Over the counter Amoxicillin????????where can i obtain this?

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 23, 2012
Just a thought...  She is already neutered?  If not she will almost certainly be pregnant....
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  • #23

greeds avarice

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 24, 2012
Central, Amestris

This is a picture of Avarice when she finally came home...as you can see she had lost quite a bit of weight .......I'm taking her to the vet and calling my family to see if i can barrow money......I noticed that she is sensitive on the left side of her mouth...she looks like there is an infection in her mouth which explains the choking and reluctance to eat...Thank you all for your help, hopefully she makes it through the night, long enough for me to take her to the vet at 8:00am.(the closest emergency vet is 6 towns over....and if i thought my vet was expensive they will have me in debt until I'm 84 years old)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
I am so glad you are taking her to the vet. It is the right thing to do. Keep us posted on how she is doing. :vibes::vibes:

PS Regarding comments about a cat with a cold not needing antibiotics: While it's true that viral infections do not respond to antibiotics, they often go into secondary bacterial infections, especially if a cat is run down and in poor health, which your girl is after her disappearance. Then the cat would need antibiotics. It is always better to take a sick cat to the vet (as you are doing) and get a proper diagnosis than rely on advice from an on line pet forum, even from the knowledgeable people on this site. The people who posted on here are very knowledgeable but they are not vets, and they cannot diagnose or prescribe treatment for your cat. :)
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At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
It is always better to take a sick cat to the vet (as you are doing) and get a proper diagnosis than rely on advice from an on line pet forum, even from the knowledgeable people on this site. The people who posted on here are very knowledgeable but they are not vets, and they cannot diagnose or prescribe treatment for your cat. :)

:yeah: It's part of our forum rules even:

1. If you suspect that your cat may be ill, please contact your vet immediately. No online advice can replace direct veterinary intervention.You are welcome to look for advice in the health forum while waiting for that appointment, but never delay proper veterinary care waiting for Internet advice.
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  • #26

greeds avarice

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 24, 2012
Central, Amestris
the vet perscribed amoxicilin  and some decongestent she gave me a break and my uncle is splitting the bill with me....the vet said at this stage its best to wait and watch her carefully........yay two more all nighters. but it was worth it, i'll keep you guys posted
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  • #27

greeds avarice

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 24, 2012
Central, Amestris
the vet perscribed amoxicilin  and some decongestent she gave me a break and my uncle is splitting the bill with me....the vet said at this stage its best to wait and watch her carefully........yay two more all nighters. but it was worth it, i'll keep you guys posted
Great news I got her to drink water and eat about 3 ml of egg yolk after having her in the bathroom with me the steam helped to clear her nose a tiny bit before we ran out of hot water


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
I am so glad you are taking her to the vet. It is the right thing to do. Keep us posted on how she is doing. :vibes::vibes:
PS Regarding comments about a cat with a cold not needing antibiotics: While it's true that viral infections do not respond to antibiotics, they often go into secondary bacterial infections, especially if a cat is run down and in poor health, which your girl is after her disappearance. Then the cat would need antibiotics. It is always better to take a sick cat to the vet (as you are doing) and get a proper diagnosis than rely on advice from an on line pet forum, even from the knowledgeable people on this site. The people who posted on here are very knowledgeable but they are not vets, and they cannot diagnose or prescribe treatment for your cat. :)
Well, yeah.... But antibiotics without a vet..... :nono:
Not sure about how often colds go into bacterial infections, that's for a vet to decide. In all URIs my cats had, and the had some bad ones, they never had one turn bacterial. So.... But they never escaped the house. I am against the overuse of antibiotics, although of course they do have a place, with a VET guidance.

Great news I got her to drink water and eat about 3 ml of egg yolk after having her in the bathroom with me the steam helped to clear her nose a tiny bit before we ran out of hot water
To the op: while this is great news, it is nowhere near what she needs. She needs about 30 ml of food per feeding, 5 times a day. It blows my mind how vets don't reinforce the importance of feeding for a sick cat. Your kitty lost quite a but of weight while she was out, and that on itself is dangerous. Do not let this go on another day. The antibiotics will not help her appetite, so you need to make her eat. Get syringes and feed her. This is serious.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 3, 2011
In paradise, under a cat pile
I ordered mine from the fish department at Amazon.com.  Or you can get it at the fish department at a pet shop. A good one not one of the conclomerates

We use to work closely with a vet, years ago. He said all of it is the same thing. Doesn't matter if it is for cats or not.

I don't put so much in their water that they will taste it. Just a small sprinkle.

It worked on my animals. I don't use it everyday, just when they are sick.

There are other anitbotics you can use too. I have a list in my purse. For when I need it. I need to look up the right kind.

Look in the fine print on the back of the box. like Metronidazole That was the toughest one to find. Watch those expiration dates....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
the vet perscribed amoxicilin  and some decongestent she gave me a break and my uncle is splitting the bill with me....the vet said at this stage its best to wait and watch her carefully........yay two more all nighters. but it was worth it, i'll keep you guys posted
So glad you brought her in. Did the vet give her fluids?

Great news I got her to drink water and eat about 3 ml of egg yolk after having her in the bathroom with me the steam helped to clear her nose a tiny bit before we ran out of hot water
Good, good. By now hopefully you've managed to get even more into her. Instead of a full dish, offer small amounts every half hour or so. When a cat doesn't feel good, too much food can be very discouraging to them. Just a little in the dish, a tablespoon or so at a time. Maybe add some warm water to make it smellier and easier for her to lap up (and to get more fluids into her.)

Also hand feeding might go over, offering little bits to lick off your fingers.

Well, yeah.... But antibiotics without a vet..... :nono:
Not sure about how often colds go into bacterial infections, that's for a vet to decide. In all URIs my cats had, and the had some bad ones, they never had one turn bacterial. So.... But they never escaped the house. I am against the overuse of antibiotics, although of course they do have a place, with a VET guidance.
That was my whole point, and what I said, that the kitty needed a vet. :)


TCS Member
Oct 12, 2012
Let me start by saying I am glad kitty has been able to go to the vet and that you found someone to help you be able to do that! That is wonderful news and even more so that she seems to be improving everyday!

As far as the fish mox... I maybe wrong on that... but I have had fish for years now, years ago when money was hard to come by - My 'friend' tried this or something similar on himself. Since the meds come in a capsule which is big for it's dosage... (remember... this is meant for a itty bitty fish and you would idealy isolate the fish in a smaller tank to medicate and dilute it in alot of water) for a human you would need several capsules so my 'friend' ended up opening the capsules into a glas and mixing it with water... he says it was very salty. Now was it actually fish mox or a different amoxicillan for fish? The name I am not 100% sure of.

Oh and I ended up marrying said 'friend' - I know... I know... 
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  • #32

greeds avarice

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 24, 2012
Central, Amestris
Well shes coming back........very very slowly, still in the red, but she hates being fed via syringe(the only way to get food in her ATM) so every time i finish feeding her she gives me a dirty look and flicks her tail in an angry fashion......so yea she is inching her way back up.....though I wish I could give her something for her chest congestion, but the vet didn't give me any, way too expensive to go back....its getting better and i take her inn the shower to try the steam this it helps, but I cant run my shower all day.
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  • #33

greeds avarice

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 24, 2012
Central, Amestris
Let me start by saying I am glad kitty has been able to go to the vet and that you found someone to help you be able to do that! That is wonderful news and even more so that she seems to be improving everyday!

As far as the fish mox... I maybe wrong on that... but I have had fish for years now, years ago when money was hard to come by - My 'friend' tried this or something similar on himself. Since the meds come in a capsule which is big for it's dosage... (remember... this is meant for a itty bitty fish and you would idealy isolate the fish in a smaller tank to medicate and dilute it in alot of water) for a human you would need several capsules so my 'friend' ended up opening the capsules into a glas and mixing it with water... he says it was very salty. Now was it actually fish mox or a different amoxicillan for fish? The name I am not 100% sure of.

Oh and I ended up marrying said 'friend' - I know... I know... 
-cough cough- i may try that for myself....getting antibiotics from the dr is so time consuming for me, for my cat i'll do anything but im lazy when it comes to taking care of myself.....my fiance yells at me constantly for that haha.
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  • #34

greeds avarice

TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 24, 2012
Central, Amestris
I'm am sad to say that Avarice did show some improvement, but sadly passed away last night at around 3am...Thanks for all the help and advice


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
Oh no! I'm so sorry, so terribly sorry for your loss of your beloved girl Avarice! Did her liver fail? I'm so sorry.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
I'm am sad to say that Avarice did show some improvement, but sadly passed away last night at around 3am...Thanks for all the help and advice

I am so sorry for your loss. I am going to lock this thread. When you feel like it, feel free to post a tribute to your kitty in our Crossing the Bridge Forum.
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