Overwhelmed! Please Help Me and My Constipated, Rotten-Toothed Cat


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 6, 2016
Cape Cod
I thought I was a savvy raw-food feeder, after nearly 10 years of having my 11-year-old cat, Isabel, on a totally raw food diet. For most of that time, I was feeding Feline's Pride (chicken), mixed with raw chicken breast chunks at about a 1:1 ratio. But when I stopped being able get my orders filled at Feline's Pride, I switched over to Bravo (and chicken chunks) because I can get it from a local pet store.

Isabel always seemed to do pretty well on the Feline's Pride diet, which seemed to totally clear up her cystitis issues. She did, however, have ongoing, but relatively minor, problems with dental stuff and constipation. My vet prescribed lactulose (which I give every other day [about 3cc]), and dental wipes (which Isabel and I have a difference of opinion over). She also suggested adding water to her food to help with the constipation. I can't remember if the lactulose only became necessary after I switched to Bravo, but I do know I've only gone through less than two bottles total, and in retrospect I think it might coincide with the switch.

Isabel was getting tartar even while on the Feline's Pride (which is totally carb-free), and my vet said it was just a matter of genetics. I worried that because it was all just either ground food or boneless chicken chunks, there wasn't anything scraping on Isabel's teeth, but whenever I brought it up, she sort of acted like tooth problems were just a normal part of cat life. I asked her again and again if I should be trying to get Isabel to eat, say, chicken wings (for the bones), or some sort of tooth-cleaning treat, but she kept telling me it wouldn't make a difference.

Up until a couple weeks ago, my vet would come for Isabel's yearly physical and use her fingernail to chip off the tartar. Isabel's gums would bleed in response and the vet would give her a shot of antibiotics and steroids. But over the past couple years Isabel's teeth have definitely gotten worse, to the point where we moved to 6-month checkups. Her last visit, three weeks ago, my vet said it was time for an official teeth cleaning. So two weeks ago Isabel went in for that -- they removed two teeth from her upper jaw, both "premolar 3," one due to being fractured and the other because it had a "cervical neck lesion." In addition to the tooth stuff, her constipation issues seem to be getting worse, too. My vet also recommended that I start giving Isabel the lactulose on a daily basis.

I try to be an attentive cat owner, but I have to say it's only been since this teeth cleaning, seeing how utterly miserable Isabel was afterwards, that I decided to get online and see if maybe there was something I could do diet-wise to help prevent the problem. Now I feel completely overwhelmed with info about bone vs. no bone, ground vs. whole, carbohydrate percentages, pre-mixed supplements, stuff that's good for teeth vs. stuff that's good for digestion, varying the meat types ... the list goes on. I had no idea Bravo had carbs in it, and that carbs could be contributing to her tooth problems. I feel like for the past two years I've been giving her the wrong food, and two weeks ago she had to pay for my ignorance with two of her teeth and a lot of pain and suffering. Not only that, I've been studiously adding water to every meal, which, lo and behold, is apparently the exact wrong thing to do with a constipation-prone cat!

I want to do the best thing for her teeth while still paying attention to the constipation thing (because although it's not common that she has a real "bout," when she does, it makes her pretty miserable, too). I believe there's a raw diet out there for her that will fulfill all her needs without the use of added medications like lactulose. It doesn't make sense to me to be giving her meds just because I haven't learned how to feed her properly. My vet is useless in this area (although I do trust her in general), so here I am.

I'm willing to mix up batches from pre-ground stuff, but I don't have the equipment for doing the grinding myself, and I'd prefer to not do that anyhow. Nobody nearby sells Rad Cat (which seems to be the only other carb-free frozen stuff besides Feline's Pride), and when I went online to order some, the shipping, packaging, and extra charges for frozen food added up to 80 bucks for an 18-dollar order! Shipping alone was 47 dollars. Don't get me wrong -- I'm willing to pay this if it really is the best thing for her, but I did more research and it seems like maybe it makes more sense for me to go the less pre-packaged route, which will allow me to tailor her food to her specific needs.

I want to try ordering from Hare Today, but I'm confused about what to shoot for. I'm thinking that rabbit might be the way to go at first? But I don't know whether to order the stuff with bone in it, or the boneless stuff, or both, and give her a mix. From what I understand the bone stuff can make constipation worse, but is better for teeth. I also understand it might be important to get the most digestible stuff and mix it in so Isabel is simply eating more, which will automatically help with the constipation. I know I also need to get the pre-mixed supplement, but I'm unclear about the essential oils thing. Isabel once caught and ate a mouse that had gotten into the house, so I'm also wondering if maybe the whole ground rabbit, with the fur and bones, would make sense, since I know she's not averse to skin and fur and all that, but I don't know what that would mean in terms of the constipation.

I live in a rural area and there are tons of mice around and honestly, if I thought it would be safe for her, I'd be happy to go out and trap mice for her -- even to the point of doing the butchering myself, ha! However, the mice are so prevalent that I have a contract with a pest control company and I'd worry about them being contaminated by having eaten some of the poison. Never mind tapeworms, ticks, diseases, and such.

Anyhow, so yeah. I really just want to do the best thing for my cat. I take this cat-guardian thing very seriously and am totally committed to making sure she has what she needs. I'm not squeamish, although as I said, I'd prefer to not have to grind the meat. I'm not averse to putting in the time it takes to mix up batches of her meals. I think I just need some guidance.

Am I overthinking this? Does anyone else use Hare Today, and if so, do you have any suggestions on how to get started? Does anyone have experience with adjusting a raw diet for a rotten-toothed, constipated cat? I'm hoping for some direction on what, exactly, to order. I'm pretty sure I can transition Isabel from chicken to rabbit, but will that mess with her system since she's basically only ever eaten chicken her entire life? Should I order a bunch of different types of meat to start? (I did once try to introduce turkey Feline's Pride and Isabel rejected it out-of-hand and was convinced for like a week that I was trying to kill her.) I have only a regular freezer (as part of the fridge) right now, but plan on getting a separate one just for cat food once I figure out what the heck I'm doing.

Any thoughts or advice?

Apologies for the length of this post, and thanks in advance for your replies.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
hi and welcome to TCS!

i'm so sorry you and your Isabel are having to deal with both dental and constipation problems. is that a pic of your girl in your avatar? it's a really cute pic!

our jaspurr has a dental disease, FORLs. he'll be 4 years old in about 6 days, and our vet says it's probably something he's predisposed to. my boy will be having 4, but up to 8, teeth extracted on june 16th -- due to the FORLs. so i can understand how you are probably feeling.
  our vet told me that jaspurr should be fine eating his normal mostly raw diet starting right after the extractions. i will wait until his mouth/gums have healed from the extractions before i serve him any raw cubes again though.

jaspurr, as well as our almost 10 month old girls (deedee and punkin), eat a mostly raw diet now. and i order our raw meats and supplements from Hare Today. i found it very helpful to read the FAQ's and the shipping info at the Hare Today website. by reading those, i knew that the minimum order is 10lbs, because it needs to stay frozen during transport/shipping.

our first Hare Today order was for 31lbs total, including 1lb total for the alnutrin and taurine. the more you order, pounds wise, the better the shipping cost. for example, my 31lbs order cost about $24 in shipping, while my most recent 55lbs order cost about $25 in shipping.

re rabbit, my 3 cats love the rabbit. i've been serving them the ground rabbit/bones/organs thus far, but plan on trying the whole ground rabbit with my next order. we've tried the whole ground cavies, which my cats just adored. something i do with some proteins that my cat(s) aren't as enthusiastic about is to mix them with some chicken or sometimes rabbit (ground with bones and organs, two of their favorite proteins). for example, deedee really isn't thrilled with turkey or pork, but she'll happily eat them if they're mixed with chicken or rabbit -- i usually mix 1/3rd pork or turkey with 2/3rds chicken or rabbit. i figure that chicken and turkey will 'go with' pretty much any other proteins. we also just tried some ground llama/bones/organs (which all three cats have given rave reviews of), and since llama was a new protein for them i mixed it with chicken to start off with. tracy, at Hare Today, suggested that i order a pound or two of proteins that my cats hadn't tried before, to start off with. i think that was very wise.

re constipation concerns, i generally haven't had constipation issues with my cats with the raw so i don't have experience with that. i do know that some other members here at TCS add boneless ground raw to the ground with bones and organs, to bring down the bone content. i'm sure others who do have experience in this area will be along shortly to reply.

my little snick
had constipation issues though, but she also was not on a raw diet and had other medical issues. i always preferred miralax to prevent/treat my snick's constipation. it has no taste to it, it's powdered, and it can very easily be mixed into wet/raw foods. it's also over-the-counter, no prescription needed. i figured it would be worth mentioning the miralax, though i'd strongly suggest discussing with your vet if you decide to consider trying it.

and i think it's great that you're thinking of a chest or upright freezer to store the raw cat food in! i have a couple upright freezers (i live in a rural area too, and i don't drive), and currently have two shelves devoted to raw cat food.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
micknsnicks2mom micknsnicks2mom has given you some great advice already. One thing seems to have been overlooked though (unless I'm being blind - definitely can happen :rolleyes: ) - daily manual cleaning of your cat's teeth at home. In cats prone to dental issues, the best diet in the world won't be enough on it's own. Cleaning his teeth with an enzymatic kitty toothpaste is the single best way to ensure dental health - even raw meaty bones can't match it for efficacy ;) [article="30206"][/article][article="0"][/article][article="33339"][/article]
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 6, 2016
Cape Cod
hi and welcome to TCS!

i'm so sorry you and your Isabel are having to deal with both dental and constipation problems. is that a pic of your girl in your avatar? it's a really cute pic!

our jaspurr has a dental disease, FORLs. he'll be 4 years old in about 6 days, and our vet says it's probably something he's predisposed to. my boy will be having 4, but up to 8, teeth extracted on june 16th -- due to the FORLs. so i can understand how you are probably feeling.
  our vet told me that jaspurr should be fine eating his normal mostly raw diet starting right after the extractions. i will wait until his mouth/gums have healed from the extractions before i serve him any raw cubes again though.

jaspurr, as well as our almost 10 month old girls (deedee and punkin), eat a mostly raw diet now. and i order our raw meats and supplements from Hare Today. i found it very helpful to read the FAQ's and the shipping info at the Hare Today website. by reading those, i knew that the minimum order is 10lbs, because it needs to stay frozen during transport/shipping.

our first Hare Today order was for 31lbs total, including 1lb total for the alnutrin and taurine. the more you order, pounds wise, the better the shipping cost. for example, my 31lbs order cost about $24 in shipping, while my most recent 55lbs order cost about $25 in shipping.

re rabbit, my 3 cats love the rabbit. i've been serving them the ground rabbit/bones/organs thus far, but plan on trying the whole ground rabbit with my next order. we've tried the whole ground cavies, which my cats just adored. something i do with some proteins that my cat(s) aren't as enthusiastic about is to mix them with some chicken or sometimes rabbit (ground with bones and organs, two of their favorite proteins). for example, deedee really isn't thrilled with turkey or pork, but she'll happily eat them if they're mixed with chicken or rabbit -- i usually mix 1/3rd pork or turkey with 2/3rds chicken or rabbit. i figure that chicken and turkey will 'go with' pretty much any other proteins. we also just tried some ground llama/bones/organs (which all three cats have given rave reviews of), and since llama was a new protein for them i mixed it with chicken to start off with. tracy, at Hare Today, suggested that i order a pound or two of proteins that my cats hadn't tried before, to start off with. i think that was very wise.

re constipation concerns, i generally haven't had constipation issues with my cats with the raw so i don't have experience with that. i do know that some other members here at TCS add boneless ground raw to the ground with bones and organs, to bring down the bone content. i'm sure others who do have experience in this area will be along shortly to reply.

my little snick
had constipation issues though, but she also was not on a raw diet and had other medical issues. i always preferred miralax to prevent/treat my snick's constipation. it has no taste to it, it's powdered, and it can very easily be mixed into wet/raw foods. it's also over-the-counter, no prescription needed. i figured it would be worth mentioning the miralax, though i'd strongly suggest discussing with your vet if you decide to consider trying it.

and i think it's great that you're thinking of a chest or upright freezer to store the raw cat food in! i have a couple upright freezers (i live in a rural area too, and i don't drive), and currently have two shelves devoted to raw cat food.
Shoot, I don't know how to quote only portions of a comment!

Thanks for the info. Believe it or not, I actually have read all the helpful stuff at Hare Today that you mentioned (and a lot of helpful stuff on this forum, too!). Maybe I've just overloaded on knowledge or something, and instead of just going on and ordering something, I ended up feeling kinda paralyzed. Maybe I need to look at this as a process of trial and error and give myself some time to figure it all out. But I want to do the right thing and do it perfectly right now! Ha.

I didn't know I'd need to add both the Alnutrin and taurine -- for some reason I thought the taurine was either included in the Alnutrin or was going to come naturally just from the fact of the raw meat. Maybe I didn't read those information pages at Hare Today very carefully after all! So you only need to order those two additional things? I seem to recall something about oils. I have to go back and read the info pages again.

It sounds like you're also recommending that I give her different types of meat. Which of course makes sense. I can't believe I've just been going along all these years thinking it's okay for her to eat the same thing all the time. Gah! I expect once I get the separate freezer I'll feel less nervous about experimenting. As it is right now, it will be a challenge to fit the 10-lb. minimum in my present freezer. But it sounds like maybe there's just no way to start small with this.

I've tried to discuss alternatives to lactulose with my vet and her response was basically, "If she's doing okay on the lactulose and she tolerates eating it, why do you want to mess with it?" Whereupon I immediately felt guilty for wanting a less-sticky alternative. The lactulose has definitely been helpful, and for the time being I'll keep using it. I still want to believe that I can find a balance of food that will make it unnecessary, though. My hope is that I can wean her off the lactulose as I figure out the right mix of raw food.

And yes, that's Isabel in the avatar pic. I often find her "hidden" in a patch of sunshine, with only her head covered, as though she thinks because she can't see me, I will be unable to recognize that the rest of her tabby self is completely exposed.

My heart goes out to you and your little guy Jaspurr. I hope everything goes smoothly and his recovery is swift and uneventful!
@mickNsnicks2mom has given you some great advice already. One thing seems to have been overlooked though (unless I'm being blind - definitely can happen
) - daily manual cleaning of your cat's teeth at home. In cats prone to dental issues, the best diet in the world won't be enough on it's own. Cleaning his teeth with an enzymatic kitty toothpaste is the single best way to ensure dental health - even raw meaty bones can't match it for efficacy
[article="30206"]What Tcs Members Use Cat Dental Health Care  [/article][article="0"]Brushing Your Cats Teeth  [/article][article="33339"]Everything You Need To Know About Constipation In Cats  [/article]
I'll be clicking those links in a minute but I did want to say I've found it extremely difficult to be successful with the dental wipes. Although she's not a feral cat, Isabel is the most touch-averse kitty I've ever had direct experience with. Even just petting her will cause her body to tense up and her breathing rate to increase. Over the years she has gotten somewhat more comfortable with accepting affection, but I know I'd never be able to brush her teeth against her will -- at least not without destroying the trust it's taken me so long to earn. I'm going to check those links to see if there's anything about non-coercive toothbrushing techniques.

I keep thinking there must be a way to at least ameliorate the problem through diet, especially since changing her diet had such a clear negative impact on her dental issues.

Thank you both so much for your responses!


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
If toothbrushing is really out of the question (and I know that, with some cats, it can takes years to get to the point when they'll calmly accept it), get an enzymatic toothpaste and just give on food/as a treat...or even smear it onto her paw for her to lick off! Obviously, brushing is the gold standard, but just getting the paste/gel into her mouth will really help prevent new plaque forming. You can get a powdered supplement too, but I'm not sure what adjustments (if any) you'd need to make when making your own food. The toothpaste/gel is the most tried and tested method. Is she doesn't like the cat one, try the dog one - they're identical apart from the flavour ;)
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 6, 2016
Cape Cod
I'm going to say toothbrushing is probably not going to happen anytime soon. It's a tough dilemma -- how to balance her emotional distress against her oral health? And I'm selfish. I'm reluctant to upset the equilibrium we've established and lose what little physical contact she'll allow. Never mind the fear of bodily harm. This is a kitty who doesn't pull any punches. Even playtime can be a little dangerous.

Smearing it on her paw might work -- after 11 years she's finally willing to let me briefly and lightly touch her paws. (I'm trying to gear up to those old age years when I might have to end up clipping them.) And she will lick whipped cream from my finger -- just the tiniest bit every once in a while, I swear! So I might be able to get her to lick enzyme toothpaste as well. She doesn't get treats, so maybe if it tastes good enough, she'll be like, "It's about time you started giving me yummy stuff instead of all that boring chicken!"


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
You are most definitely NOT selfish for wanting to retain the hard won relationship you've built up with your girl over the years. I wouldn't want to risk damaging it either in your position. All any of us can do is the best we can in the given circumstances. You will find a way through this -it may just take a little ingenuity and lateral thinking ;)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
i totally believe that you've read all the helpful stuff there at HT! i read and re-read everything there for quite a while, during my little snick's 
  last few years. even so, getting ready to place our first order from HT felt a bit overwhelming for me. after 5 orders, i'm just now feeling comfortable -- about putting together the orders, and about working through the prep/portioning/freezing of the meats when they arrive.

you don't necessarily need to add extra taurine, but since it's such an important thing for cats and it doesn't hurt to give a little extra (unneeded taurine just gets passed as waste) i do add a tiny amount to my cats meals just twice each day.

yes, you'll need fish oil for the omega 3 fatty acids. i use the icelandic sardine-anchovy oil from HT, but others use krill oil capsules or fish oil capsules. our jaspurr loves the oil, punkin is so-so about it, while deedee doesn't like it -- but then, deedee doesn't like fish at all. so with punkin and deedee i'm starting out slow, a drop or two, and working my way up to the correct daily dose.

have you checked to see HT's estimated days it would take for your order to get to you? if you live in a hot weather climate or are just starting summer where you live -- or have a 3 or 4 days transit to your home, you can buy (for $1 each) extra freeze packs if needed. it also helps to buy in 5lb chubs, they stay completely frozen much longer than the 1lb chubs.

i think it's reasonable to start with a 10lb order. for your first order, you might try something like this:  (note that HT's 10lb minimum does not include supplements)

ground chicken/bones/organs, 5lb chub (because your Isabel prefers chicken, and the 5lb chubs stay frozen longer)

either whole ground rabbit or ground rabbit/bones/organs, three 1lb chubs

? possibly two 1lb chubs of boneless ground chicken (can be used for both the chicken and rabbit, to bring down the bone percentage)

alnutrin (for bone-in meat grinds)

fish oil -- either salmon or sardine-anchovy

now, you might want to wait for some other members to reply though. because since i don't 'bring down' the bone percentage for my cats raw food, i don't have knowledge of the amount of boneless meat you'd need to mix in, in order to achieve a slightly lower but still acceptable bone percentage. but too, if you add some boneless meat to the meat/bones/organs, you'll then need to add the alnutrin needed for the total weight including the boneless you added. and i know that some members here do use krill oil capsules, so hopefully you'll receive a reply from one of them.

with the above possible first order, my thought was that your girl prefers chicken, so start with that. once she's comfortable and liking the HT chicken, then you could start adding just a touch of rabbit into the chicken once or twice a day. of course, you could try letting her smell an open container of prepared rabbit or even the rabbit when you're adding the alnutrin/water to it. i did that with my cats and the llama they just tried, and i could tell they really wanted the llama -- ie, eyes opened wide, some licking of lips, and much meowing!

oh, and i'd suggest setting up an account with HT. you earn reward points with each purchase, reviews you post, etc. these reward points translate to savings on your orders, you apply them at checkout. you must have an account in order to earn the reward points.

i understand how this all seems to get complicated. really though, once you've gotten started, placed your first order and prepped/portioned/froze it, it all gets more comfortable for you...easier as you continue on. and we're always here for you too, to answer any questions you may have or for support!

with the fish oil, you might want to have it, but wait until your Isabel is enjoying the chicken and/or rabbit before trying the fish oil. that's just based on my experience with our deedee and punkin, and fish oil.

i think your vet does have a point, as far as the lactulose goes. but i also think that working towards finding a balance of food that will make the lactulose unnecessary is a worthwhile effort!

awww......she sounds like a little sweetie!

thank you! our vet and i will get jaspurr through the extractions.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
@Columbine made an excellent point, about cleaning your Isabel's teeth with an enzymatic kitty toothpaste! we use cet's poultry flavor toothpaste here, and my 3 cats love the taste of it. i read reviews about cet's toothpaste before buying it, and many reviewers said their pets preferred the poultry flavor. and i started my 3 with just letting them lick the toothpaste off the brush.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 26, 2014
New Orleans, LA
You've brought up several concerns and I wanted to pop in with some (very unprofessional) advice!

1.) You mentioned that you were a little confused on supplements. If you are buying a meat/bone/organ grind from Hare Today, there are only two supplements you need to add to the food to make it complete:

~ Alnutrin for meat/bone/organ

~ Fish Oil (not essential oils)

The Alnutrin has sufficient taurine and other vitamins to make a meat/bone/organ grind complete with the exception of Omega 3's and that's where the Fish or Krill Oil comes in. I feed my cats 250mg of krill oil a day but you can research how much you want to add to your batch.

2.) About your cat's constipation...it appears that she just is not doing well with bone as a primary calcium source. If you're looking into making your own cat food, my first suggestion to you would be to try making a batch with eggshell calcium. Some cats just do better with eggshell as the primary source of calcium in their diet. It really is worth a shot, in my opinion. 

Alnutrin has a product called "Alnutrin with Eggshell Calcium" and you would add that supplement to boneless meat. You would also have to add organs and fish oil to make it a complete meal. It's probably sounding a little bit complicated but it is super easy. For a chicken (or rabbit, or turkey) recipe, you would buy from Hare Today:

- ground boneless chicken (or rabbit, or turkey)

- ground chicken organs (or ground rabbit organs, or ground turkey organs)

- Alnutrin w/ Eggshell Calcium

- Fish Oil (or salmon oil, or krill oil)

To make a batch, you mix 90% boneless meat (chicken/rabbit/turkey) with 10% ground organ meat (chicken/rabbit/turkey). Add the appropriate amount of Alnutrin w/ Eggshell Calcium and Fish Oil.

3.) In regards to keeping her teeth and gums healthy, I absolutely believe that raw, meaty bones are the best thing you can do. You can try chicken wings if you want to but they are high in bone (almost 50% bone) and since you've got a constipated-prone kitty, I'm going to give you a suggestion that could work so much better for you.

~ The small rabbit chunks from Hare Today would be so perfect for your situation. It comes in a 3lb bag and the chunks are sized just right for cats. If you fed 1 small chunk about 3 or 4 times a week (Mon, Wed, Fri, for example) in addition to your balanced raw diet, her teeth would stay immaculate and I honestly don't think the bone content from the rabbit chunks would affect the diet at all. And the bag would last quite a while because the chunks are only about an ounce or so each.

Just some things that I would try if I were in your situation!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
@Columbine made an excellent point, about cleaning your Isabel's teeth with an enzymatic kitty toothpaste! we use cet's poultry flavor toothpaste here, and my 3 cats love the taste of it. i read reviews about cet's toothpaste before buying it, and many reviewers said their pets preferred the poultry flavor. and i started my 3 with just letting them lick the toothpaste off the brush.
Same here, our two cats love CET toothpaste -- for them, it's a treat to get their teeth brushed. One cat prefers poultry flavor, the other prefers seafood. The only downside right now is that supply is tight: I ordered poultry on chewy.com but seafood is harder to find at a reasonable price.

We started on toothbrushing slowly, too, first letting the cats just scent and chew on the brush, then adding in some toothpaste, and eventually brushing. Giving them a small meal they like after brushing helps, too!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 6, 2016
Cape Cod
Thank you all so much for the informative and supportive replies! I felt much more confident putting in my first order this morning. The broken-down lists of examples of what to order are extremely helpful.

I'm on Cape Cod, and technically it's considered rural, but even in high summer the Feline's Pride would arrive frozen, so hopefully there won't be a problem with thawing. I did order some extra freeze packs just in case.

I'm going to start with the ground chicken boneless, the ground chicken organs, and the eggshell supplement, with some rabbit chunks on the side. I'll order the salmon oil once they have it back in stock. I feel like an alchemist!

(The weird thing, though, is that the Alnutrin supplement says "add this to 4 pounds of ground raw boneless meat and 1 pound of ground organs." But the ground boneless stuff is sold in 5-lb chubs. Which means you end up with an unused pound of ground boneless. I suppose I could get 4 separate 1-lb boneless chubs but that seems kind of silly. Math! Not my strong point!)

I also ordered a pound each of the ground boneless rabbit and the ground rabbit organs to see how she likes it. Figure I'll start small before spending a bunch of money on something she won't eat. I'm surprised at how expensive the 5-lb chub of boneless rabbit is compared to the chicken. Isn't it, like, a rabbit farm? You'd think they'd have so many extra rabbits running around that it would be like chum. Maybe it's harder to debone rabbits than it is to debone chickens or something. Ooh, and I've also got my eye on those guinea pigs. She did eat that mouse once upon a time, after all.

Okay I'm just talking out loud to myself now, lol. Onward!

Now off to get toothpaste and to research freezers some more. Mom-type's advice is that it should be a frost-free but holy smokes, have you seen how expensive compact frost-free freezers are? What the heck is up with that. I need a bigger house. Or perhaps smaller aspirations when it comes to mass-producing Isabel's food.

Thanks again for your replies! I feel inordinately proud of myself for hitting that "Submit Order" button.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 26, 2014
New Orleans, LA
@Sirentist  I'm so excited for you and I really hope the Alnutrin with Eggshell is the answer to Isabel's constipation issues.

I live in New Orleans (hot & humid) and my food from HT is always frozen when it is delivered. If I order 1lb chubs, those are defrosted a little but still super cold.

Sometimes the rabbit chunks are a little large, but I would just use some kitchen shears and cut them up into pieces that are perfect for chewing a little chunk a few times a week to keep her teeth and gums healthy.

Let us know how it goes!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Just wanted to add that my cats are not on raw food-but we have success with constipation using plain canned pumpkin-some lick it right out of my hand-only need about a teaspoon a day, the other cat I have hates it-she gets miralax mixed in her tuna-but remember with miralax you need to add the powder to HOT water and wait for it to dissolve prior to adding to food-otherwise it wont work as well.

I would love to do raw but I don't have the space to store or home enough to prepare. let us know how it goes!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
@Sirentist -- great news! i think you put together a really good first order too!

with the alnutrin, i've thus far bought enough in each order to use preparing that order, and i end up with extra left over. that's fine with me though, because i'll soon enough get to a point where i'm able to skip buying alnutrin for an order. i store my alnutrin in a low-sided 16 oz square plastic container with lid, in the fridge. i noticed that trying to use the scoop in the bag means i end up making a mess on the counter and wasting the alnutrin. so i dump the alnutrin in the container, then take the pouch apart and use a kitchen scraper to get as much as possible of it. i live a frugal lifestyle.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
i try to look at it this way, that most of the animals raised for meat for our pets from Hare Today are raised on farms, and are antibiotic and hormone free. they don't use 'feedlot animals' -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feedlot

so while the animals raised for meat are just being raised for meat, they've got a much better life than they would have elsewhere/in feed lots.

honestly, i try not to think too deeply about the meats i eat, or the eggs. if i did, i more than likely wouldn't be eating them. i do much better health-wise when i'm eating good amounts of protein from meats and eggs, and i firmly believe that serving a species appropriate diet to my cats is much better for them health-wise too.
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 6, 2016
Cape Cod
I'm looking out my window right now at two totally adorable young bunnies as they frolic around and I refuse to think about my eagerly-awaited shipment of ground rabbit meat, which is en route as I speak. Cognitive dissonance is my friend!


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
There's a huge difference between feeding your cat a species appropriate diet and eating rabbit yourself when you don't actually have to. Rabbit is one of the most appropriate meats for a cat, as it's one they would actually hunt and eat in the wild. They're two separate issues ;)
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  • #19


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 6, 2016
Cape Cod
There's a huge difference between feeding your cat a species appropriate diet and eating rabbit yourself when you don't actually have to. Rabbit is one of the most appropriate meats for a cat, as it's one they would actually hunt and eat in the wild. They're two separate issues
Leaving aside the fact that if there is ever a zombie apocalypse I'm probably only equipped to hunt rabbits (yes I watch too much of "The Walking Dead," ha), that is an excellent argument and one I'm going to offer the next time my squeamish mom-type makes disapproving noises about the rabbit meat!

In other news, the salmon oil, which I found on Amazon (same brand as on the Hare Today site), arrived today and I added a small squirt to Isabel's usual bravo/chicken chunk dinner just now and she's acting like she thinks I'm trying to poison her. I took an untainted chicken chunk from the fridge and put it on top of the rest of the food and she snarfed it up, then sniffed, and gave me a dirty look before leaping down from her table and stalking off. She's hunched near my feet right now looking up at me with a mix of accusation and starvation. She has a rough life.

Edited to add:

She also turned her nose up at the CET toothpaste (which also arrived today). I did smear a little on her paw and she studiously ignored it at the time, but her paw looks pretty cleaned off now, so ... there's hope?
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
Originally Posted by Sirentist
Edited to add:

She also turned her nose up at the CET toothpaste (which also arrived today). I did smear a little on her paw and she studiously ignored it at the time, but her paw looks pretty cleaned off now, so ... there's hope?
Yes, most cats won't just eat it immediately! Our vet suggested we use the methodology in this video (link here) and it worked well for us. (We even took some of the phases quickly because the cats were so interested in the brush and toothpaste.) Good luck!