Our vet is wonderful!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
DH's friend has a number of cats and kittens (nine to be exact) that have wandered up to or been dumped at his house. The friend feeds them, but that's about it (not flaming him or anything...he really can't afford to do more). Rescue groups in our area have their hands full, and it's almost impossible to get them to take one cat, let alone nine.

DH talked to our vet about the possibility of a discount to get these animals their routine shots and have them altered. The vet agreed to do it for $50.00 per cat. I don't know who is paying (DH or his friend) but I am happy it's being done. It will at least stop the breeding and keep down the chances of disease. DH agreed to provide the cat carrier and transport the cats back and forth to the vet. He takes whatever cat his friend can catch. So far, he's taken one female. Monday he will take another (hopefully a female...we'd rather get them done first). But DH will be having surgery soon and then physical therapy. It will probably be several weeks before he can continue his mission.

Anyway, I think it's wonderful that our vet offered a discount rate. He can't be making much money from helping these cats. This is the same vet who did not charge for anything except lab costs when Marshmallow was under his care. Sadly, Marshmallow crossed the bridge, but I took comfort knowing we had a vet that tried so hard and was so concerned. I am also very proud of DH.
I am glad I married a guy with a soft heart for animals.