Over 1week Old Orphaned Kitten Won’t Gain Weight

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  • #61


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 12, 2020
Peaches looks like a male to me. It’s okay to feed him every 6 hours now. Does he have his baby teeth yet? If so, you can try feeding gruel, but he still needs milk too. :)
Omg! I was sure it was female🥺😂 thank you.

I don’t think it has teeth yet. I’ll check the next time I’m feeding him. You’re so kind. ❤
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  • #62


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 12, 2020
Hi everyone, I’m tired and heartbroken and pained and everything in between.

I came home from work with Peaches at 10pm. The last time he fed was at 3:30pm. He had been quieter than usual at work and I checked on him every ten minutes or so, since she’s just right next to me.

At 11pm, I tried to feed him but he refused and would only take a little. Still quiet, I gave him a little water. At about 1am, I noticed he had vomited on his pillow, so I changed it and called the doctor. She asked me to keep an eye and to bring him in at 6am for checks.

I kept an eye until he started vomiting again. The doctor said to hold on until 6am. I kept watching him struggle to find a spot to sleep in. He was just uncomfortable going up and down my bed. I thought he had slept, but around 4:50am, he started crying really weakly. I called the doctor and told her I was coming in because I was afraid. I couldn’t go in earlier because there’s a curfew and I’d be harassed on my way.

I put Peaches in his carrier and in the car and started driving to the hospital, only to find that he wasn’t breathing anymore. I got here, the doctors took him and said he was dead. They said he was probably always been ill but I didn’t notice.

I notice everything about this kitten, everything. I know that he wasn’t as energetic as he normally was yesterday, but I didn’t think he’d just die!

Maybe if i didn’t try to feed him at past 11, or give him water, he would have been alright?
I’m at the hospital now, completely numb and sad, and the doctors are saying kittens usually don’t survive when they leave their mothers as early as Peaches did, but Peaches was doing fine. We were doing fine. I tried everything. I paid close attention. I monitored his feeding, took him to work with me...

Maybe if I didn’t take him to work, he would have been fine? Maybe he was stressed out being in the car and then in my office and then back in the car... I wish I knew what else to do.

I loved Peaches very much. He was stubborn and energetic and smart. I got him a deeper box because he had learned how to get out of the first one. But he found a way to climb out of the deeper box and when I got rid of that way, he found another way.

He was demanding in a way that was funny to observe. Like he’d wake up hungry sometimes and scratch his carrier or box, knowing I’d get him.

I’m heartbroken. It’s Thursday today. I found Peaches on Thursday 3weeks ago. He came into my life and changed me completely. I have read more about kittens in 3weeks than I have read anything else my entire life.

I’m in my car and Peaches’ carrier is right next to me and I feel lost.

Thank you guys for all the help you offered. Thank you for your patience. I don’t know where kittens go, but I hope my Peaches is in a happy place, finding new ways to climb out of deep boxes.



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  • #63


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 12, 2020
I have no idea what to do. I have to be at work but I’m numb. I cannot get out of my car to go into my apartment where there’s his milk and feeding bottle and puppy pads and blankets and everything. I cannot stop thinking that I may have overfed him. Or that I stressed him out with all that movement. I feel so guilty and devastated and tired and upset. And a part of me feels very selfish for taking him three weeks ago.
i feel like I should have listened when the vet asked me not to get attached.

My colleagues joke about Peaches and me, saying Peaches just breathes and I go running to check on him.

I don’t know what to do. I didn’t think I’d be this heartbroken but I am. I’m so heartbroken, my god. I’m so heartbroken.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Oh, I am so sorry. Don't beat yourself up over this. You took great care of Peaches and did everything you could for this kitten. You went beyond what most would do. Sometimes bad things happen but I can guarantee that Peaches knew love for the last 3 weeks and that somebody cared.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 18, 2020
I am so so sorry to hear this news, I'm absolutely heartbroken for you but listen you could literally have done no more for little Peaches, in his short life you gave him so much love and care like no other, he'd have felt that I'm sure!
You gave him warmth, shelter and food, you made him feel comfortable and safe, try to take comfort in that, honestly nobody could of done more for Peaches than you had.
He may have had an underlying condition, it maybe the reason mama cat abandoned him, we will never know but I'm sure he is over the rainbow bridge right now, no doubt being mischievous! He sounded a right little character.
Give yourself time to grieve, be easy on yourself, you spent a hell of alot of time with that kitten, invested so much love and care and now Peaches is no longer here it feels raw. Your bound to feel awfully sad!! Sending massive ((((((((hugs))))))) your way.
R.i.p Little Peaches.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I am so very sorry! You absolutely did nothing wrong. I think Peaches had a genetic disorder and this could not be helped. It is called fading kitten syndrome when they pass suddenly like this. You gave Peaches the very best care and he had a loving hand and heart on him for all the time he was with you. RIP sweet Peaches. :angel::rbheart: Take the time you need to grieve. We get very attached and that is what makes love possible, even in pain.

British Girls

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 2, 2018
I'm so so so sorry for the loss of Peaches. From what I have seen from you, you have taken amazing and diligent care of Peaches and have done nothing wrong. As Sarthur2 Sarthur2 said, he probably had Fading Kitten Syndrome, and with FKS, even the mother cannot save the kitten. Again, I am so, so sorry. I'm sure this is devastating for you. :alright: RIP Peaches :frown:
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
U Uzo I'm so sorry to hear Peaches didn't make it. Sometimes we try everything we can think of and they still pass away. It can't be helped. Even with all the love in the world some of them are only here for a short time.

He knew he was loved and cherished, that's the main thing.


We always lock the threads when anyone loses a cat or kitten as a sign of respect. When you feel ready it might help to make a thread in Peaches' memory in our Crossing the Bridge forum.

Rest in Peace little one, you will be missed.

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