

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2018
Hello everyone I took our Bella in and shortly after realized she was pregnant after numerous hours on Google. I marked my calendar the day we got her and that was on February 3rd at aprox. 7pm so if I'm counting correctly then today she is 70 days pregnant. She must of mated right before we got her, because she hasn't been around any other cats since the day we brought her into our home. She's our only fur baby. I didn't even plan on getting a animal but fell in love with her instantly. My question is how long does a cat normally stay pregnant? From what I've read it's typically between 63-65 days is that correct? She's been on a we'll balanced diet since we got her I feed her Purina kitten with canned kitten food as well. I'm scared to death that something is wrong with the pregnancy I've never seen the babies moving around but I can feel them inside moms tummy. I know later in the pregnancy you don't normally see movement due to cramped space correct? But I've never seen any movement at all. I have grown really close to Bella and love her very very very much. Is it normal for some cats to go up to 70 days? Other then her love for boxes she hasn't been showing any signs of nesting. I have set up several boxes around my home for her she goes inside for a min or so but that's it, her glands have gotten bigger but no signs of her lactating yet. She is constantly eating, cleaning herself or sleeping, she seems fine but I am worrying myself like crazy over it. I have a few vets that I've called and they all gave me outrageous fees for an exam. The timing couldn't be worse because right now I don't have enough for a vet. I am broken hearted over the thought of having to surrender her due to lack of funds but I just want the best for her and her babies. I' can't bare the thought of My baby ending up in a cage somewhere. She's such a sweet girl and she deserves a good home. If anyone has any advice I will gladly take it. Thanks for your time. Here is some pics of our sweet Bella



Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Pregnancy may be up to 70 days, sometimes even beyond, but it isnt common with that long. As you say, about 65 days is common. Them not moving much because cramped is just for the very last days, when she has "dropped" The usual is to feel them move 2 weeks before delivery. Owners used to palpitate may feel them move even 3 weeks before.

You tell you hadnt never felt them move, although you tried...

I suspect this is either a "phony" pregnancy (sorry I forgot the english word) - OR they are dead in her womb.
If so, she should get checked out by a vet, whom should take the dead bodies out (and make spay at the same time).
Cats do sometimes survive such dead bodies inside, as vets reports sometimes they found a calciferated body in the womb. But whom wants to take the great risks involved?

A third possibility is, she managed to sneak out from your house, and got mated and pregnant while already your protegé. Yes, they are able to do such, the renown Houding would be proud!
In this case you really dont know when she got preg. Prob its about nearing day 50, because she is big, but you dont feel the kittens move yet....

Normally, with a cat known preg, but a late pregnancie, we recommend to wait it out, as long as momma is OK and no visible emergencies safe being uncomfortable by the self high preg.
Cats manage too long preg better than humans, while kittens manage too early delivery (or too early cesarean) badly.
Nothing ironclad, but balancing risks against each other, it pays heavily to wait it out. breezy85 breezy85

Advices? The only safe course is to let a vet experienced in obstetrics examine her, and or make a spay / take out the possible dead bodies.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
She looks ready to go into labor anytime now!

Wait and see what happens. My guess is she will have them normally.

As long as she is not in distress or pushing during labor with no success, she should be fine!
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2018
Thank you for your responses. I called a vet early this morning and they advised me to wait until she reaches day 74. I'm worried about waiting that long. Because I know 100% she got pregnant before I got her and that was on Feb. 3rd , Bella hasn't been out of my house since we brought her home, when we open the front door she runs the other way, she's now afraid to go outside due to the experience she had before I got her. Her owner passed away so the landlord through her outside, and there was a few kids that like to mistreat animals around the neighborhood. The day I found her she was getting pushed away, and the kids were throwing rocks at her as she begged for food and attention from them. I saw what was taking place and put her in my car and I've had her since. She is such a sweet sweet girl. Who deserves nothing more then the best.
What scares me is she did in fact get hurt during the first stage of her pregnancy while she was outside, or the babies just aren't Alive. I'm praying that isn't the case, I will be getting Bella fixed after this no matter what. There's a few places here that will do low cost spaying. This is my first Mama cat and we've been all so excited for her and the babies. We have already lined up 5 great homes for babies just incase.
I would be heartbroken if they were still born. But at this point I just want our Bella to be ok.
Sarthur2 I sure hope you are right and she has them naturally. She's has been staying in my guest room for the last 2 days, she get up eats , gets attention, and right back to sleep she goes.
I'm wondering if I should get a 2nd opinion 74 days seems so long, she's getting bigger every day. But she is acting normally other then sleeisle the majority of the day. She doesn't seem distressed or anything. I think I've worried myself to death however.
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 15, 2018
Sorry so long of a response.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Have you seen any vaginal discharge at all?

Cats go into labor even if they end up needing a c-section or are miscarrying.


TCS Member
Mar 9, 2018
I've had to go through a lot of cat pregnancies(With no date expectancy) due to having many feral cats in my area! Actually have a cat right now who is due sometime soon! Cats are just like humans in the way of going into labor in their own time. I agree that Vets are way too expensive!! With all the pregnancies I've been through I can tell you, it hardly ever goes wrong. All you have to do is keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't look uncomfortable or in pain. She knows her body better than anyone else. If she does start to act out then a vet might be your only option. For now though I feel it is safe to give her more time. Here are a few tips for when she does go into labor!!
(Keep in mind to only do these if the mother really needs help and really trust you!)
-Keep a warm damp cloth on hand for cleaning the babies if the mom is too tired. Sometimes the mother will be too tired to pop and clean the sac around the kitten. Very gently do so with the cloth.
-Have floss on hand in case the mother is too tired to cut the umbilical cord. Do not use scissors as that will make them bleed out. Tie the cord off with floss to cut it.
-If the kitten comes out with too much mucus and can't breath carefully try and clear its airway. If that doesn't work, As a last resort, pick the kitten up and flip it up and down to clear the mucus. Make sure to brace the neck though!
-If the Mother has the kitten somewhat out and has been pushing for a long time but isn't getting anywhere, clean your hands then(If the mother trust you) Attempt to carefully pull out the kitten yourself.
-Also if the mother has been pushing for a long time and there is no sign of a kitten then you might have to call a vet. (We did have a mother pushing for a couple hours one time!!!! She was exhausted, but it was very late in the night and our vet was unavailable. We were worried she wasn't going to get through it but then she had the hugest fart!!! :blush: Right after that all the kittens came out smoothly!!!)
Hope this helps! I do have a credible source as my grandfather was a vet for over 50 years!!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 6, 2013
If there is no way she was mated after the 3rd of February, she is way overdue. I personally calculate 65 days from the day a cat was mated (as a breeder, we know the exact date). If I would breed a cat on February 2nd, she would be due around April 8th.

So if you are absolutely sure she was mated before February 3nd, please go to the vet asap. After day 70, which does happen with smaller litters sometimes, kittens become too big to be born naturally. She will need help being induced, or even a c-section if something is wrong. There could be one stuck, or they are just simply stubborn or too big ;)
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2018
Thank you all for the replies, I called another vet for a 2nd opinion and they are both telling me to wait until day 74 then if nothing has happened then bring her in. Bella is now hanging out in our spare room sleeping alot, she seems to have dropped because now when I rub her belly I can feel them down low , very low. I've been feeling them up much higher until now. She has a few nest options available to her but prefers the guest bed lol Oh, and she's cleaning her self alot, and being more then her normal lovable self. As of right now there has been no noticable discharge and her vulva looks normal from what I can tell. But she's a private girl and isn't to fond of me checking her out. But I guess I'm going to give her until Monday and if nothing then vet here we come. Overall she seems to be in good spirits and content
Fingers crossed


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Once she’s dropped it should only be a day or two. From your description she is showing normal signs of going into labor soon. Be patient!
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 15, 2018
Update... Day 73
I talked to her vet and they said they will give her until Thursday to see if she can have them on her own but, they think that something went wrong with the pregnancy and she wouldn't be able to have them. Vet said if not then he wants to see her Thursday morning at 8am to give her a full term abortion, get all her shots and get her spayed. They don't think the babies are alive in her. I'm broken hearted, I know if everything was ok she'd have them on her own, but I keep asking myself, what if there's only 1 or 2 and they've grown to big for her pass through the birth canal?? Is that a possibility?? But neither vet wants to do a C-section they think the abortion is the best way. I'm torn between the two. I just want my girl to be healthy and happy.
I did speak to the local animal rescue and if her milk comes in then we're going to Foster some babies that are in need of a mom so Bella can still get to mother babies , and possibly give them a chance at life. I've read that some mom cats will long for there babies and serch for them is that right???
What do you all think about it, am I making the best choice.
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 15, 2018
Oh she still hasn't had any discharge and no sign of her lactating other then swollen glands, and we, still aren't feeling any movement. My girls just sleeping alot and eating as usual. She doesn't appear restless or anything


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I would request an X-ray or ultrasound before deciding what to do. That will show what is going on inside her belly. A responsible vet would do this first.

If she is not pregnant, she may have pyometra, which is a uterine infection that causes pus to fill the uterus. It causes cats to look pregnant. This can be deadly if her uterus bursts.

However, a C-section is safest, especially if mom is unable to birth the babies for whatever reason, or has pyometra.

A C-section removes the uterus and ovaries, but any babies (dead or alive) are removed first. Removing the uterus also takes care of pyometra.

At this point, it’s time for you to take her in for an X-ray or ultrasound. I would not wait until Thursday since you are not seeing or feeling kitten movement. Her health may be in jeopardy.

You’ll need to be clear with the vet about doing an X-ray first to see what’s inside. Then she’ll probably need a C-section to take care of whatever is needed.
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Feb 15, 2018
Than you, that's what I was thinking, because he acted as if I was crazy to want an x-ray or ultrasound, his main concern was getting her abortion and spayed, don't get me wrong because I do believe in spaying to cut down on over population, there's just too many in need of a home to add to it. However she was already pregnant when I got her.
I am definitely refusing to get anything done until it's confirmed by ultrasound or x-ray. I didn't feel comfortable just making a decision without knowing EXACTLY what the problem is. Thank you for the reassurance.


Wild and Wonderful Animal Rescue Director
Top Cat
Jul 9, 2016
Morgantown, WV
Are you still waiting until Thursday to get her to the vet? This is an interesting case... following