Pee On Your Feet? Lift Up The Seat!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 17, 2005
Somewhere in the US
Originally Posted by LokisMum

Yuck! And seeing people exit a stall and leave without washing their hands grosses me out too! Were you born in a barn
That is why I refuse to put my bare hand on the door handle. After I wash my hands I use a paper towel to turn the faucet off and to open the door. Then since the company put Purel hand sanitisor outside the bathrooms, I will use that.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Oh I will hold it! Unless it's an emergency I avoid public rest rooms at allllll costs!

Originally Posted by mbjerkness

i get so annoyed at women, who bring their young sons into the ladies room, and they pee all over the seat, wall ,floor, I know it is not safe to send them into the men's room a lone, but for heavens sake teach them to left the seat and to aim for the toilet. My friend has 5 boys, she has to clean around the toilet and surrounding walls twice a day, I bought cheap flushable targets and Dh taught my son how to aim
That's why my cousin would make her son clean up his own messes when he was younger. He learned he'd rather aim right than be made to scrub the toilet, walls and floor! Heck I've even heard that cherrios make good targets!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Originally Posted by MoochNNoodles

Oh I will hold it! Unless it's an emergency I avoid public rest rooms at allllll costs!

That's why my cousin would make her son clean up his own messes when he was younger. He learned he'd rather aim right than be made to scrub the toilet, walls and floor! Heck I've even heard that cherrios make good targets!
My Dad was very protective of me. He would take me to the mall every Saturday and I'd usually have to go to the bathroom! He wouldn't let me go into the girl's bathroom by myself and since he couldn't go in there with me, he always took me into the Men's one. I would go into the stall and lock the door and he would stand outside of the stall door "on guard!" I think I was 9 or 10 before he let me go into the girl's one!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 28, 2007
Chapel Hill NC
Originally Posted by Dragoriana

They do????? There are women who pee standing up?? GROSS!!@ I thought only men did that. The womens restrooms i've used have clean seats, but when i walk past the mens ones they are really smelly.

I'm always wary that i do leave the cubicle nice for the next person
It's not like man but more of a "squatting position."

Hence: "I need to go pop a squat!"



TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 26, 2005
Pee on the seat- and women who dont flush the toilet when it is that time of the month, make me sick!

krazy kat2

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 14, 2001
Somewhere in Georgia
Do you wonder what these people's bathrooms at home look like? I would almost rather wet my pants than use the bathroom at work after about lunch time. It is cleaned every night before closing, but is just as bad the next day. I have gotten into the habit of using the very last stall in line. It is the one that seems to used the least and is usually the cleanest.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 12, 2004
Southwest Indiana
I drive for a delivery service out of town and have to use public restrooms.Some are so extremely disgusting I don't want to be within a foot of it when I pee.I try to go at the hospitals or small businesses.Sometimes you just have to go, when you have to go, and it is gross what you find.I don't know what kind of animals have been in there before but it is absolutely someplace I will never go again.Some people are so uncivilized you would think they were raised in a jungle.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
I never sit on a public toilet and i always wipe the seat down after i am done. Its called squatting.

Sometimes I have to run to the public toilets at the airport (work), And i find the toilets absolutely disgusting. A lot of these people are in transit area as they cant leave the airport and sometimes it makes me wonder how they go to the toilet in their country!

The cleanest public toilets I have ever seen in my whole life was in Dubai each time i've been there, the toilets are always so clean, there is a cleaning lady in each bathroom and she checks all toilets after you have used them. If its dirty she will clean it, its amazing!

menagerie mama

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 5, 2005
Yeah women are as gross as men in that department sometimes. Especially at the bars after a few drinks. Bar bathrooms are nasty! Honestly, I am 32 years old, I have never hovered over a toilet in my life, and I have never "caught" anything from a toilet. If a toilet is dirty, I'll go into a different stall. Call me gross but I think it's silly to hover. Maybe if I "catch" something one day, I'll feel differently. But for now, I enjoy not having urine run down my legs. Man. The things we talk about on here. lol
It is disgusting when men do it too, because the pee runs down the front of the toilet and your pants brush against when you are sitting there.
I told the male doctors where I work that if I find one more drop of their pee on the seat, I was going to do something disgusting during a certain time of the month to the toilet (I know that sounds disgusting and I would never actually do it.) After I said that, one of them nearly puked up his coffee, and since then, not one drop have I seen.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 30, 2003
Under the cats, mostly.
Yeah I hate that too - but you've also got to consider that some women who use public restrooms are very, very drunk and probably have about the same aim as a sober man (or at least my sober man!)
For some reason or other, they always manage to pee everywhere BUT the toilet!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 30, 2003
Under the cats, mostly.
Originally Posted by butzie

How about those porta-toities? Yuck! I'd rather hold it.
Ew yeah I hate those too
but when you've really gotta go, you've REALLY gotta go. Like when you're halfway to Berlin and you've been in a car for the last 5 hours (and made the mistake of having a lot of tea on the ferry!)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 23, 2007
Originally Posted by luvmycat1

Pee on the seat is gross but there is something more disgusting. Once I went into a public restroom and someone had smeared there poo all over the toilet seat and floor!!!
That is just wrong in so many ways.
I get this atleast once a tax season in our business!... it is gross!!!

I was eating at a mexican restaraunt once and walked into the men's room and there were two little boys drinking out of the urinal! They thought it was funny. The bad part: they were atleast 6-7 years old!!!!

Note: Most men don't pee on toilets for fun. Most are just lazy and or don't want to lift the toilet seat w/ their hands because to lift it, you must put your fingers where all the pee runs to. I use my feet lift the seat and flush w/ feet. Even w/ high urinals, I do a high kick to flush. You won't see me touch a thing in a public rest room. It's good to know that some women are just as digusting as some men though!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 9, 2007
osage reservation oklahoma
i think the worst one i have ever seen was a convenience store restroom where the restroom was on the side of the building with open access from the outside. there were used needles all over the floor and sink, pee in the floor and on the walls, condoms hanging on the edge of the trashcan and someone didnt flush. OMG i ran out of there it was sooooooo gross and scary.

In college i worked part time as a janitor in a couple of the class buildings. One bathroom made me so sick. This was the mens room for the school of nursing. EVERYDAY, in the same stall of the mens room there was a "nest" made beside the toilet in the corner against the wall. Newspapers first, then a stack of paper towles, then a stack of toilet paper about 6 inches thick. Then whoever was "nesting" would pee on this nest. I never could understand what was wrong with this person. Maybe his parents potty trained him with the puppy? My boss said that before i had started there was a couple times where he took a dump on the nest as well. But in retalliation she locked the whole restroom out of order for a couple of days each time and that hadnt happened since, but the pee nest hadnt stopped.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 15, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
When I used to work at BK, I refused to clean the men's room after some guy peed everywhere and had diarrhea in the wall urinal. UGH! And even so, I still had my share of dirty work when some woman clogged up the toilet with a used pad. Good grief, the proper disposal for those was right there in the stall!
After a major hurricane when we were the only place open for about 50 miles, it was really bad because people came in to just use the restroom. I hated it because some people didn't clean up at all and got water all over the counters and floor. How do you get water all over the counters when there's paper towels and air dryers right there?!


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Yep, it's one of my pet "pee-ves"! (Sorry,had to say that.)

I don't think I've ever accidentally done this. (Nor intentionally!). I think it stems from their moms telling them (like mine did) never to sit on the actual seat, because of germs. They must do the squat thing, I guess. (I refuse to do this--and, even all of these years later, each time I sit on a public seat, I remember my Mom, and how she'd be appalled!).

When I flush, I always look down; if I had done this, I certainly would've wiped it up with a paper towel, hot water, and soap, then dried it (this is what I do when SOMEONE else pees on the seat!).

I was recently in a bathroom, single toilet, where someone had pooped and splattered, not only on the toilet, but it looked like it went all over the wall behind the toilet. It was the most disgusting thing. As I really had to go, and there was only 1 toilet, I had to spend about 5 minutes cleaning up, trying not to touch the mess with my bare hands.

Another fave: there's a gas station near us. I once used the bathroom, which, though not really clean, I've seen far worse. I had to laugh when I saw one of those "bathroom cleaned ______ (date/time)" lists on the door. It was cleaned on 8/9/03,
at 2:00 PM. Only problem: it was October 10, 2006 when I was in there...

And, to add insult to injury, the wallpaper border was applied upside-down, so the fish were swimming upside-down.


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Originally Posted by butzie

How about those porta-toities? Yuck! I'd rather hold it.
Me, too, but when you're historical reenactor, that's usually all they have.
And it's so much fun to try to navigate in an 1860's hoopskirt in a Porta-Potty, unless you luck out, and they have a handicapped one there. You have to back in, hope someone takes pity on you, and offers to close the door for you, flip up at least 3 layers of skirts, push the slit in your 1860's drawers aside, and drop down, hopefully on the seat. Then, you try to reach around a bunched up pile of fabric, and the bottom of your corset, and wipe.
And, when it's that time of the month...well, I'll spare you the details.

To be fair, most of the events I've attended keep the Porta-Potties very clean. They acutally have work details, which I think clean them every hour or so during the event. The only complaint, which I guess can't be remedied, is that in the really hot weather, with the sun beating down on the potties, things get a bit smelly at times.

Before reenacting, I used to refuse to use 'em. Funny how one changes. Shortly after taking up the hobby, I had to use one at an auction. Even though it was freezing out, I was so grateful for the porta-john! (And, away from an event, you'll notice them elsewhere, and your heart leaps--it's comforting sight!)

This all brings back memories of an Amish fabric store I used to go to. They only had an outhouse for the customers, not even a 1/2-moon in the door for light--it was totally dark and STINKY in there, and cold. I always joked that they had their own indoor bathroom, with solid gold taps, and marble!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 26, 2006
I've seen some nasty toilets before and yes women can be disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But in my own defense - I can 'understand' that some toilets splatter water when flushing which is frustrating because you think you walk into a clean toilet, sit, think GROSS, then hope it's just water.

So I always make sure that the seat is completely dry and I place toilet paper all over the seat. I check to make sure that the toilet doesn't get the seat wet but sometimes you just forget to check.

P. S. I don't squat - - - - -ew!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 25, 2007
Originally Posted by Catkiki

There is nothing worse than sitting on a toilet seat and getting a wet bottom. I HATE THAT!!!!!!

I normally look first too... And they DO have those paper covers!

I think some people do it on purpose. Especially those bathrooms that are uni-sex. Some men pee all over the seat because they find it funny.
No we dont.

Originally Posted by LokisMum

Yuck! And seeing people exit a stall and leave without washing their hands grosses me out too! Were you born in a barn
Where I work, its most important to wash your hands before going to the bathroom. I'll leave out the details.

Originally Posted by butzie

How about those porta-toities? Yuck! I'd rather hold it.
When I was pouring concrete last summer my boss won the bid to do the flatwork at this site where they were building a gas station. There were about 25 guys (large burly construction worker types) there at any given time, and one porta potty. And it wasnt cleaned or emptied for at least a month, even after we complained to the foreman. You can about imagine how full of crap it got. I mean literally there was no blue color left in that "water", just pure chunky brownish red hell. The last straw was when my boss saw me burst out of there and throw up on the dirt next to it. He says "Good lord why didnt you do that inside?" I say "inside is what made me do it", so then it finally got emptied. The kicker is some wise guy wrote "free chili" with an arrow pointing down on the back wall.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 25, 2007
Bossier City, LA
Jaws that is disgusting!!!

I am a woman, and I can tell you that women can be a lot worse than men! I HATE women that "hover"!!! I have been into some pretty nasty women's bathrooms... a local bar and a movie theater, where there was clogged up poo in toilets and vomit everywhere... once I went to the movies and had to go all the way to the end almost to find a toilet that wasn't clogged with toilet paper, pee, and poo!!! Seriously!

As a general rule, I always use the stall closest to the door if I have to use a public restroom. I've heard that people always go further from the door if there are a lot of stalls.