Outdoor Cat Not Picking Up Back End


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 30, 2018
Hi! I'm new here but I've been lurking and reading for a few weeks.

My 18 month old cat Tallulah is currently an outside cat. We adopted her at 8 weeks and she was vetted at that point, and though not super affectionate, was a pleasant indoor cat for about a year. We tried to take her to get spayed and vaccinated but she flipped out and attacked my husband and we couldn't get her in the carrier either time we tried.

This summer, she got outside and disappeared for several weeks--we thought she was gone for good, but she showed back up one day and gradually warmed back up to us and stayed around, eating and cuddling. I was able to get a Seresto collar on her.

Recently, I've thought she may be pregnant (and of course it is likely at her age, being outdoors and unspayed). She's gotten a good bit fatter but I haven't noticed movement or hair gone from around her nipples or any other definitive signs, but I did switch her to kitten food to be safe. I've tried getting her to come inside here and there to get her used to it so that if/when she gives birth, I could keep her in with the kittens without her freaking out, but she does not like it and stays near the door and leaves as soon as possible.

Today we had a mouse inside, so my daughter brought her in, where she laid on her belly by the door and wouldn't move. I thought she was just scared, so finally we opened the door and she crawled out, not lifting her back end, and then stayed right outside the door. I thought it was odd so I picked her up and looked her over, and she looked fine, but when I put her back down she continued to stay on her belly and only moved a few feed, not lifting her back end. Her food had just been put out but she didn't touch it and after several minutes I called our vet to see if I could bring her in.

When I attempted to put her in the carrier, she freaked out and bit me hard and I had to let her go, and she promptly crawled/ran away to the woods. I THINK she's moving her back feet, just not using her whole legs, but I couldn't really tell. I haven't seen her since :(

There was another stray cat in our yard this morning before that...so I think she could be injured, could be in labor, could have had him(?) attempt to mate with her and hurt her...? I didn't see scratches or blood or anything but otherwise I have no idea.

Is this something pregnant kitties do sometimes, maybe because the pain scares them? Or is it more likely paralysis? I honestly don't know how to get her to the vet and I'm afraid that she's going to die in the woods now!


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
You need to get her to the vet right now. She could have been hit by a car or attacked by another animal and have internal injuries. If you've allowed an un-spayed cat to remain outside she will be pregnant and could have been exposed to FIV, FeLV or be suffering from pyometra.

If she can't walk she can't run away from you. Put on a thick sweatshirt and gloves. Have a carrier ready and ask your husband to hold the carrier and shut the door once she is inside. Get a large blanket and place that over the cat before you pick her up. Hold her down securely then pick her up inside the blanket and put her in the carrier.

She might scratch you a little through the blanket but if her head is covered she won't be able to bite.

You can treat any bites or scratches you get later, but if you leave your cat outside in this condition she probably will die so please don't worry about a few scratches now.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 30, 2018
My husband is currently deployed and I'm on my own with four small kids. I really did try to take her to the vet immediately but I really don't know that I can do anything else for her tonight--tomorrow if she comes out of the woods I'll definitely try with a blanket.

She CAN walk/run, which she did as soon as I let go of her when I first tried. I went looking for her in the woods but she went to where I couldn't get to her and now I don't know if she is still there or not--I went out again later and listened and called for her but didn't hear anything.

She wasn't meowing or acting like she was in distress this morning, either when I picked her up or when she was on the ground.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 30, 2018
Are her back legs warm?
I don't know. Now that I've had a chance to research I know to check that, but I didn't know to check earlier when I could get to her.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 25, 2018
I don't know. Now that I've had a chance to research I know to check that, but I didn't know to check earlier when I could get to her.
Dang. Next time you get to her, please try to take her to the vet, I know you are doing your best and I know you are struggling. It's a good sign that she can walk and run, but she isn't out of the woods yet. Please keep us updated. A blood clot could have formed in the blood vessels that supply the back leg. That's why I asked if her legs were warm, if her pads are cold then she might have Aortoiliac Thrombosis. If there was a clot then you would notice that the back feet are very cold because they are not getting any blood circulation, although I'm sure you know this now that you looked it up.

Again, please keep us updated as we are worried about the furbaby.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
My husband is currently deployed and I'm on my own with four small kids..
Oh, that's a shame. Is there anyone else who could help you? A neighbour or friend, maybe?

I'm worried about her out in the woods if she's having trouble walking. She's so vulnerable to predators.

Maybe you'd do better with a humane trap? I take care of a lot of semi feral cats and I had to trap most of them to get them to the vet when they were spayed/neutered? Your vet might have one you could borrow. If not ask your local shelter or TNR group if they can rent you one.

If things don't work with the blanket let us know and we'll give you some trapping tips.

When you've caught her and had her treated make sure you keep her indoors. You need to get her spayed or she'll just keep having kittens twice a year and will develop all sorts of health problems.

The Five Golden Rules To Bringing An Outdoor Cat Inside

Why You Should Spay And Neuter Your Cats

"kittens To Good Homes" - How To Find A Good Forever Home For Your Kittens


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
All great advice above. I'd only add to also take off the Seresto Collar. Side effects of that can include mobility issues and lethargic behavior.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
This may sound stupid to you, but it will help. It will let your muscles practice the moves they need to make if you try to catch her with a bath sheet or blanket.

Bath sheet would appear easiest. A blanket can be used folded over. Again, wear a thick sweat shirt and gloves.

Get one of your children's stuffed animals put it in different places around your house -- in the open, close to the sofa -- practice throwing the blanket over the stuffed animal and scooping it up. It will be different when you catch her, but at least you'll have some physical sense of the 'feel' of catching her. Remember she's heavier than the doll.

Above all remember you know this cat and you love her. She obviously remembers that despite what sent her to the wild.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 30, 2018
Thank you for all the advice guys. Unfortunately I think she is gone. Last night I went out and called for her, walked around, listened to see if I could hear any movement in the woods, and there was nothing. This morning I tried again, and this afternoon I went as deep into the woods where I last saw her as I could, and I didn't see any sign of her. The one encouragement from not finding her is that she must have been able to move more after I last saw her and hopefully she's somewhere safe, but I'm really thinking she may not have made it through the night.

I hope I'm wrong--I'll update if she makes it home somehow.