Piano (long)


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
The piano guy was here yesterday; he spent about 90 minutes, taking the piano apart and seeing where we stand. He's coming back at the beginning of November for the first tuning. He's thinking it will take three tunings to get it back to where it should be. All of the keys work, just not when they should. :) Two keys are a little "funky" and he may have to do some work on them.

We're not sure where we stand on the dampers yet. Dampers stop the key from "echoing" after you stop hitting the key. My keys echo quite a bit; he said it all depends on how crazy the echoing makes me. Replacing dampers will be a little on the expensive side, about $600 or so. The tunings will run between $250 and $400, depending on how things go. To get it into concert performance will run on the higher side; to get it to where I can just play will be lower. But overall, things are not as bad as I thought they would be, especially for a 50-year old piano that spent most of its life in a house with a wood-burning stove.

I've been playing again. I can still read the music and I know the songs. It's just trying to get the right hand to play in sync with the left! Not easy! :lol: I can play my right hand, I can play my left hand.....putting it all together? Not so much!

Does anybody remember the old red Thompson piano lesson books? That's what I started out with back in 1959, starting with Teaching Little Fingers to Play and then going from the First Grade books to the Fifth Grade. I still have the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade books, but lost the First and Second, so ordered them from Amazon. I still have Your Favorite Solos book (orange cover), but lost Your Favorite Solos for the Advanced Pianist (green cover) and I can't find that one....it's sold out at Amazon. I'll keep looking, but I'm a long way from that book anyway at this point.

I doubt the piano will really be ready for serious playing much before the beginning of the year. This guy is super busy and I think he fit me in as a favor to Rick, more than anything. He and Rick went to school together and they think highly of each other. But I can still play around with it and see where it takes me.

There was an article in the AARP magazine about pianos, which reiterated what Tom and I talked about yesterday. Basically back in "the day" it was proper to have a piano in the house and children took piano lessons. It's just the way it was. And then with the next generation, people got busy with other things, and kids didn't want lessons and parents didn't really care. Now, there's a glut of really nice pianos out there that people don't know what to do with. Older folks are going into nursing homes or downsizing and nobody wants the piano. People think they might be worth something and they're really surprised when they can't even give them away.

We talked about whether I should invest in the piano I have or buy a good used one. Tom said that, til I found a place for the one I have now and got rid of it and then bought a different one and got it into the house, using professional movers, who know how to move a piano, I'd be just as far ahead to keep the one I have. Which is fine with me.

So, while I'll never be a concert pianist and I'll never be able to play Billy Joel's Root Beer Rag, I'm going to have some fun along the way and maybe I can, at least, get back to where I was. I'm excited to start!

ETA: The kids are not amused when I sit down to play. The first time I played, The Beast started howling! :flail:(I like to tell myself that she was singing along with the music, but I don't really believe that.) The cats took off for the bedroom, but then they came out and sat around with their ears flattened down. At least Jackie has stopped howling and the cats don't run for cover anymore. But they're not amused by any of it.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I've been considering signing my kids up for piano lessons. The cost is my first concern; both for an instrument and the lessons for 2 kids. Since we homeschool I would really like them to have some sort of music education beyond what I can provide. (I played the flute when I was in school; but it's been ages. I tried once when DD was little and she cried. :lol: ) I've always seen articles that say it's beneficial for us to have a musical education even if we don't really do anything with it. DD might prefer the guitar but she's just now old enough that they give guitar lessons. I need to keep my eyes and ears open. I know there is a homeschool graduate who lives a few miles away that teaches. She might be a good first step!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 17, 2017
Appleton, WI
I grew up with a piano in the house and both of my brothers and I took lessons. I played through high school (went to State for a duet my senior year) and won a scholarship to college. I ended up switching to voice because our first child was born my sophomore year and even though we bought a full-size keyboard I didn't have time to practice. (I practiced my voice music in the car on the way to and from daycare.)

When we finally bought a house one of the first things we did was buy a piano and I gave 5 of our 6 kids lessons on it. (Not well because I'm not good at keeping schedules and kept skipping weeks.) Now it mostly sits quiet because I don't have time to play except after the kids are in bed. And I'm self-conscious about how rusty I am so I don't like to play when anyone is around. It hasn't been tuned in years and needs it badly but there are more important places for our money to go first.

I didn't use the Thompson lesson books but we must have had some around because I can picture them in my mind. Maybe from when my mom was a kid.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I'm really excited about taking lessons. Our granddaughter started taking lessons on a Yamaha keyboard and she's doing fairly well so far.....I don't know how long she'll last with them as she's pretty much a spur-of-the-moment child.

And MoochNNoodles MoochNNoodles our grandson is taking drum lessons. He's doing really well and loves his drums; he's partial to rock music, so he tries to play along with the songs.

My sister took piano lessons for a few years, but then she quit and started taking clarinet lessons so she could be in band in school.

amysuen amysuen I don't enjoy playing in front of people; I never did. It's more for my own pleasure.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
The piano guy, or the piano weenie? :lol: When I was a kid, my friend had a piano and I always wanted to play. She showed me how to do scales, but that's about all. Have fun learning to play again.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
The piano guy, or the piano weenie? :lol: When I was a kid, my friend had a piano and I always wanted to play. She showed me how to do scales, but that's about all. Have fun learning to play again.
Ummm, well, yeah, the piano weenie! :lol: Thanks!


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Go for it, Pam. You won't ever be sorry. I took piano lessons for a very short time. I wish I had kept it up because sometimes we need a fill in player at the church. I remember I learned quickly. I played "Silent Night" and a hymn called "Why Me, Lord." Since I was already an adult, the teacher I had was teaching me to play by chords instead of the traditional way.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I'm really excited about taking lessons. Our granddaughter started taking lessons on a Yamaha keyboard and she's doing fairly well so far.....I don't know how long she'll last with them as she's pretty much a spur-of-the-moment child.

And MoochNNoodles MoochNNoodles our grandson is taking drum lessons. He's doing really well and loves his drums; he's partial to rock music, so he tries to play along with the songs.
How old are your grandkids? For some reason in my mind they aren't too much older than my kids. Maybe I can find something used. I don't have space for a full piano. I know a couple months ago several friends were looking for used instruments for their kids joining school bands and things. I would feel better about that if I had someone familiar with pianos helping me so I know I don't get a piece of junk.
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Caleb is 12 and has been playing the drums now for about two years. Sarah is 10 and she's been playing the piano for the same length of time. Sarah is using an electronic keyboard or piano or whatever they're called; it's a Yamaha.

The piano tuner said that good pianos are available now and they're quite inexpensive. The key is to make sure that it's in tune and can stay in tune. Ask about its history.....if it was kept in a really dry house (wood-burning stove) or some place that's really humid; both can be bad for the piano. Try calling around for a piano tuner and pick his or her brain; sometimes they know of good smaller pianos that are for sale. A piano tuner might be a good researcher for you. Yellow pages!! :)

As for lessons, most of the people I've talked with charge $20 for a 30-minute lesson. I don't know if that's good or bad; it seems to be the going price around here. (That's a far cry from the $2 lessons my piano teacher charged my parents back in the late 1950's!)


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
They are a few years older than DD then. My mother's friend used to give lessons; but she has been very busy with her farm so she doesn't teach anymore. But she might know someone close to my home that can help.