Peeing outside the litter box - another case


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 6, 2009
San Antonio, Texas
I'm actually having a very similar problem with my cat (Ninja, recently turned 3 years old), however there have been household changes. 

In my situation his eating area is upstairs, and all 3 litter boxes are downstairs in our very large laundry room.  Two of the boxes are next to each other (one covered, one uncovered), and the third box is just a few feet away and uncovered as well.  I use a Feline Pine knockoff litter, and all boxes are filled a little less than half full.  We used to just have 2 boxes (since there were two cats), but I moved up to 3 at my vet's suggestion when this started.  When Max (RIP) passed I just never bothered putting the third box away since Ninja will use them all.  Boxes are scooped daily and changed once a week or so depending on use.  He always poops in the box and will usually still pee in them, but other times he decides to pee on random things on the floor of the laundry room.  So of course I try not to leave anything on the floor in there, but this can be difficult as sometimes we do need to store stuff in there or I may not notice a dryer sheet that fell on the floor.  The other area where he will pee is not surprising, as it's the ferret's playroom and there are small litter boxes in there for the ferrets.  Sometimes he'll pee/poop in their boxes which is annoying since they are tiny boxes but not a huge deal, or sometimes he'll pee on one of their beds that's on the floor in there.  There is no carpet in either of these rooms and the ferret room is cleaned with a vinegar/water solution.  He will also pee in our upstairs sinks sometimes which is annoying (since he'll sometimes track it on to the bathroom counters), but liveable.

This all started about a month before we had to have my senior cat put down.  They weren't the best of friends, but he enjoyed pouncing Max (RIP) from time to time.  Now he chases the dogs when he's feeling frisky.  He's become extremely affectionate towards me and comes to hang out wherever I am for more than a few minutes.  I am also pregnant and due in February.  Since this behavior started about a month before Max passed, I thought maybe that brought it on (that he could sense Max wouldn't be around much longer).  Then I thought maybe he's unhappy being an only cat, but he honestly doesn't seem to really care and wasn't that close to Max to begin with.  We have had too many animals in the house for too long, so we have not gotten a new feline companion for him.  If I actually knew it would solve the problem I'd get another cat in a heartbeat, but since he hasn't been acting depressed I don't think that's it (and last thing I want to do it bring another animal into the house and have his problems continue or get worse).  He's getting pet and snuggled whenever he comes near me, and we play ribbon with him whenever he wants as well. 

At this point I'm just so frustrated and so sick of cleaning up the messes (they don't even happen that often, but shouldn't be happening at all).  Our laundry room is huge, and the perfect place to store things but I can't for fear of them getting peed on :(


Site Owner
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
I separated your post from the other thread, as I think it deserves it's own thread. I will try and check in on this one later - hopefully others will as well :)