she also loved to steal my hair rubber bands and the plastic ring from milk jugs.

Juniper is like some of the cats described above, and prefers to chase things that 'hide' so running the laser pointer just out of reach under the couch gets her interested, and we used to make a big pile of blankets and 'hide' the pointer in the folds so that she could pounce and squash the blankets, which she seemed to really enjoy. She also responds to drives her nuts if she can hear a toy but not see it. So these might be variations to try with the toys that you have.

Ice cubes scoot nicely across the kitchen floor and work well as toys as long as you don't mind getting the floor a bit wet, and don't slip.
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 23, 2018
Thank you everyone for the wonderful replies/suggestions.
I'm going to try and reply to everyone in one response so please let me low if I missed anyone.
I tried a harness on her and she became so stressed she developed feline herpes in her eye and it went away as soon as I took the harness off. I decided I'll leave that alone for now.

KarenCat she has a couple of the little rattle mice she will bat around every now and again also bit the second I try and join the fun, she's done. Little stinker. I tried a few different ground prey toys and found that she really doesn't like toys that male noise lol. I have been wanting to look into the DaBird toy and haven't yet. That's next on my list. I have switched her food up a little and added in a little wet food.

Rubysmama, thank you so much! So I tried some toilet paper, ribbon, string, pipe cleaner, and even twine at different speeds/movements and she runs away spooked. Silly girl. She spooks with quick movements and noises so I've been looking around the house for different ideas.

Luckytheordinary, I tried the disappearing fun and she yawns at me thinking "next". I told her she's sassy :) I loved everyone's ideas of using a door and having her almost fish for stuff and she is not having it. She just curls up and swishes her tail. It does work for my puppers though and I give her a good work out haha.

Etarre, it's so fun learning how every kitty has their own personalities. I try the ice cube n the floor and it doesn't last long before my ice loving Boston gets ahold of it. I had fingers crossed that FS and my Boston would chase it around together. Of course FS just looks at Roxy like she's dumb lol.

I can't thank each of you enough for taking the time to post and brain storm with me! I am not giving up and will find something eventually that FS loves to play with. I bought a pair of those gloves that collect the cat is the odd ball that absolutely hates it! Lol I have to carefully and quickly pet her with them to collect the fur before she runs off. Awesome prout though, in my opinion.
I realize I have an odd cat but I'm embracing it and gonna figure her out eventually. Miss sassy is cleaning herself as we speak daring me to touch her ;)
I'm sorry it too so long to respond to everyone. For some reason my phone did not notify me when I had a response. Bow I'll be checking more frequently.
The search continues! :) Have an awesome day everyone!

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Hey y'all!

Got a new cat a month ago for my daughter. She is amazing! Super sweet and absolutely loves to be pet EVERYWHERE, including a good belly rub.
The issue I've come across is I can't find anything she likes to play with. I've tried every toy imaginable and have even tried cat nip on every toy. She looks at me like I'm dumb with a laser. She won't even bat at a pole toy. She hasn't even sniffed her scratching pad/ball track (the round one). She won't play with string, tensil, mice, feathers, boxes, bags, balls, or pretty much anything. I asked a few fellow fur mom's for ideas. They recommended knotted straws, straws poked through a box or toilet paper roll, dangling toys, tunnel like toys, and water bottle/containers with treats in them. I've tried them all including a puzzle box.
She's very happy and purrs all the time. My only issue is she is lazy and is starting to become quite chunky. I've cut back on her portions a little to keep her from getting over weight.
Any advice or ideas for toys or homemade items?
Thank you in advance!
Mom of Fiddle Stixs
I bet your daughter thinks you hung the moon. And stars!
Even though her over all happiness level is well and I'm almost sure you'll say she was vet checked before bringing her home, would it possible to have another vet give her a once over, and do some blood work, etc.?
Do you know her age, history, etc.?
One thing most of our cats can't resist is a ball of wadded up foil (tennis ball size, don't want them eating it!). It's shiny, it makes a cool noise when you toss it across the room, etc.
If things check out OK at the vet and you're pretty sure she's healthy, some cats just aren't as playful. One of ours is so uppity and above it, he only watches mildly when the other cats attack toys.
Another thought is she may be loving on you all but she's still kind of new to you, and she might still be settling in and too busy bonding with you all to play. In another month, she might be a toy nut, maybe not.
What's her current diet? (Some cats get lazier and chunkier on dry food only.)
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 23, 2018
I bet your daughter thinks you hung the moon. And stars!
Even though her over all happiness level is well and I'm almost sure you'll say she was vet checked before bringing her home, would it possible to have another vet give her a once over, and do some blood work, etc.?
Do you know her age, history, etc.?
One thing most of our cats can't resist is a ball of wadded up foil (tennis ball size, don't want them eating it!). It's shiny, it makes a cool noise when you toss it across the room, etc.
If things check out OK at the vet and you're pretty sure she's healthy, some cats just aren't as playful. One of ours is so uppity and above it, he only watches mildly when the other cats attack toys.
Another thought is she may be loving on you all but she's still kind of new to you, and she might still be settling in and too busy bonding with you all to play. In another month, she might be a toy nut, maybe not.
What's her current diet? (Some cats get lazier and chunkier on dry food only.)
My daughter absolutely is in hog heaven!
Fiddle Stix has grown quite attached to me so I'm working on finding things to get her as attached with my little one also.
The organization I adopted FS from is very strict. She came with all of her adoption paper work even back from the shelter she was found at. She has checked out pristine from 2 different vets. At the same time, I've wondered if her vision isn't a little off, possibly. I'm having that checked into soon.
She is a ball of purrs all the time! She even sits there calmly and let's me trim her nails and file them smooth, as to not injure herself scratching/grooming. Coolest cat ever!
Her diet consists of a quarter of a cup of Science Diet Indoor Blend in the evening that she snacks on through out the day and 2 spoonfuls of indoor wet food in the morning. She is naturally a large cat to begin with. She measures 16 inches from between her ears to the base of her tail. Her weight seems to have stabilized. Las check up she weighed 11 pounds.
Lately she's been doing the "spook run" through the house randomly. So I feel she's exercising herself without my involvement :) She's chasing something imaginary right now up and down the hallway. Silly kitty.
I think my next move is going to find a small remote control car to attach a rubber bug to so she can chase it.
I'll keep everyone updated!

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
My daughter absolutely is in hog heaven!
Fiddle Stix has grown quite attached to me so I'm working on finding things to get her as attached with my little one also.
The organization I adopted FS from is very strict. She came with all of her adoption paper work even back from the shelter she was found at. She has checked out pristine from 2 different vets. At the same time, I've wondered if her vision isn't a little off, possibly. I'm having that checked into soon.
She is a ball of purrs all the time! She even sits there calmly and let's me trim her nails and file them smooth, as to not injure herself scratching/grooming. Coolest cat ever!
Her diet consists of a quarter of a cup of Science Diet Indoor Blend in the evening that she snacks on through out the day and 2 spoonfuls of indoor wet food in the morning. She is naturally a large cat to begin with. She measures 16 inches from between her ears to the base of her tail. Her weight seems to have stabilized. Las check up she weighed 11 pounds.
Lately she's been doing the "spook run" through the house randomly. So I feel she's exercising herself without my involvement :) She's chasing something imaginary right now up and down the hallway. Silly kitty.
I think my next move is going to find a small remote control car to attach a rubber bug to so she can chase it.
I'll keep everyone updated!
She sounds outstanding!!!
Does she sleep in your daughters room at night? Sleeping time is bonding time, too. :cloud9:
If her vision is off, this may be why playing isn't a "thing" with her. It could be something like depth perception etc., causing problems and she's not sure when to pounce or "be a cat" so she hangs back. Good to get it looked at!

I love the spook runs. We have one that will spook run to an archway, rear up, claws extended on the wall, staring at nothing with her ears pinned then do a swimmers turn off the wall and rush into the next room.
Another will run laps and leap up onto any material she can and hang there. This crazy running ends with her hanging on a screen door like "....what?" :flail:
They are just so funny this way. :crazy:
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  • #11


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 23, 2018
She sounds outstanding!!!
Does she sleep in your daughters room at night? Sleeping time is bonding time, too. :cloud9:
If her vision is off, this may be why playing isn't a "thing" with her. It could be something like depth perception etc., causing problems and she's not sure when to pounce or "be a cat" so she hangs back. Good to get it looked at!

I love the spook runs. We have one that will spook run to an archway, rear up, claws extended on the wall, staring at nothing with her ears pinned then do a swimmers turn off the wall and rush into the next room.
Another will run laps and leap up onto any material she can and hang there. This crazy running ends with her hanging on a screen door like "....what?" :flail:
They are just so funny this way. :crazy:
She has free roam of the house, finally. She doesn't really sleep in the bed with either of us. She likes to sleep behind the cracked door. She wakes me up several times a night wanting to be loved on. This has gotten better since I started filling her bowl with dry food at night instead of in the morning.
This is also another reason I'm trying to tire her out during the day.
FS does the same thing where she spook runs, bounces off the dogs elevated bed, off the speaker, off the bookcase, then taking off down the hallway. It cracks us up everytime. We've nicknamed her parkour kitty!