Patches Not Eating


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 12, 2013
Hello everyone! Back once again for your sage advice. ^_^

My sweet baby boy (who is not such a baby, as he is 12-years-old) is not eating. I suspect he might have a sore tooth, and I don't know what to do for him. :( Even if there wasn't the Corona pandemic in town, I'm going through a personal crisis that is stopping me from simply taking him to a vet.

My dad died on February 14th. Because I'm autistic and require a caretaker and someone to handle my money, everything has just... stopped. The bank has put a hold on my dad's account for 40 days since I wasn't on it (a requirement of the state, actually, that is now coming back to bite me in the butt), which includes the account that had my money as well.

Thank God my uncle and aunt live in the same town. They're going to become my new caretakers and are helping me to get survivor benefits. However, that hasn't happened yet, and they are paying my rent until the money comes. I hope it comes. Please, please let it come...

Back to Patches. I don't know if the vet is even open at this time, and if he was, I can't take Patches to him. I have no money, and my aunt and uncle are already paying for my rent, I can't ask them to help me with my cat as well, as much as I want to. :( He does eat a little bit, then stops for a bit. Some days I notice he eats most of his bowl, but most days it's full. It's just my guess that his tooth is hurting. Any ideas?


Mom to Evie, Emerson and Dexter
Top Cat
Jul 25, 2017
Northeast Georgia
So sorry to hear about your dad and the financial issues you are having. <3

You could always call your vet's office, explain the situation and that you are an established patient, and see what they say. They may be able to get him some sort of appetite stimulant or can otherwise suggest food items just to make sure he is eating. You can also discuss a.) if they think you need to bring him in or b.) if they do, if they take payment plans like Scratch Pay, Care Credit, etc. If not, you can talk to your aunt and uncle and work out some sort of repayment or payment plan directly to them?

Keep us updated please!


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. Sorry for your loss. I agree with EmersonandEvie EmersonandEvie in terms of either asking to set up a payment plan with the vet, or just ask your aunt/uncle if you can pay them back for the vet visit once your financial issues are resolved. As old as Patches is, he really needs to be seen by a vet, so the problem can be resolved and get him back to eating again before he gets sick from malnutrition.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 12, 2013
Thank you, FeebysOwner and EmersonandEvie.

The problem is, I already owe... at least $1700 to my aunt and uncle in rent, even more with bills thrown in. :\ What small amount of money that's coming in monthly (from Social Security, for my disability) is not even enough to cover that. Also, they're dealing with the death of their son-in-law, so I'm not their only concern, and to ask about my cat... as concerned as I am for Patches, I feel that would be really, really selfish. They're helping me, they're helping their daughter...

I'll mention Patches to them, though, since they really like the kitties. It's not like they don't or something. And I'll definitely call the vet if they're still open. I think I've had kitties with them for... geez, over 25 years!



TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Yes! Please mention Patches' issue to them and let them know you are worried! It's OK to talk to them about your cat and not fear overwhelming them given the death of their son-in-law/your dad. I am sure they know how important Patches is to you!

If Patches is on dry food, do you think he would eat it with some water added to it to help moisten it. If there is an issue with his mouth, moistened dry food - or even some canned - might be easier for him to eat. Perhaps give him some canned tuna or chicken that is packed in water, just to help with some added calories. Cats also seem to like baby food meat (no onion, garlic, etc.). Neither of these can replace him eating cat food, but could help to give him some added calories and maybe even entice him to eat more of his own food. You could even try mixing these up in his own food, maybe?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 12, 2013
How would I do wet food with three other kitties around? Should I just get some for all of them? I really don't want any hurt feelings, and there would be hurt feelings if Patches got wet food and no one else did.

Sorry if that sounds silly. ^_^;; It's just me and my kitties in the house now, they've always been important to me, but now more than ever. I had a choice to go to a group home, but staying here with them... I couldn't give up my cats.



TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Well, first try to moisten the dry food with water and see if that will work. You could do that for a couple of meals with all the cats! If you leave dry out for them all the time, just set up some times during the day to add a few extra dishes with some water in them and see what happens. Just make sure you especially introduce Patches to it so he tries it. Some of the cats may like it, and some may not. Not being unfair to anyone if they get to choose which way to eat it!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 12, 2013
Molly (white kitty) concurs with you! She jumped into my lap as I was reading your reply. :D